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Feeling like a ticking timebomb.

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It's summatime

Member since 3/09

4739 total posts


Feeling like a ticking timebomb.

Im trying to make it to at least 34 weeks, 36 weeks would be better. But i feel like im not going to. I thought I'd be more at ease after 12 weeks then 20 weeks, but nope. I'm 30 weeks and I feel more nervous than ever. I was put on bed rest at 26 weeks because my cervix was 28. It went back up to 40 quickly but then dropped again to 28. Then 27. They said it's not weak and that it's from the pressure of the babies. (A is laying head down on it). I'm on bedrest but can work from home at my desk and have to take bed breaks.

I know ill feel pain and pressure from the weight of the babies and both the ob and peri say its normal but I just feel like every pain and twinge is due to my shortening cervix. I try drinking thinking maybe it's that but it's painful unless I'm laying down.

Is this just normal at this stage? Id hate to be "that" patient and go to the dr for every little thing. Especially since the dr said it's normal. But that was back when I had pain when my cervix was 40. I'm supposed to see the ob this week but didn't make an apt since I was just at the peri yesterday and there is such a long wait at the ob and it is too painful to sit there for an hour and a half. Should I just suck it up and try to get an appointment tomorrow just to be sure it hasn't shortened?

Posted 9/5/12 9:50 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 7/10

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Re: Feeling like a ticking timebomb.

Did the peri check your cervix yesterday? If not I'd definitely go. How often are they checking it? I've become that person at my doctor too lol. I'm constantly calling them.
Sorry you're feeling that way, I'm in the same boat with these contractions but I haven't even reached viability yet.Chat Icon

Posted 9/5/12 10:41 PM

It's summatime

Member since 3/09

4739 total posts


Re: Feeling like a ticking timebomb.

Yeah it was 27. He said it's from the weight of the babies and not because it's weak. But now I have pelvic pain which I know is normal but I'm paranoid.

I go to the peri every week now because of my cervix. And the ob every 2 weeks. And this is 2 weeks. I was also supposed to go to the hospital tour tomorrow which is anoher reason i was going to skip the ob but that's not happening.

I think I'll just call them and see what happens tomorrow.

Posted 9/5/12 11:36 PM

So in love with my little guys

Member since 1/07

2963 total posts


Re: Feeling like a ticking timebomb.

I was at the OB every week but I didn't see a peri.

By the end it was the only time I was allowed out of bed!! I almost looked forward to it Chat Icon

My bedrest started as modified at 16 weeks, then HBR at 24 weeks, then strict home bedrest from 25 til delivery. All due to a shortening cervix, which was described as immeasurable at the end by the sono techs.

Can you get the first appt at the OB so there shouldn't be much wait time yet? Also, I would tell them as soon as you check in that you are on bedrest and would rather wait in a room as soon as one is available - so you can lay down and reduce the pressure.

Posted 9/6/12 8:57 AM

Love my twins!!!

Member since 6/10

5183 total posts


Re: Feeling like a ticking timebomb.

If you are worried, definitely call the doctor to get checked. Don't worry about what the doctor will think of's better to be safe than sorry!

My best advice is to try not to stress (I know this is much easier said than done). Just take it one day at a time. When I was in the hospital on bedrest, I just kept trying to tell myself that every single day they stayed in my belly made a big difference. There's nothing else you can do but just try to take care of your self as best as possible and speak to your doctors about any concerns you have. Best of luck!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/6/12 8:59 AM

It's summatime

Member since 3/09

4739 total posts


Re: Feeling like a ticking timebomb.

Thanks ladies!

I had DH check me in at the ob. They told me to get here by 11 because the dr was leaving. I got here 45 mins ago and there are like 7 people in front of me. I'm waiting laying down in my car because last time they had me wait in the room for an hour after I told them I was on bedrest and I was there and very uncomfortable to the point it tears for an hour. I hate this overbooking and waiting crap.

Posted 9/6/12 11:28 AM


Member since 6/09

3403 total posts


Re: Feeling like a ticking timebomb.

Posted by Strawberry2468

Thanks ladies!

I had DH check me in at the ob. They told me to get here by 11 because the dr was leaving. I got here 45 mins ago and there are like 7 people in front of me. I'm waiting laying down in my car because last time they had me wait in the room for an hour after I told them I was on bedrest and I was there and very uncomfortable to the point it tears for an hour. I hate this overbooking and waiting crap.

I think that it is a good idea that you went just for a piece of mind! When you are on bedrest they should really get you in right awayChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Let us know how you make outChat Icon

Posted 9/6/12 2:12 PM

It's summatime

Member since 3/09

4739 total posts


Re: Feeling like a ticking timebomb.

I ended up going and the Dr. basically said the severe pelvic pain is from the babies sitting on my bones and its normal. Gee thanks! I'm still convinced that one of them has a sledgehammer in there Chat Icon And my cervix being short isn't too terrible b/c I'm getting to the end. As long as it's stable. He didn't recheck it though.

Posted 9/6/12 4:19 PM


Member since 6/09

3403 total posts


Re: Feeling like a ticking timebomb.

Posted by Strawberry2468

I ended up going and the Dr. basically said the severe pelvic pain is from the babies sitting on my bones and its normal. Gee thanks! I'm still convinced that one of them has a sledgehammer in there Chat Icon And my cervix being short isn't too terrible b/c I'm getting to the end. As long as it's stable. He didn't recheck it though.

Good update! You are almost there!!

Posted 9/6/12 4:24 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/11

1402 total posts


Re: Feeling like a ticking timebomb.

Posted by Strawberry2468

I ended up going and the Dr. basically said the severe pelvic pain is from the babies sitting on my bones and its normal. Gee thanks! I'm still convinced that one of them has a sledgehammer in there Chat Icon And my cervix being short isn't too terrible b/c I'm getting to the end. As long as it's stable. He didn't recheck it though.

Glad to see the update and so glad you went!
I hate being "that girl" but I totally am when it comes to this stuff... I just can't take any chances.. hope you're feeling better soon!

Posted 9/7/12 7:49 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/08

914 total posts


Re: Feeling like a ticking timebomb.

oh, youre doing so well - keep those babies in there. its crazy b/c i too thought my girls had these huge knees and feet b/c they bumped and kicked into me all the time.

just try to get to 34-36 weeks.. its sooooo much better for those girls.
BUT - anytime you feel worried or not right - CALL - a mother's instinct is always right!

Posted 9/7/12 8:51 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/10

652 total posts


Feeling like a ticking timebomb.

I know how you feel. I was paranoid my whole pregnancy. I was on modified HBR from 24 weeks for shortened cervix. Do you have any funneling?

Don't worry about being "that girl" They are so used to it and frankly you ARE high risk. They should be taking care of you before everyone else. If for no other reason than making you wait so long is causing you undue stress ,which is not good.

Your cervix is not all that short and it can appear short if you are having contractions at the time of the sono. I had lots of pelvic pain too. This pregnancy was my first (and probably last) for me. I didn't know what was normal and what to freak out about. It puts you at a disadvantage.

I didn't enjoy being pregnant at all. It was so stressful to me. Just do your best and do what you have to. Drink your water, it is something you can do to be proactive... it's supposed to help keep your uterus calm.

Try to enjoy the peace and quiet while you can.

Posted 9/18/12 12:33 PM

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