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Does your One Month Old have a Nap Schedule?

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party of five

Member since 9/06

11343 total posts


Does your One Month Old have a Nap Schedule?

I usually try to keep mine up all day, but he sometimes drifts to sleep. It doesnt happen at the same time each day--therefore, no nap schedule.

Posted 6/6/07 3:15 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Does your One Month Old have a Nap Schedule?

1 month is too young for a nap schedule. Alex really didn't have a schedule until much later. Around 7 months or so he would usually nap after 2.5 hours of awake time but definitely didn't have a regular nap time until we were down to 2 naps a day. One mid-morning and then one mid afternoon. Now at 2 he goes for a nap around 1pm and if I am lucky like today he is still sleeping Chat Icon

Message edited 6/6/2007 3:18:22 PM.

Posted 6/6/07 3:17 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Does your One Month Old have a Nap Schedule?

DD fell into her own routine of waking every 2 1/2 hrs to eat, up for a bit, then back to sleep.

Posted 6/6/07 3:25 PM


Member since 12/06

16001 total posts


Re: Does your One Month Old have a Nap Schedule?

At one month old, they should still be sleeping 18-20 hours a day. That's really too young to get on any type of schedule.

Posted 6/6/07 3:26 PM

My girls!!

Member since 8/06

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Re: Does your One Month Old have a Nap Schedule?

we dont' have one she does not like to sleep during the day like she is missing out on something!!

Posted 6/6/07 3:42 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Does your One Month Old have a Nap Schedule?

I'd like to add, that a "schedule" does not have to be by the clock.....

I did not notice DD routine until I started writing down what time we did what and noticed that the time intervals were consistent.

She was in this 2 hour awake time the time 2 hrs rolled around, she was ready to go to sleep which made her a VERY happy baby.

Posted 6/6/07 3:45 PM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

12165 total posts


Re: Does your One Month Old have a Nap Schedule?

Not really. She sleeps much of the day, but I do wake her up at least every 2.5 hours to nurse. I do notice that she's mostly awake from about 5pm on until she goes to bed, which is around 10:30pm.

IMO, you should not try to keep him up. Babies need their sleep and believe it or not, being well-rested during the day--sleeping--helps them to sleep better at night!

Posted 6/6/07 3:47 PM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: Does your One Month Old have a Nap Schedule?

Christopher doesn't really have a schedule per se, but he is usually up for an hour, hour and a half and then sleeps til he wakes up hungry. Usually that means he sleeps a good chunk of the morning and afternoon. The only time I try to keep him up is the evening.

Posted 6/6/07 3:52 PM


Member since 5/05

11726 total posts


Re: Does your One Month Old have a Nap Schedule?

Jayden is not on a specific schedule, but more of a cycle. We pretty much follow the EASY (eat, activity, sleep, you) Method from Secrets of a Baby Whisperer. I know after I feed him, he will stay awake for 1- 1.5 hours and then go back to sleep for 1.5 - 2 hrs. He eats every 4 hours so that leaves 30 min - 1hr for a feeding. There are times that he sleeps longer and past a feeding and I just go with the flow.

Trying to keep the baby up will not make him sleep longer at night. It will just probably make him cranky bc he's not getting enough sleep.

Posted 6/6/07 4:25 PM

Mommy of 2

Member since 5/05

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Re: Does your One Month Old have a Nap Schedule?

At 1 month she didn't. She pretty much slept when she was tired and ate when she was hungry. She would wake in the morning then go back to sleep for at least 3 hours then eat again etc. We started using the EASY method at about 2 months. But before that I did start to notice a pattern of 2 hours of waking then needing a nap.

Posted 6/6/07 4:28 PM

party of five

Member since 9/06

11343 total posts


Re: Does your One Month Old have a Nap Schedule?

where do you find out about this EASY method?

Posted 6/6/07 6:28 PM

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