Does your family support you?
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Foxy Lady

Member since 6/05 1610 total posts
Name: Jaimie
Re: Does your family support you?
My mom doesnt know what we are going through, I dont want to dump this on her and make her worry when all of her time is spent taking care of my niece and nephew for my sister who commutes from Babylon to Jersey City and her ex-husband doesnt help at all.
I did tell my sister and her response was "Sorry, but I cant relate, each time I wanted to get preg it happened the first time I tried."
And, my inlaws I wont go into, to say they dont care about anyone but themselves is an understatement.
We do have dear friends who went thru this and actually they just had a baby boy this morning and (Yeah!! ) and they are very supportive.
Posted 8/2/06 11:26 AM |
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Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05 17076 total posts
Name: Kara®
Re: Does your family support you?
Those who know, yes they support us. My niece was a product of sperm donation so there is SOME understanding. (BIL had a vasectomy and couldn't reverse it).
They think it is insane that we will spend all this $$$....but they support us, although my ultra-conservative right-winged religious zealot brother married to a fundamentalist minister's daughter doesn't know - I don't think they would "approve."
My sister is a nurse and so is my SIL, so they are very knowledgable. DH's brother and wife adopted 2 children. My cousin went through no it is not "new", although we are both the youngest of 6 so we can't blame our moms!!
Also he has 12 nieces and nephews and I have 8, everyone else finished long ago, so noone really cares what we do at this point.
Posted 8/2/06 2:34 PM |
1 year already!!

Member since 5/05 3360 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: Does your family support you?
I'm sorry that we are all dealing with this...
My side is great - DH's not so much, my SIL can be clueless and invites me to such things as "come to the mall with me so I can get "nephew's" pics with Santa/Easter Bunny, etc" My ILs aren't much better, when my IVF cycle was a BFN, they never called me to say sorry or anything. Now as I plan to move on to another cycle I am staying really closed up about it, also since this will be DE I'm not even telling them. They are ignorant to bring up that the child isn't biologically mine.
Posted 8/2/06 2:49 PM |
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