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Enter to win a Birth Photography Session from Leslie Simmons Photography!

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Member since 3/06

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Enter to win a Birth Photography Session from Leslie Simmons Photography!

Capture the story of your baby's Birth! Leslie Simmons Photography is now offering 7 hours of labor, delivery, and post photography. It is the most memorable day of your life, yet it is hard to remember every single detail. The winner of this contest will receive 60-80 black and white digital files that will include details like Daddy's encouragement, Mommy's first look, Baby's first cry and every other expression, tear and smile that goes along with it.

All you need to do is reply to this thread and tell us why you think you deserve a free birth session, and the winner will be chosen randomly from all the entries! Your due date must fall between Oct. 25th and March 31st to qualify. Shoot to take place in Nassau or Suffolk only.

One entry allowed per person and you must post your entry on this contest thread. Contest ends October 21, 2010 at midnight and winner will be announced the following week.

All The Best!
Ron, Liz and Kim

Posted 10/7/10 11:41 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Toddler

Member since 4/10

493 total posts


Re: Enter to win a Birth Photography Session from Leslie Simmons Photography!

Wow - what am amazing contest.

I would love, love, love to win this prize. Despite being rough and somewhat high-risk, I have been so blessed with this pregnancy. I suffer from PCOS and against the odds and by surprise got pregnant naturally just weeks after stopping the pill (for the purpose of having hornmonal tests done, not having a baby). 3 months before I got pregnant (and 3 months after we got married), my DH lost his job so it was been a little scary but we still feel blessed. We are nervous about being in a small apartment and a third floor walk-up far from our families but we are happy to start our own family. Just recently DH found out he will have a full-time job come mid- December so our lives are finally falling back into place. This baby has really been a miracle and helped us through a rough year (between by PCOS, Dh's job loss and a health scare) - we made it through and soon it will be a year we remember as a very happy one. I would love to have Leslie capture those images for us. Please pick me!

Posted 10/7/10 11:49 AM

Baby brother coming soon!

Member since 3/10

2288 total posts


Re: Enter to win a Birth Photography Session from Leslie Simmons Photography!

Wow what an amazing gift to give to someone. I have to say I have been blessed with a great pregnancy (besides the m/s of course) We conceived on our first try and thank God have had no problems to date. I dont know if I can give a reason as to why I deserve this more then someone else but I know that it would mean so much to me and my DH. Like most people we struggle month to month and to be given this opportunity on the most special day of our lives would be amazing. The fact that we dont know the sex has made it even more exciting for us and to the capture that moment of surprise would be priceless!
I know I want to be able to see and remember everything thats going to be going on during labor and that first moment we see our baby but how would I? I can only imagine it something like my wedding day when you swear your going to stop and take everything in but before you know it its over and your kissing everyone good-by!! I would love to win this prize and have the pictures to go with the memories!!

Posted 10/7/10 12:37 PM

Two Boys for Me!!

Member since 1/07

5213 total posts


Re: Enter to win a Birth Photography Session from Leslie Simmons Photography!

It was a long and often painful journey through IF treatments and m/c before I was able to conceive DS. He was born in February this year. I did not know if it was going to be possible to get PG again, but without the help of any IF treatments, we were blessed with another pregnancy.

This has been a very special pregnancy for us and I would love to capture the birth - though I am kind of scared to see what I look like while giving birth Chat Icon

Posted 10/7/10 2:03 PM

Ava Rose you are an angel!!!

Member since 3/09

6115 total posts


Re: Enter to win a Birth Photography Session from Leslie Simmons Photography!

This is such a great gift for someone, Thank you!Chat Icon

I would love to have the opportunity of winning the session with Leslie Simmons.

We feel so incredibly blessed to be expecting our Chat Icon this Dec. We had a challenging year in 2009 with the loss of two pregnancies. I went on to work with a great RE and discovered which treatments were necessary for me to have a successful pregnancy.

I must say the journey was a difficult one, but has led me to meet so many increbile people. I worked with such incredible Dr's, met amazing friends who offered support through this website, and has brought me closer to family & friends.

I feel like everything has happened last year to bring me to this Little GIRL!!! She is our miracle and will be surrounded by so many poeple who love her. I wouldnt of had it any other way then to experience the journey I did. I now have a greater appreciation for motherhood and a great love and desire for a FAMILY. It has changed me as a person and just made me so grateful to be where I am today, 29 weeks pregnant.

