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Member since 5/05 19403 total posts
Emergency contacts for school/daycare
Do they have carseats?
The people we have as emergency contacts for Sarah's school don't have kids, so they don't have carseats. Should I get inexpensive ones in case something happens to me and they need to get her from school? Or am I overthinking this.
Posted 9/18/07 4:07 PM |
Member since 12/06 16001 total posts
Name: *
Re: Emergency contacts for school/daycare
Hmm, I don't have carseats for my emergency contacts. Albeit, I've never had to have someone else pick up either of my kids from daycare, but I guess to be on the safe side you could?
Posted 9/18/07 4:16 PM |
Beyond Compare

Member since 5/05 17988 total posts
Re: Emergency contacts for school/daycare
We bought an extra base for that was supposed to go with the emergency person while the carseat was supposed to stay at daycare...we have not done either of these things.
Posted 9/18/07 4:32 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/06 796 total posts
Name: Kelly
Re: Emergency contacts for school/daycare
our DS just started yesterday!!! he's only 4 months so we leave the carseat there.... this way if someone had to pick him up they'd have it.
Posted 9/18/07 4:35 PM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: Emergency contacts for school/daycare
My mom does but my sister does not.
In an emergency, they would strap them into a buckle. Mine are older than yours though.
Posted 9/18/07 4:36 PM |
I love Gary too..on a plate!
Member since 5/06 32461 total posts
Name: me
Re: Emergency contacts for school/daycare
I just got a convertible carseat for DH's car.
Posted 9/18/07 5:05 PM |
Member since 5/05 26975 total posts
Re: Emergency contacts for school/daycare
My emergency contacts are my parents and one of my neighbors. Neither have car seats. The school is 3/4-mile from our house, if they ever needed to get him and take him home, I would guess they could seat belt him in or even walk (although that would be more dangerous as they would have to cross Northern Blvd. and Route 106).
Posted 9/18/07 5:14 PM |
10 years on LIF!

Member since 11/06 26792 total posts
Name: Shawn
Re: Emergency contacts for school/daycare
DW is the primary contact, and I'm the emergency contact, and I have seats in my truck for both DC. Nobody else in the family has seats, though.
Posted 9/18/07 11:34 PM |

Member since 5/05 2536 total posts
Re: Emergency contacts for school/daycare
Nope, if I go into labor when Jack is at Preschool.
My contacts either have some sort of extra carseat be it in their husband's car or garage they could use or they have a key to my house and can access Dh's truck since he is deployed.
I may just give his carseat to my main contact person whose going to watch him while I'm in labor but I'm just afraid "what if she isn't available"
My mom has a seat but she's in NC in case when she takes over care of him while I'm in the hospital she can just use hers.
Posted 9/19/07 12:36 AM |