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Feeling a bit sentimental...

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Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

12165 total posts


Feeling a bit sentimental...

and tipsy Chat Icon Chat Icon

Tell us your engagement story!

I got engaged on 6/23/03 at the Algonquin Hotel. Have you ever heard of the Algonquin Round Table? Well, DH and I used to have the "McCann's Round Table" where we would meet at our local bar and discuss a book/play we both had read...this goes way back to before we were even dating.

Anyhow, we went to the Algonquin lobby for drinks after dinner. He insisted on sitting in the seats right in front of the window (so we would always remember where we were sitting!) and was acting really odd. The next thing you know he pulled out a box and proposed...very awkwardly, I might add...but don't tell him that Chat Icon Sigh....

OK, now you go!

Posted 2/9/08 10:43 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: Feeling a bit sentimental...

I got engaged on December 8, 2000. We had been dating 3.5 years at that point, so while it was along time coming, I was still surprised (yes, I figured he would never ask!).

He met me in the city at some restaurant where my company was having their office Christmas party (I used to work in NYC). It was a Friday night, and as we left he party, we walked over to see the Tree. I thought it was very weird that "Mr. Cheapo" would spring the money for a horse and carriage ride, but he did. Chat Icon Nothing unusual there.

After the ride, we were standing around watching the skaters on the rink, and he was behind me figeting. I thought he was looking for his gloves (I had put them in my bag earlier in the night), so I turned around to hand them to him and he got down on one knee. Of course, I said yes, and we had a million people in Rockefeller Center clapping for us and handing us roses.

Posted 2/9/08 11:13 PM


Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Re: Feeling a bit sentimental...

We got engaged on 9/2/2001. We were supposed to go to the Museum of Natural History where DH had made arrangements to have my ring on display in the gem room and he'd propose there. Chat Icon

But my mom threw her back out a few days before that so I'd moved back home to take care of her. So instead he hid the ring in a copy of Gone With The Wind (my fave book) and gave it to me when I came home that day to see him for a while. I tossed the book on the table b/c I wanted to go get lunch and couldn't figure out why he thought this version of the book had a "special section" in it. I finally flipped through it to get him off my back and found the ring.

Posted 2/9/08 11:26 PM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: Feeling a bit sentimental...

We got engaged on December 17, 2004. DH was going to propse on Christmas Eve, but apparently "too many people knew" so he changed his plans.

He met me after work and we were supposed to be meeting his uncle and his uncle's gf, but she got out after me, so we went to the bar where we met (only 14 blocks from my office) then took a walk to Union Square Park and argued about what bench we sat on the first night we metChat Icon and then he proposedChat Icon

Chris is a little upset that no one stopped to say anything, but it was freakin COLDChat Icon

Posted 2/10/08 12:13 AM

My princess!

Member since 5/05

6548 total posts


Re: Feeling a bit sentimental...

We got engaged January 6, 2001.

We were supposed to go into the city. BUt my best friend called at the last minute and asked me if I wanted to go to dinner on the island. I said yes, not thinking it was a big deal, she obviously did not know it was supposed to happen.

We went to the island and to dinner. My dh was very fidgety as well but I didnt think anything of it at the time. We drove back to queens and dropped off my friend and her boyfriend at the time. Anthony still wanted to go into the city to see the tree (did they used to keep it up later back then?). So we went into the city but it was after midnight and the tree was off. He was so angry and I wondered what the big deal was..we had been there earlier in the season.

So he took me to the seaport. We got out and walked around, mind you it was like 5 degrees!!!!!!!!! We stopped and I was looking out at the water and when I turned around, he was down on one knee. I cant remember exactly how he asked but the thing that stuck out in my head the most was that he said that he would be the luckiest man alive if I were to be the mother of his children. Having children was always a first in our lives. I cried and he proposed...he went to put the ring on the wrong hand and I freaked out. Then I freaked because I thought he was going to drop it in the freaken river!!! We hugged and kissed and then ran back to the car..I was freezing and shaking and although I kind of knew it was going to happen, I was just so damn happy!

Posted 2/10/08 2:26 AM

My loves

Member since 5/06

19150 total posts


Re: Feeling a bit sentimental...

