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Failed hearing test at 4 yr check up?

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LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

7967 total posts


Failed hearing test at 4 yr check up?

Did this happen to any of your kids?

DD just had her 4 year well visit and she failed her hearing test. I am not really worried as I know she can hear - she often hears things that DH and I are discussing in code in the other room!! but I just wondered if any of you moms had this happen.

The Ped referred her to an audiologist and hopefully that will go okay.

Posted 3/31/10 5:09 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: Failed hearing test at 4 yr check up?

Was she distracted at all?

DS failed his hearing test in the hospital mainly b/c they did it RIGHT after his circumcisionChat Icon

We went when he was 3 months old nad he passed with flying colors

Posted 3/31/10 5:10 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

7967 total posts


Re: Failed hearing test at 4 yr check up?

She is always distractedChat Icon She told me coming home in the car that she heard the beeps in one ear but not the other! The nurse said the beeps were very low and its hard to hear them sometimes - I think she was distracted as it was at the end of her visit and she was wired from telling the Ped all her wild made up storiesChat Icon

Thanks for sharing...Chat Icon

Posted 3/31/10 5:40 PM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: Failed hearing test at 4 yr check up?

Posted by beachgirl

She is always distractedChat Icon She told me coming home in the car that she heard the beeps in one ear but not the other! The nurse said the beeps were very low and its hard to hear them sometimes - I think she was distracted as it was at the end of her visit and she was wired from telling the Ped all her wild made up storiesChat Icon

Thanks for sharing...Chat Icon

NPChat Icon

Are you in Suffolk? We went to Stony Brook for the audiologist appointment and it was in this room with NOTHING else going on, so that helps too (with the distraction)Chat Icon

Posted 3/31/10 5:46 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 2/09

154 total posts


Re: Failed hearing test at 4 yr check up?

My son failed his hearing test at his well-child visit when he was 3. Like you, I knew that clearly my son could hear just fine, but we followed up with an audiologist and an ENT. He passed the hearing test with flying colors. According to the audiologist, the hearing tests administered in the pediatrician's office was far from conclusive. The tests are not performed under optimal conditions and can even be affected by how regularly the equipment is calibrated. At my son's 4 year old check up with the pediatrician, performed the same way as the one at the 3 year old visit, he passed easily. I'm sure your daughter is fine, but it is a good idea to follow-up.

Posted 3/31/10 9:47 PM

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