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"Dream" feeding?

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Member since 5/05

12578 total posts


"Dream" feeding?

I heard a few of you reference this yesterday. What exactly does it mean? How and when do you do it?

DD is 7 weeks and goes to bed at 11 - 11:30, wakes up at 5:30 to eat, and then goes back to bed until 9am.

From what I read yesterday I'm putting her to bed much to late. DH doesn't get home until 8pm so I was thinking a 9pm bedtime? is that too late?

Anyway I have a month left of my maternity leave and we'll need to leave the house about 7:45am - so how do I go about all this change and what's the best way to get her to sleep longer at night? What is "dream" feeding and would it help me?

Posted 1/18/07 10:26 AM
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Re: "Dream" feeding?

Jodi, Steven was on a similar schedule two weeks ago (6 weeks old) and now it changed. he changed on his own. He now goes to bed around 11 and wakes up at 8:15.

Posted 1/18/07 10:28 AM


Member since 5/05

12578 total posts


Re: "Dream" feeding?

That's great news Steph!!!

I was wondering what happens when I put her to bed at 8:30 - 9:00pm. I'm thinking I'll have to feed her something around 11pm when I go to bed to get her through the night. I don't think she'll make it 11 hours on 5 ounces.

So I'm thinking a "dream" feeding is when you feed DC in the crib while she is still sleeping? Is that right? Let her suck in her sleep without disturbing her just to fill her tummy? Do you skip the burping?

Posted 1/18/07 10:33 AM

Turning a new page

Member since 5/05

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Re: "Dream" feeding?

i'm back to work now.
DD will be 3 months the 28th.
She goes to bed around 11ish and wakes up at 4am for a bottle and then goes back to bed until 7-8 and wakes up for another bottle.
i wish I knew how to get her to stay sleeping longer.... I tell you it's tough b/c I do the 4 am feeding and then I'm up at 6.40 getting ready for work!

Posted 1/18/07 10:44 AM

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Member since 9/05

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Re: "Dream" feeding?

Posted by Charly
So I'm thinking a "dream" feeding is when you feed DC in the crib while she is still sleeping? Is that right? Let her suck in her sleep without disturbing her just to fill her tummy? Do you skip the burping?

That's what I was thinking it was too. I wouldn't do it. especially since you had gas problems with Hannah.

I am going to try changing his schedule in incriments. Hopefully by changing his other day time feedings will change his night time feeding. You'd be surprised how long they can make it without food if they are tired. She will not starve, she won't let that happen!

Posted 1/18/07 10:46 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

1977 total posts


Re: "Dream" feeding?

Posted by Charly

That's great news Steph!!!

I was wondering what happens when I put her to bed at 8:30 - 9:00pm. I'm thinking I'll have to feed her something around 11pm when I go to bed to get her through the night. I don't think she'll make it 11 hours on 5 ounces.

So I'm thinking a "dream" feeding is when you feed DC in the crib while she is still sleeping? Is that right? Let her suck in her sleep without disturbing her just to fill her tummy? Do you skip the burping?

That is the idea, but I always picked him up and fed/burped him very gently, he never woke up I guess from being in such a deep sleep. It gets them through the night and you only have to do it a few weeks before they can go all night with their bedtime bottle.

ETA The Dream Feeding concept is in the book Secrets of the Baby Whisperer...some good tips in there.

Message edited 1/18/2007 10:50:11 AM.

Posted 1/18/07 10:46 AM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

18504 total posts


Re: "Dream" feeding?

OH, I also wanted to suggest try giving her one more oz at night.

Posted 1/18/07 10:48 AM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

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Re: "Dream" feeding?

how on earth do you feed a baby when they are laying down in their cribChat Icon

Posted 1/18/07 10:57 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

1977 total posts


Re: "Dream" feeding?

Posted by Diane

how on earth do you feed a baby when they are laying down in their cribChat Icon

I would be too scared they'd choke. I think in the book she says to pick them up gently.

Posted 1/18/07 10:59 AM


Member since 5/05

12578 total posts


Re: "Dream" feeding?

Posted by Diane

how on earth do you feed a baby when they are laying down in their cribChat Icon

I know - that's why I was asking? It scares me!! I have to admit my mom and aunts admit that's what they did when we were little...BUT my mom said we were all belly sleepers. So she'd roll us over on our backs let us suck on the bottle and roll us back onto our belly. Gently pat our backs. She said we'd never wake up and sleep through the night.

eta: I won't be doing that! I'll just pick her up - she tends to go back to sleep easily once in the crib.

Message edited 1/18/2007 11:08:37 AM.

Posted 1/18/07 11:07 AM

my beautiful baby is here :-)

Member since 9/05

1136 total posts


Re: "Dream" feeding?

what i do is my daughter is 6 weeks and she eats 5 oz every 3 hours during the day so if she eats at 8:30 ill feed her again at 10:30 so its before the 3 hr mark and then she goes to bed at around 11-1130 and sleeps till 5-530 then she wakes up for her bottle eats and goes back to bed till about 9-10 depending on her mood today tiill about 10:30 am I was happy lol.but she made her sleep schedule herself I didnt have much to do with her wanting to go to bed at 11 she is wide awake at 7-11 at night shes a night owl like me i guess lol.good luck

Posted 1/18/07 11:26 AM

Holiday 2011 photo

Member since 8/05

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Re: "Dream" feeding?

we get her up but she doesn't wake and you feed her while she sleeps then put her back down. we didn't burp her b/c that would wake her.

Posted 1/18/07 11:39 AM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

30683 total posts


Re: "Dream" feeding?

I just know if I pick them up, they will wake up

Posted 1/18/07 11:47 AM

wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06

6689 total posts


Re: "Dream" feeding?

Posted by Diane

I just know if I pick them up, they will wake up


Posted 1/18/07 12:08 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: "Dream" feeding?

Posted by Charly

That's great news Steph!!!

I was wondering what happens when I put her to bed at 8:30 - 9:00pm. I'm thinking I'll have to feed her something around 11pm when I go to bed to get her through the night. I don't think she'll make it 11 hours on 5 ounces.

So I'm thinking a "dream" feeding is when you feed DC in the crib while she is still sleeping? Is that right? Let her suck in her sleep without disturbing her just to fill her tummy? Do you skip the burping?

This is exactly what I did. I needed to have everyone out of the house by 7am. I feed them in their sleep. No need for me to burp my kids because they don't take in a lot of air when the dreamfeed. Then again, mine didn't have gas issues. I would try it & see.

Good luck!

Posted 1/18/07 12:15 PM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: "Dream" feeding?

I nurse, so I would take Jordana out of her crib, feed her, and put her back. I didn't burp her because she was nursing.

Now at 9 months she wakes up on her own for her 10:00 dream feed.

I think if your child is sleeping from 11:30-5, the last feeding would be enough. YOu wouldn't need to dream feed.

Posted 1/18/07 12:55 PM

needs to update her avatar pic

Member since 6/05

10212 total posts

Felice (aka LuckyBride2004)

Re: "Dream" feeding?

I dream feed at 5:00 AM. I am nursing so it is a little different. I gently take Jeremy out of the crib, nurse him and gently pat his back to burp him. He has only waken up once from being burped because it wa a really big one Chat Icon As soon as I put him back to the boob though, he fell back asleep.

Posted 1/18/07 1:05 PM

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