I would love to have the opportunity to have all of these incredible moments captured on film.



Posted 10/7/10 5:28 PM

He's TWO already!!!

Member since 9/09

1507 total posts


Re: Enter to win a Birth Photography Session from Leslie Simmons Photography!

This is such a cool prize!!!
I would love to participate!!!
We have had a crazy year. I just want to put it behind us. Seven months after our wedding, my stepfather passed suddenly ( awful awful ) and then three weeks later my mom was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. My mom moved in with us for a while, while we are trying to sell her house ( which still hasn't sold). In the middle of all this, I was diagnosed with PCOS. I didn't want to go on any fertility meds due to my mother's cancer so I did acupuncture to bring on my period which worked!!! The first try we got pregnant!!!! I have been so fortunate with this pregnancy. It has been wonderful with no complications. I feel great!!! This has truly been a blessing for all of us. We feel that Bruce ( my stepdad) might've had something to do with this from above. We finally have something to look forward to after all the stress and sadness. Mom is so excited to be a grandmother!!!! And I am so happy to be able to give her a grandbaby!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 10/7/2010 6:02:13 PM.

Posted 10/7/10 5:59 PM


Member since 5/08

8351 total posts


Re: Enter to win a Birth Photography Session from Leslie Simmons Photography!

i think i desrve one just because i think it would be awsome to have the photos by this photographer Chat Icon

Posted 10/8/10 7:54 AM

Love my crazy life!

Member since 1/10

9170 total posts


Re: Enter to win a Birth Photography Session from Leslie Simmons Photography!

I don't think I can say I deserve this photo session more than any of the other girls on this forum. I have "met" so many wonderful girls with some truly amazing stories.

I can say that winning this photo session would be an amazing gift that my husband and I would remember forever.

My pregnancy is not the most complicated one but like many things in my life, becoming a mommy has not been an easy road. After trying on our own for 6 months I just knew something wasn't right with us. We sought the assistance of an RE rather quickly and within another 5 months we were ecstatic to find out we were having twins. I thought our difficult road was getting pregnant but it turns out I have had my fair share of issues since then. My first visit to the high risk doctor I was told I had blood clotting issues and a shortening cervix. I was on bedrest at 11 weeks and had a cerclage put in. I have been lucky enough to be allowed to be on modified bedrest since 15 weeks and pray for a good report from the doctor each week so that I can safely bring my little ones into this world.

I treasure every sono picture I have and can't imagine how it would feel to have professional pictures of our little ones when they come into this world.

Posted 10/8/10 9:15 PM

Brotherly Love!

Member since 1/08

6209 total posts


Re: Enter to win a Birth Photography Session from Leslie Simmons Photography!

I deserve to win this session because this baby I am carrying is "one in a million" That's right, after conceiving DS #1 through IVF the doctor told me my chances of being PG on my own was 1 in a million! I feel like I won the baby lottery when I found out! It would be amazing to capture my 1 in a million baby!

Posted 10/9/10 7:56 AM

Mommy to 3!

Member since 10/05

20369 total posts

Jesss, duh.

Re: Enter to win a Birth Photography Session from Leslie Simmons Photography!

I would love to win this session! I am having twins, and it would be so nice to be able to have lasting, professional, memories of this newest endeavor our family is about to embark on! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/9/10 8:47 AM

Very much in love!

Member since 6/10

2864 total posts


Re: Enter to win a Birth Photography Session from Leslie Simmons Photography!

I would love to win this contest. We're going through a very rough patch right now with having to get an amnio and waiting out the ten days to find out the results. The birth seems so far off and yet something we're so looking forward to because we know that no matter what the results are, we'll be over this challenging hump.

Posted 10/9/10 8:58 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/10

593 total posts

cant tell ya yet!

Re: Enter to win a Birth Photography Session from Leslie Simmons Photography!

this is such a cool session! i totally want this when i give birth! lol im bookmarking this thread

Posted 10/12/10 11:32 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

1290 total posts


Re: Enter to win a Birth Photography Session from Leslie Simmons Photography!

I can’t state “deserving” reasons…I think all us ladies have our stories as the 9 months go on….and on!

