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Feeding ?

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LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

333 total posts


Feeding ?

My son is 8 months old. It seems that sometimes his lunch (veggie( (and a bottle eventually) is not enough, like he wants more than one plastic container of veggies. Would it be wrong to give him 2? Is this too much, considering he has prunes 2x a day? He only drinks about 4 ounces of bottle at a shot, so he really only drinks about 20 ounces or so a day...... plus has cereal 2x a day. Can he have more than one veggie or fruit at a sitting? Thanks.

Posted 5/25/05 4:34 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

393 total posts


Re: Feeding ?

I think it would be fine. Especially since 20 oz. of formula is not that much. My ped. told me that I could feed Nick more whenever it seems like he wants it! He eats 4 State 2 jars of food per day, plus about 26 oz. of formula. He is now starting to eat some other things too, like the Gerber Puffs, wagon wheels, biter biscuits, bananas, etc. He even ate a piece of wheat bread. I guess you should check with the ped. though - everyone says something different it seems!

Posted 5/25/05 4:58 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

906 total posts


Re: Feeding ?

Gabriella would eat 1.5-2 jars at a sitting plus other stuff. She has always been a big eater.Chat Icon

I ended up thinking about it and maybe you should try more formula before offering more food? I know that FM or BM should be the number one source of nutrition in the first year.Chat Icon

Message edited 5/26/2005 7:52:57 AM.

Posted 5/25/05 9:15 PM

I love my kids

Member since 5/05

2885 total posts


Re: Feeding ?

Kiera eats cereal (2 tablespoons) and fruits (stage 2) twice a day, a meat/veggie combo at lunch and has about 24 ounces of formula a day. If you don't think your baby is getting enough give him some more. If they don't want it they know to turn their head away at this point. Give it a try.

Posted 5/25/05 10:53 PM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

2642 total posts


Re: Feeding ?

My daughter has 3 tablespoons of cereal and a jar of stage 2 fruit and an 8 oz bottle

Lunch she had a stage 2 veggie and a container of yo baby yogart and either pear or white grap juice in a sippy cup

for snacks she has biter biscuts, wagon wheels those puff things or cheerios

she has an 8 oz bottle at 4pm

for dinner she has 3 tablespoons of cereal and a fruit and depending on what we are having for dinner she eats some table food as well.

Before she goes to sleep she has another 8oz bottle

Message edited 5/26/2005 11:35:37 AM.

Posted 5/26/05 11:30 AM

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