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Does your child eat at school or take their lunch?

Forum Opinion Poll
Eat lunch at school 3 7.50%
Take lunch to school 16 40.00%
Depends on the menu 20 50.00%
Other 1 2.50%

Eating Lunch at school vs. taking lunch

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LIF Infant

Member since 8/06

367 total posts


Eating Lunch at school vs. taking lunch

This will be my son's first year as an all day student. I'm debating on whether or not to pack his lunch everyday. Just curious as to what everyone else does.

Posted 7/28/11 7:19 AM


Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Re: Eating Lunch at school vs. taking lunch

This is my dd's first year eating lunch at school too. Right now she's saying she wants to bring her lunch, but she has a hard time with change and unexpected things so it's mainly that she wants to control the situation.

From what I hear from other moms at our school, most kids bring lunch most days but their parents give them a little money to get a snack from the cart every day. They buy hot lunch depending on the menu.

Posted 7/28/11 9:08 AM

Where it all began....

Member since 5/05

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Re: Eating Lunch at school vs. taking lunch

It is so much easier for me to write a check then pack his lunch everyday. On the days it is food he doesn't like they have alternatives so he always eats something. Chat Icon

Posted 7/28/11 9:39 AM

My Little Yankee Fans

Member since 1/06

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Re: Eating Lunch at school vs. taking lunch

I try to let them buy 2x a week and then I make lunch the other 3 days. I let them pick which days, but there are some weeks I let them buy more out of lazyness on my part or them not being able to decide which days. There are always alternatives, some I am less then thrilled about by but there is always something they can eat.

Posted 7/28/11 10:33 AM


Member since 8/06

6435 total posts


Re: Eating Lunch at school vs. taking lunch

This is my son's first year in full day school as well. I've been looking over the school lunch menu, they have a wellness policy so the food is pretty healthy.

The plan is that we will look over the menu every week. I will let him choose a few days to buy if he wants, if not I'll give him a few choices of things he can take from home. He's a picky eater so I'm hoping school will help him expand his menu a bit.

Posted 7/28/11 10:49 AM

life is a carousel

Member since 7/07

14956 total posts


Re: Eating Lunch at school vs. taking lunch

Posted by Stacey1403

It is so much easier for me to write a check then pack his lunch everyday. On the days it is food he doesn't like they have alternatives so he always eats something. Chat Icon


Posted 7/28/11 10:57 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: Eating Lunch at school vs. taking lunch

Posted by bicosi

Posted by Stacey1403

It is so much easier for me to write a check then pack his lunch everyday. On the days it is food he doesn't like they have alternatives so he always eats something. Chat Icon


This. Unless they want some leftovers or something completely different (ie can I have sushi for lunch tomorrow).

Message edited 7/28/2011 11:06:00 AM.

Posted 7/28/11 11:05 AM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: Eating Lunch at school vs. taking lunch

I make their lunch every day. I make what they like and they eat it. The school does have a lunch program too where they can buy, but a daily lunch is $4.50, so I don't encourage buying all that much! I would say they opt for the school lunch menu once per week. They have a lunch card that I preload with cash, so the option is always available to them, but they prefer bringing their own!

Posted 7/28/11 2:16 PM

Mommy of 3 and 4 rescues

Member since 9/09

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Re: Eating Lunch at school vs. taking lunch

It depends on the menu. In my sons school I kind of like the fact that we pre order and their lunches are delivered to them.

In Sayville where I work sometimes it seems like the kids are on the lunch line forever. Dont quote me but I think the kids have 20 minutes to wait on line AND eat their lunch. Thats the only thing I dont like about buying.

Posted 7/28/11 2:26 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/09

740 total posts


Re: Eating Lunch at school vs. taking lunch

We'll do a combination of both but I think he's mainly going to take lunch to school. It's also our first year.

Posted 7/28/11 6:30 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/06

560 total posts


Re: Eating Lunch at school vs. taking lunch

Last year, I only made her food because I thought the lunches looked incredibly unhealthy. I'm guessing I'll only make her lunch again this year, too. It's no big deal because I make mine and hers the night before anyway.

Posted 7/28/11 9:37 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

2922 total posts


Re: Eating Lunch at school vs. taking lunch

Jacob only buys every Friday for pizza and when there is grilled cheese 2x a month. Other than that I make lunch for him every day..

Posted 7/29/11 8:46 AM


Member since 5/05

11726 total posts


Re: Eating Lunch at school vs. taking lunch

I wish my son would eat the school lunch. The first week last year, we found that he would buy lunch and just not eat the food. By the end of the day he was starving and complaining of headaches. He'd rather eat the same ham/turkey and cheese sandwich everyday than what they offer at school.

Posted 7/29/11 1:14 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: Eating Lunch at school vs. taking lunch

I don't know about school lunches. My work school is all about healthy and it still looks unappetizing.

Posted 7/30/11 10:44 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/06

367 total posts


Re: Eating Lunch at school vs. taking lunch

Thank you, everyone Chat Icon
I was afraid he would feel "left out" if he didn't have lunch at school like the other kids. We live close to the school, so he doesn't get bus service and feels left out that he doesn't get to ride the bus everyday. I was afraid the school lunch issue would be similar. I would much rather pack his lunch everyday anyway. Maybe I will let him choose a few days to eat at school once he gets the hang of it.

Posted 7/30/11 11:21 AM

Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06

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Re: Eating Lunch at school vs. taking lunch

Posted by onlylisa

We'll do a combination of both but I think he's mainly going to take lunch to school. It's also our first year.

same for us

Posted 7/31/11 8:27 AM

My Girls

Member since 11/06

9543 total posts


Re: Eating Lunch at school vs. taking lunch

Posted by fdnywife

In Sayville where I work sometimes it seems like the kids are on the lunch line forever. Dont quote me but I think the kids have 20 minutes to wait on line AND eat their lunch. Thats the only thing I dont like about buying.

This is the exact reason my DD hates to buy. Especially on taco day or pizza day(when a lot of kids buy).
Personally, I do not think that school lunches are very healthy and I TRY to only have her buy once a week.

My friends son was a little overweight. He started taking a healthy lunch to school everyday instead of buying(he used to buy EVERYDAY) In a few short months he lost 15lbsChat Icon According my friend, that was the ONLY thing that he changed.

Posted 8/1/11 8:09 AM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: Eating Lunch at school vs. taking lunch

She will probably bring most days. But I have to say I was impressed with the food selection and system at her school. All sauces are homemade and they use only whole grains & lowfat milks.

Posted 8/4/11 6:49 AM

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