Documenting this journey professionally is an experience that I can only imagine to be magical. It would start our next chapter with a truly fairytale beginning.

Posted 10/12/10 2:01 PM

I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05

20105 total posts


Re: Enter to win a Birth Photography Session from Leslie Simmons Photography!

I don't think I deserve this any more than any of the other women here, but I think it would be an amazing prize, and I'd be honored to win it.

Getting pregnant is not so easy for me and I am so blessed that this will be our third child. My twins will be a little over two when this baby comes. Already I am so distracted by them, I can barely even remember I'm pregnant. I know with two 2 year olds in the house this baby won't get the same kind of attention I was able to give my twins. I know I won't have the time to take the same amount of pictures I did the first time around. I'd love for this to be a gift to this new member of our family. Something that will be special and unique for him/her since we don't have anything like it for the twins.

Posted 10/12/10 2:45 PM


Member since 8/09

3846 total posts


Re: Enter to win a Birth Photography Session from Leslie Simmons Photography!

This is not for me, but my sister. She is an amazing mother to a 4year old boy. She is due in January with her 2nd.
About a year and a half ago she suffered a devestating miscarriage at 22 weeks. Our family was beyond shocked. She was so sad for so long. But she picked herself up, started to excersise and started feeling herself again. However, with this pregnancy she feels as if she is walking on eggshells. SHe is trying to enjoy it and all is going well but there is always that thought in the back of her mind that something could go wrong.
My sister is actually a photographer herself. She is always so busy taking pictures of other people, that it would be amazing if someone took the time to take care of her for a day. This new baby is truly a blessing and miracle.

Message edited 10/14/2010 9:19:40 AM.

Posted 10/14/10 9:18 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 6/10

92 total posts


Re: Enter to win a Birth Photography Session from Leslie Simmons Photography!

This is a wonderful gift.

My husband and I are due in January and we are very excited for the birth of our first child. We very much wanted to do a newborn photo shoot, but sadly money is very tight.
I am a teacher and my husband owns his own business. Although we feel blessed everyday, we do wish we could do more for our baby.

Thanks!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/14/10 10:08 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 12/09

468 total posts


Re: Enter to win a Birth Photography Session from Leslie Simmons Photography!

Its kind of hard to say why I "deserve" this wonderful gift as all the women on this board equally "deserve" this gift.

But here is our story. This baby was a complete shock. DH and I had wanted to start trying soon (probably the following month). I thought it would take me forever to conceive as I have irregular periods. But with one single oops our baby was made.

We were beyond excited and almost in disbelief that it happened to fast and without much planning. I don't know if we will ever be completley reading for baby #1, but we cannot wait to be parents.

We have had a fantastic pregnancy thus far. And we are just looking forward to the day that our LO will finally come.

We would love the opportunity to have photos to chronical such a fabulous suprise. We would love the opportunity to work with Leslie Simmons and to display her beautiful art around our house. As we are sure that this LO will capture our heart and the walls of our house!

Posted 10/16/10 12:13 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/07

213 total posts


Re: Enter to win a Birth Photography Session from Leslie Simmons Photography!

"Always the photographer, never been the subject of photography"

Like all of the other girls on this forum, I don't think I am more "deserving" of this wonderful prize. This is such an amazing prize and it would mean so much to me to win it.

I am not a professional photographer but enjoy taking photos. In the beginning, there I was snapping away. It was just for capturing those moments and keeping memories. I have a bad memory. My love for photography grew when I went to college. Alot of my friends said I had an eye for photography. They nicknamed me "Camerakrazie" Hence that is my LIFamilies name.

Five years ago, I bought my first digital SLR camera. It was expensive but worth every penny. Through the viewfinder, I could capture anything. Everyone would ask me to take photos at their weddings, birthday/family parties, christenings, engagement pictures and even kids. Some people have paid me for my services. I have said no but people have insisted. I just enjoy taking photos and finding that special moment or expression during the event. It makes me so happy to photograph. One day I would love to make photography my professional career.