I told everyone it was going to happen on 9/24/04 because everything pointed to that day.

Then a few weeks before that day we actually got tickets to a Mets game for the luxury suites! I had always wanted to be proposed to at Shea stadium, so I was way too excited. Mr Met came into our suite and I just knew the time had come!!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Then Mr. met left. Chat Icon The day ended and no proposal. Chat Icon

There were other times that I was fooled into a possible proposal too.

So, 9/24/04 comes and I was taken to a really nice dinner. (His excuse was that he got a bonus at work and we should celebrate.) We went through dinner and nothing. Dessert came and nothing. Chat Icon I figured I was on another wild goose chase. Chat Icon I fell asleep on the way home. As soon as we got home he ran into his room and shut the door. (Yes, we had separate bedrooms until we got married.) I went about my business and about 10 minutes later he came out and said he had something for me.

I went into his room and there were candles EVERYWHERE! He set up a table with Godiva liquor (our favorite) and poured us a taste. I went to sip mine and he downed his like a shot of tequila. Then he turned and grabbed a box of Godiva chocolates. I said I'd have a chocolate a little later. Boy he got mad and told me to open the box. I looked in and there was a ring box among the chocolate. I opened it and he got on one knee. He was really shaking. I still thought he was joking. Chat Icon I thought it was another wild coose chase and the ring wasn't real because it was too beautiful. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/10/08 2:53 AM

My green-eyed boy

Member since 5/05

13499 total posts


Re: Feeling a bit sentimental...

I'm loving all these stories....

DH & I were engaged March 19, 2005. He told me we were going to his friend's surprise party at Uncle Jack's Steakhouse in Bayside. I KNEW something was up---our first date was at Uncle Jack's & later on he said the next time we'd go there it would be when we got engaged.

Well he had on new shoes & insisted on parking about 5 blocks away from the restaurant (although when we drove by I saw much closer spots)...granted too it was about 20 degrees.

We're walking down Bell Blvd. & in front of Uno's he got down to tie his shoe. I'm ahead of him yelling, what is taking you so long (not even bothering to turn around). He then says, can you help me. I said, "are you kidding me?" I turn around and he's on one knee & was literally shaking...he proposed & put the ring on & he told me my response was, "that's stupid." (I then said YES).

My thought was we're going to a $$$ dinner at Uncle Jack's & he's out here proposing on the corner of Bell Blvd?!

HOWEVER, later he told me that was where we first kissed on our first date when he walked me back to my car.

Chat Icon

Posted 2/10/08 6:26 AM


Member since 10/06

4563 total posts


Re: Feeling a bit sentimental...

great stories everyone!....mine isn't as romantic but here goes
engaged on 11/27/02 night before thanksgiving in Northport park. it was FREEZING! the park holds a lot of significance to us so it was a good engagement location!Chat Icon anyway, it finally happened after 7 years of dating!! i was ecstatic and in disbelief! it was pretty simple and straight forward!Chat Icon and one of the best nights of my life Chat Icon

Posted 2/10/08 8:23 AM

My Loves!

Member since 5/05

46292 total posts


Re: Feeling a bit sentimental...

Awww these stories are great. Mine is pretty simple.
August 15, 1998:
DH called me up after he was done helping his parents out with chores and such and asked me if I wanted him to bring me dinner. Sure. I said. Sounds great. My parents and sister were away, my brother was working until 12Midnight (DH knew he only had a few hours..LOL),
Around 8PM he comes over with Wendy's (romantic huh? LOL). I asked for Grilled chicken and a baked potato.
Prior to DH coming over, I was emptying the dishwasher and cut myself pretty good on a steak knife.
He comes in, sits down, and goes "Will you hurry up, Im starving"..Ummm yeah, "When the bleeding stops I'll join you"..Im thinking (moron..LOL).
I finally go over, sit down, he hands me the bag, I open it (a little pizzed off cuz there was no, "are you OK)..and sitting on top of the bag was a pink box. I got out of my chair and said to him "OMGosh, OMGosh..What's that"? LOL
He took the box, and proposed. Of course, after a few thousand more "OMGosh's" I said "YES".Chat Icon
He put the ring on and I ran to the phone to call my parents.Chat Icon

Posted 2/10/08 8:40 AM

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