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Fert Update: 7/27/06
BigB C & J are 10!
Member since 6/05
5914 total posts
Okay, so get a call from the lab:4 of the 5 fertilized through icsi. Transfer isn't until Monday....that is 6 days! Way longer then I thought. They are also going to do assisted hatching....(This I know very little about) That's it for me! A little crampy today, but not so bad!
juju Welcome to the World!
Member since 5/05
6747 total posts
Re: Fert Update: 7/27/06
Ill be praying for you!
Diane Hope is Contagious....catch it
30683 total posts
lots of luck...how many are you putting back?
lisan1025 LIF Infant
Member since 1/06
185 total posts
Good Luck to you!!! Sticky Vibes.
leighla Support Cancer Research
16353 total posts
Yea!!! Lots of baby dust to you!!
dm24angel Happiness
34581 total posts
Praying for you!!!!!!!! I hope the transfer is easy and you are graduating here in less then 2 weeks!
I am going to transfer them all, if that is possible. The Dr. warned me that not all of them could be good enough to transfer!
Jenziba ?
6265 total posts
Good Luck!
Tah-wee-ZAH Kisses
15952 total posts
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