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Does it ever get easier

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Life is good...

Member since 9/05

18504 total posts


Does it ever get easier

We are at the beginning stages. But behaviors that we thought were normal, we are now being told are not normal.

Does it ever get easier hearing people tell you all of the things that are WRONG with your child? Chat Icon

Posted 11/8/08 4:35 PM


Member since 2/07

15928 total posts


Re: Does it ever get easier


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Almost 15 years later and even when they make sure to tell me what a delightful child she is doesnt make it any easier..

Posted 11/8/08 4:49 PM

Brady's mom too!

Member since 5/05

1989 total posts


Re: Does it ever get easier

Life in general *does* get easier .... hearing the negatives about your child is always so very hard.

The most helpful advice I can give you is this:

Only compare your child to himself. Don't compare him to peers, siblings, or pecentiles. Compare him to where he was last week, last month, last year; see how far he's come .... and always look forward. He has so much more to accomplish in his own time.

And talk to other moms ... we'll help you celebrate all th emilestones and acomplishments and put all the challenges into perspective.

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Posted 11/8/08 5:05 PM


Member since 12/06

16001 total posts


Re: Does it ever get easier

Well put Lea

Chat Icon Chat Icon Stephanie

Posted 11/8/08 7:19 PM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

18504 total posts


Re: Does it ever get easier

Thank you very much ladies Chat Icon Chat Icon

Lea, that was great advice, thank you Chat Icon

Posted 11/8/08 8:57 PM

My Girl

Member since 7/06

3395 total posts


Re: Does it ever get easier

First of all,Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon .

To your question, yes and no...

In a way, it helped me to get a diagnosis so that I could start to make things better for Ava, and our entire family...It also helped me stop blaming myself (for a while)..I could sort of stop thinking "what am I doing wrong?"

And in a way NO, because then it was concrete...My baby wasn't perfect, there really was something wrong.. Then I felt very protective, like I didn't want other people to know, or treat her differently.

Posted 11/10/08 11:10 AM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: Does it ever get easier

Life gets easier. Jordana is 2 1/2 and is so much different than she was even 6 months ago. The tantrums are so less and so manageble. I am able to talk to her and get her to do what I need (get in the stroller, get dressed, get in the bath, etc...) I am optomistic that DD will "catch up" soon.

Posted 11/11/08 6:44 AM

I'm a Big Brother

Member since 5/06

8041 total posts


Re: Does it ever get easier

Great advice Lea!!!! does get easier because there isn't anything wrong with your baby. He is who he is and you accept that. You WILL see him improve and realize that your heart just gets bigger and biggerChat Icon

Posted 11/12/08 1:14 PM

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