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Don't know when to stop working

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My Boys!!!!

Member since 6/06

14437 total posts


Don't know when to stop working

I really just need to vent, but would like to hear everyone's opinions as well. I am 33 1/2 wks. and I am EXHAUSTED to say the least. I have had a pretty rough pregnancy and a few weeks ago wound up in the hospital b/c I was having contractions for several hours. I am not sleeping at night, I am still having alot of cramping daily, I am also dealing with a lot of swelling in my legs, hands and feet. I work 9-10 hr. days and my boss in no way takes into consideration that I am pregnant. I also suffer from bad anxiety, however, I have been able to control it while pregnant but the other night I woke up having such a bad panic attack my nose started bleeding. My anxiety doubles when I am run down and that is how I feel. I went to my dr. today for my check-up and he told me he would write me a dr's note to stop working whenever I felt like I needed one, but I just feel like I am being a baby and it is still too early. As tired as I am, I dont want to leave work too early and wind up sitting home for over a month doing nothing. At the same time, it may be rest and relaxation that I need especially b/c of my anxiety. The last thing I want is to start having horrible panic attacks again a few weeks before I give birth b/c I am not taking my medication anymore b/c I hope to breast feed.

I complain to DH everynight and he has been so wonderful and so helpful and has told me to stop working whenever I want. I just feel like I am being a baby being I have read on here so many other women work up to 38 wks. if not until they give birth. I just don't know what to do. I just don't want to "throw in the towel" too early.

Thanks for listening, vent over! Chat Icon

Posted 2/13/07 2:33 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Zygote

Member since 1/07

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Re: Don't know when to stop working

First, Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

You need to listen to your body - if you need to stop working now, then stop. You don't need to prove anything to yourself or anyone else. Follow your instinct and I know you'll come to the best decision for you and your baby. All the bestChat Icon

Posted 2/13/07 2:36 PM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: Don't know when to stop working

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I am like you, a worker, and I felt that slowing down i was giving up.

At 26 weeks I had preterm contractions due to stress-physical and emotional at work, and working wayyy too much.

By no means did i "need" to go on bedrest, but i broke down and starting crying hysterically at the dr's office about how tired i was, i am afraid of the baby coming so soon, my stress level at work was horrendous.

Dr took me out part time, meaning I only worked 5-half days and it was GREAT!
Sometimes it hard to slow down, but you are pg, and you need to look out for yourself and the baby first.

Take some time for yourself and don't feel guilty about it, your body is tired, you are tired and it's okay

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Posted 2/13/07 2:38 PM


Member since 8/06

1730 total posts


Re: Don't know when to stop working

Try taking a few days off to catch up on your sleep & regroup. If you still feel the same when you go back to work, then you know it's time to stop

Posted 2/13/07 2:41 PM

Living the DREAM!!!

Member since 7/06

2646 total posts


Re: Don't know when to stop working

Posted by sweetie

Try taking a few days off to catch up on your sleep & regroup. If you still feel the same when you go back to work, then you know it's time to stop

Agreed. Feel better! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/13/07 2:50 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/07

311 total posts


Re: Don't know when to stop working

I was going to suggest the same thing. Take a week off of work and see how you feel afterwards.

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Posted 2/13/07 2:52 PM


Member since 5/05

28602 total posts


Re: Don't know when to stop working

Posted by Secretmama3

I was going to suggest the same thing. Take a week off of work and see how you feel afterwards.

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I agree. Your body knows what it needs. If all you need is a short rest, then great, if you need more it is great that your Dr will support that.

Feel better!Chat Icon

Posted 2/13/07 3:01 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Don't know when to stop working

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You wont be bored too much at home. I have been oput of work and have gotten a lot done actually...Ok, I have been bored..LOL...BUT if you need rest, you need rest.

Wish I had better answers for you, but good luck deciding!

Posted 2/13/07 3:31 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 3/06

234 total posts


Re: Don't know when to stop working

Don't push yourself, I would imagine you'll be getting more tired the further you are along, so stop working now if the doctor is willing to write you a note.

Posted 2/13/07 3:34 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/06

605 total posts


Re: Don't know when to stop working

If you feel like you can't do it anymore it is time for you to throw in the towel. You and your little comes firstChat Icon

Posted 2/13/07 3:50 PM

My Beautiful Babies

Member since 5/05

2073 total posts


Re: Don't know when to stop working

Chrissy, I know how you feel. I am almost 32 weeks pregnant and my last day is March 23rd. I will be 37 weeks. I don't think I am going to make it though. I also am not sleeping, have horrible back, hip and leg pain and bleeding due to my low lying placenta. I've decided to take it one day at a time. If I wake up one morning and decide enough is enough that will be my last day. I also feel like there are other women who can work up until thay give brith why can't I? But, every pregnancy is different.

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Posted 2/13/07 6:36 PM

The Perfect Pair

Member since 5/06

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Best Wife & Mommy

Re: Don't know when to stop working

Posted by mcaula

If you feel like you can't do it anymore it is time for you to throw in the towel. You and your little comes firstChat Icon

I so agree!!! You have to put you and the baby first because your company will not put you first in anything. Take care of yourself and try not work yourself to being sick.Chat Icon

Posted 2/13/07 6:39 PM

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