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End of year gifts for students?

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/05

554 total posts


End of year gifts for students?

What is everyone getting for their class for the end of the year? I am looking for some ideas! I teach 6th grade. Thanks so much!! Chat Icon

Posted 6/5/08 6:24 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/07

2660 total posts


Re: End of year gifts for students?

I used to go to the 99 cent store and get packs of Uno cards. However, I have found that in the excitement of the day, the kids sometimes forget their gifts. Now, I have a bagel breakfast on the last day. I get juice, chocolate milk, cream cheese, butter, bagels, and munchkins.

Posted 6/5/08 8:06 PM

I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

22140 total posts


Re: End of year gifts for students?

I get books from scholastic with my bonus points and have a party. I give it out a few days before school is over.

Posted 6/5/08 10:29 PM

I'm a mom!

Member since 5/05

3966 total posts


Re: End of year gifts for students?

I usually give books- I try to get ones that are on their summer reading list because many of my students do not have library cards and will not step into a library all summer...and many parents will not buy them the books they need, so I "collect" all year and hand them out, usually with bookmarks and sometimes some candy- they always seem appreciative!

Posted 6/7/08 12:19 AM

My green-eyed boy

Member since 5/05

13499 total posts


Re: End of year gifts for students?

We're giving pails & shovels w/ bubbles & other little things from the dollar store (they're 4 though)

Posted 6/8/08 4:34 PM

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