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Dog training help before baby comes

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My love.

Member since 5/05

6247 total posts


Dog training help before baby comes

I have a small problem with my dog (Willie)I am hoping you ladies can help me with. We allow our dog on the couch in our family room. It's wonderful for him, and us. We get to cuddle with him and show him attention and he is very well behaved while up there with us.

We *DON'T* let him on our bed! Mostly because of the baby coming - I don't want him to jump up there. Lately - in the past week or so Willie has jumped on the bed every night before we go to sleep. He thinks its a game - he gets very aggressive but is wagging his tail and having fun playing. We use a can with pennies in it - shake it and say - DOWN or NO or used to work but now when the can comes out he gets even crazier. So now not only is he jumping on the bed, but is acting aggresively. It worries me so that much that one day I will have the baby in my arms and he will jump up there and hurt her.

So my question is two fold...1. can you train a dog to know its ok to be on the couch and not the bed? and 2. How do I keep him off our bed???

He is SUCH a good dog, and I know he just wants to be with us, he doesn't mean any harm...but I know I need to be the leader and It's just not happening....any suggestions?

Posted 8/31/05 9:31 AM
Long Island Weddings
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is not the girl you knew

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Re: Dog training help before baby comes

post this on pets for informative responses

Posted 8/31/05 10:11 AM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: Dog training help before baby comes

Jenn, Can you try calling a pet store or research online? I dont really have anything to offer helpwise, I'm sorry! But Im so glad you kept Willie!!

Posted 8/31/05 10:24 AM

Mommy of 3!

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Mommy to two boys and a girl

Re: Dog training help before baby comes

Our dog Casey is the sweetest most loving dog and I spoil her terribly- she is up on the couch and on the bed all the time. We'll be TTC soon and we'll have to do the same thing- no more bed!

I think the only thing that works is to yell no very loud with a very stern face- I know, it's hard- I have to do that when CAsey goes in the garbage- but I don't do it stern enough and she only takes DH seriously- mens' voices are deeper and I think dogs (at least Casey) is a little more submissive to them. If it's too hard, after you yell no and look mean, walk downstairs and cuddle her on the couch- that way, she will learn the difference and you won't feel too bad! HTH!

Posted 8/31/05 10:25 AM


Member since 5/05

12810 total posts


Re: Dog training help before baby comes

Whenever he jumps up on the bed, push him off and sternly say NO and then walk away. Dont give him any extra attention about it. The pennies sound would make me go a little crazy too. Keep the instruction to not jump on the bed firm. And make mean faces and keep your voice stern, dogs can read your feelings and expressions.

Posted 8/31/05 11:16 AM


Member since 5/05

11726 total posts


Re: Dog training help before baby comes

Our dog is not allowed on the living room furniture or any beds. We have futon on an enclosed porch that he's allowed on.

Lately, he's been craving a lot more attention since the baby's been home. He also started acting out. One night I found him curled up on the bed in the guest room. When I told him NO and Down, he just picked up his head and just looked at us. I grabbed him by the collar and put him on time out for 30 - 60 min. We put him in the same location everytime, so he knows he's in trouble. For three days he kept getting on the bed and everytime we put him in his spot. Now he doesn't even get near the bed. Consistency is the key and showing them that you are the dominant one.

Posted 8/31/05 11:36 AM

just the girls

Member since 5/05

9461 total posts


Re: Dog training help before baby comes

Yes, our dogs go on the couch but DO NOT go on the bed. Yes they would jump up there but not anymore unless given a command to come up( DH sneaks them up thereChat Icon ) I trained them by buying them a cheap bed and putting it next to our bed. It was hard at first b/c naturally they want to be with you. and yes be stern , very stern in your voice and say no- bad boy! Loud noises like the penny can will only make things worse- dogs have sensitive ears and when its too loud they will bark or get aggressive, thats normal behavior for them. That would work for a cat but not a dog, to scare them off. also get yourself a spray bottle fill it with water and spray him when he jumps us there too and say no bad boy- believe me he will get the hint real fast- and its just a mist so you wont get your bed wet, you have to get close to him, spray and say no bad boy get down or off which ever word you choose. this is an easy trick for them to learn quick! good luck and be consistent as the above poster said meaning you and DH have to be on the exact same track if you want results. put a treat on the doggies bed too so that they remember treat- bed- when hes used to it, instead of the treats praise him with lots of love!

Posted 8/31/05 11:57 AM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

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Re: Dog training help before baby comes

I hate to say it but by letting the dos on the couch with you you are making him even with you. Dogs crave a pack leader not an equal. When you put yourself on the same visual level with the dog he sees himself as your equal which is confusing for them and causes them to act out. Also I doubt you will want him on your couch with your new baby around and that will cause jealousy for him. My suggestion is stop letting him on any furniture. The deep voice thing definitely works, also grab a chunk of skin and fur behind the dogs neck as you say no down. This does NOT hurt them and is a natural behavior corrector for them. We have two 100 pund dogs that (usually ;>)listen and this is what we did with them

Posted 8/31/05 12:22 PM

My love.

Member since 5/05

6247 total posts


Re: Dog training help before baby comes

Thanks everyone for the suggestions - I am going to use them and I'll let you know how they work.

Posted 8/31/05 5:21 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Dog training help before baby comes

OMG...I have NO clue what we're gonna do...both our dogs go on the couch and SLEEP IN THE BED with us!!! Bailey has been doing it for a year now, and Boomer has been doing it since we got him (he's got major separation anxiety).

The baby will not sleep in the bed with us, and I'm hoping they won't be in my face when I'm trying to feed her in the middle of the night.

Posted 8/31/05 7:33 PM

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