My dog literally watches TV. He's a pug who had brain surgery to save his life when he was 10 months old. He def. is a "special needs" kind of dog. He's trained perfectly well but he is just so bothered by the TV. Any loud noises, the scary background music, the show LOST makes him nuts, kids screaming or running, or even better the million commercials with animals in it. He jumps and barks at the TV non stop!!

I tried to squirt bottle and I dvr'd Oprah last year when she had her trainer on, and I did exactly what she did, but he out smarted us and would bark just so he could get the food, he could care less he was getting sprayed.

A bark color that releases a shock or spray is out of the question.

Any other advice or should I just get a trainer??

I have to get him to stop were looking to move into a condo and I cannot and will not move in with a barking dog.