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Feeding schedule for 6 month old

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Member since 5/05

11726 total posts


Feeding schedule for 6 month old

I'm just curious how much and what your kids were eating at 6 months. The Dr. didn't give much guidance on how much solids to feed him and the next appt is not for a couple of weeks.

Here's Nate's current schedule:

6am - 6oz bottle
11am - 1 (2.5oz) jar of fruit, 2 Tbsp of cereal, 3-4oz of formula
3pm - 6oz bottle
7pm - 1 (2.5oz) jar of veggie, 2 Tbsp of cereal, 3-4oz of formula

Posted 12/6/05 4:01 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 5/05

23599 total posts


Re: Feeding schedule for 6 month old

Jared wakes up at 10:30 so...

10:30~7 oz bottle

12:30~4 tablespoons of cereal and a whole jar of fruit OR I give him a whole jar of veggies and 1/3 or 1/2 jar of meat...I started this month ( the doctor said so )

3:00ish~another 7 oz bottle

6:30~One jar of veggies and one jar of fruit.

8:30~One last bottle~4oz

Edited to say that I also add on ounce of formula to the cereal...

Message edited 12/6/2005 4:09:39 PM.

Posted 12/6/05 4:08 PM

Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

4381 total posts


Re: Feeding schedule for 6 month old

At 6 months my son moved to three meals a day and drank 4 bottles. It is when we introduced meat mixtures.

I did cereal and fruit for breakfast, meat mixture and something else for lunch (something esle being 1/2 - 1 jar of fruit or veggie and/or small bottle) and cereal and veggie for dinner. He drank about 4 bottles totalling 18-24 oz/day. He was also on all stage 2 jar food for the most part.

Posted 12/6/05 4:10 PM


Member since 5/05

2536 total posts


Re: Feeding schedule for 6 month old

7am 6oz bottle
9am cereal w/ formulaand jar of fruit
Noon 6oz bottle
4pm 6oz bottle
6pm cereal w/formula and a jar of veggie

He also gets a sippy cup of water after everymeal and the occasional 4am 6oz bottle (its either another spurt or for comfort since his week long visit to Grandma's for Thanksgiving he still hasen't recovered..poor kid!)

Still no teeth for usChat Icon

Posted 12/6/05 8:55 PM

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