One of the most unfortunate things about always being a photographer is that I felt I was always the one taking photos. I rarely am in photos unless someone offers to take a photo of me. My engagement session and wedding were the only times in my life where I was the subject of photography. Looking back at those photos really makes me appreciate the photographer and those special moments in my life. Needless to say, during my own labor and delivery, I won’t be able to take my own photos and my husband nor anyone in my family knows how to use my camera. I wish there were two of me. It would mean the world to me to have someone photograph such an amazing time in my life. I would love to have those special mommy, daddy and baby photos. They will be photos that I cherish for a lifetime. Not to say that anyone else would not appreciate the photos, but I definitely would appreciate them more words can say.

I've always loved the old saying "A picture is worth a thousand words" In photography, the smallest thing can be a great subject. Tiny toes, tiny feet and even the belly button. My husband and I are truly excited to meet our precious little girl. Photos are like footprints in our life. It's the best way to tell people we have been there. It would be an honor to have Leslie Simmons photograph my birth session.

Posted 10/16/10 2:51 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/10

2561 total posts


Re: Enter to win a Birth Photography Session from Leslie Simmons Photography!

I agree with so many other folks that say I'm sure I don't deserve this more than anyone else but this baby has been such a lucky and joyful thing for us, having been married much later in life, I started to doubt that this would happen and now that it has worked out (knock wood) would love to have this documented by a professional! Having had the experience of helping my sister give birth last year, and remembering the expression on her face as she first held her daughter - I can't imagine the joy of having that captured!! I tried to describe it to her and she loved hearing it but as they say - a pic is worth a thousand words!

Posted 10/18/10 12:26 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: Enter to win a Birth Photography Session from Leslie Simmons Photography!

Man I wish I lived in NY and was pregnant. LOL. This is the one thing I wish I had done with both my kids.

Posted 10/18/10 8:32 PM

Missing our peanut :(

Member since 11/09

1678 total posts


Re: Enter to win a Birth Photography Session from Leslie Simmons Photography!

I would be so grateful if I were to win this amazing prize. DH and I are expecting our first child. I think that having photos of the moment the we go from "husband and wife" to "mommy and daddy" would be absolutely priceless.

Plus, Leslie is an fabulous photographer Chat Icon

Posted 10/20/10 10:09 AM

We have our miracle!

Member since 8/08

3634 total posts


Re: Enter to win a Birth Photography Session from Leslie Simmons Photography!

I would be extremely grateful to be the winner of this fabulous prize. I can only imagine how stressful it must be while going through labor, and how exciting it will be to finally hold my son in my arms. It would be a blessing to have that captured on film. Especially since I am sure that it will all be a blur as it's happening.

My husband I have been married over 2 years. Our journey to have our son seemed to us to be a long one. I can't say it was harder than others, because I know it's not. But to us, it was tough. We got pregnant on our first try after 1 year of marriage, only to have that pregnancy end in miscarriage. We were devastated. After that it took us 7 long months to finally get pregnant again. My dream has always been to be a mother, and at the time it felt like it was a dream I couldn't/wouldn't achieve. Now, at 32 weeks pregnant I am preparing to soon hold my son in my arms and I couldn't feel any more blessed.

My dream of becoming a mother is finally going to come true, and to have those first few moments captured would be pictures that I would cherish for a lifetime.

Posted 10/20/10 10:19 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/10

996 total posts


Re: Enter to win a Birth Photography Session from Leslie Simmons Photography!

This is such an awesome gift, I would love to be the winner of the photo session.

Trying to have #2 has been such an emotional road for DH and I. We started seeing an RE after TTC for over a year and were told we were an "easy" case and should have a baby in no time. Well we moved from being an "easy" case to being told the ONLY way we were going to have #2 is IVF. After all the daily shots I had to give myself (I HATE needles), TONS money on fertility medication and co-payments, missed days or going into work late for DH so he could make the 45mi round trip to the RE with me, trying to find a babysitter for DD...etc I was crushed.

Reluctantly we decided to stop all fertility treatments. After 2 & 1/2 years of trying DH and I realized we were not going to have anymore kids. I had a yard sale and sold pretty much all of DD's baby items. I cried myself to sleep every night for about a week. The realization of no more kids hit me hard.

About 2 months later I was feeling horrible and waiting for AF to come when DH suggested I POAS. I brushed him off and told him AF was on her way. Well when AF didnt show I decided to test, and there sat a positive test. I freaked out.

I am SO happy to be able to have another child and being able to capture the birth of this miracle baby would mean so much to DH and I.

Posted 10/20/10 10:39 AM

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