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firends with children

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spring is in the air

Member since 11/05

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firends with children

many of our friends have young children, and I am not talking about any of the great girls I am friendly with on here. Its a group I moved into when I met DH. they are all married 6 -7 years and have young children...most work and are not sahm

I find I have less and less desire to hang out with them. THey all have 5 year olds and younger, and when we get together, the boys go in one room and hang out and the girls get together and yak about their toddlers...often I go to the boys conversations, or start playing with one of the kids.

Its seems that moms take the responsibility for all things kiddie and talk about nothing else.

Maybe when the kids are older we'll reconnect. I feel bad, and it may seem to them like I have ignored them, but they are so self absorbed

anyone else have that?

Posted 3/11/09 12:52 PM

BOOOO for fall!

Member since 7/06

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Meaning a NON ttcer!

Re: firends with children

Yep! I have less and less in common with the friends in our group with kids...and like you- I would MUCH rather be in with the boys talking sports and drinking beers than listening to mommy stuff- and not just mommy stuff- but girl stuff in general.

But I've always been a guy's girl....

Posted 3/11/09 1:07 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/08

110 total posts


Re: firends with children

That is a fear of mine since everyone in my small social group is starting to have babies. I feel like nothings going to be the same because their going to have children.

Posted 3/11/09 1:14 PM

spring is in the air

Member since 11/05

2688 total posts


Re: firends with children

are you still seeing these people ?

We are seeing them less and less...only at those functions we have to go to

Of course, we get invited to some of the kids parties, but its always posed as if they know we won't go, but feel they should invite us, but "you know, its at a kids place"

Posted 3/11/09 1:21 PM

Totally in love

Member since 8/06

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Re: firends with children

I usually have two parties a year at my home. Over the summer I invite everybody, kids included. During the winter months I have just adults. Nobody gets offended since I'm including everyone and I think this works the best for us. I make an effort not to exclude anyone.

Posted 3/11/09 1:23 PM

BOOOO for fall!

Member since 7/06

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Meaning a NON ttcer!

Re: firends with children

Posted by Red

are you still seeing these people ?

We are seeing them less and less...only at those functions we have to go to

Of course, we get invited to some of the kids parties, but its always posed as if they know we won't go, but feel they should invite us, but "you know, its at a kids place"

Yeah us too- less and less. And we still invite them to things but they never come- always too busy with the kiddie stuff. Which is fine- I guess that is how life goes.. people grow apart and move on.

But personally I only go to "kiddie places" for immediate family parties- I would rather go to the dentist than hang out in those places unless absolutely necessary. Chat Icon

Posted 3/11/09 1:25 PM

I'll be there soon!

Member since 1/08

6549 total posts


Re: firends with children

I have had this for a long time, years ago, before DH and I were married, he was in a band and all "the wives" had kids except me. I hung out with the guys and got some flack from the wives for it, then I explained to them that's all they talked about and I couldn't contribut to the conversation, so I went somewhere I could. A little different b/c they weren't my "friends" per se..

I currently have friends who have kids - who can have conversation other then child related..and some can't. I do find myself spending less time with the ones that can't.

Posted 3/11/09 1:27 PM


Member since 11/07

7344 total posts


Re: firends with children

in my core group of girlfriends, some have kids some don't.

we actually make a point to hang out together, just the girls - and it's been great. even if some kids end up with us while we hang out, we spend time as we did pre-kids entering their lives. it's refreshing to them to have adult time, espeically without the husbands around.

i'm sad though how often the opposite happens Chat Icon

Posted 3/11/09 1:43 PM


Member since 5/05

4002 total posts


Re: firends with children

As more of our friends begin having children, I find that I have less and less in common with them. It's not that I don't want to hear about their children, but I don't want that to be the only thing that we talk about. Some are able to have adult-oriented conversations and others are not. For those that are not, I find that DH and I do not spend as much time with them as we may have in the past. I hate this saying, but it is what it is.

Posted 3/11/09 1:45 PM

missing my handsome boy

Member since 3/09

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Kat - HamptonsBride (LIW)

Re: firends with children

All of my close friends have kids ( i was the last to get married and it was years after everyone else)...and alot of times they want to get together with the kids so they can play or better yet because their DH's are apparently incapable of watching the kids on their own for a few hours (no joke the Dh said he can't handle it)...

i agree to come along because otherwise i'd never see them...but there are times i want to scream & say "can we have a kid free outing?" cause i feel like i can't have a conversation without being interrupted by a "Mommy???" or the kids are acting up...i miss life before their kids sometimes Chat Icon

In their defense though they do try to get out without the kids but i usually have to drive to them so they can get the kids to bed or get home at a decent hour...another thing that annoys me at times..since it's about a 50 minute drive.

Posted 3/11/09 1:46 PM

this is bliss.......

Member since 10/08

1234 total posts


Re: firends with children

Most of dh's friends have kids- and they come everywhere when we do something and its fun- but its as you say, the girls seem to take the kids and the boys go off and do something else.

one of my best friends is a single mom and we go to lunch once a week and she brings her 2 year old. I absolutely adore her and am always so glad that she brings her.

Sometimes we have adult nights and go to a bar- she needs them more than me sometimes because of being a single mom.

Anyway, as much as I love all the kids, they are excellent birth control Chat Icon
Don't anyone jump on me for that comment, I say it to my friends and they laugh harder than I do!

Posted 3/11/09 2:07 PM

I'll be there soon!

Member since 1/08

6549 total posts


Re: firends with children

Posted by MrsFab

Anyway, as much as I love all the kids, they are excellent birth control Chat Icon
Don't anyone jump on me for that comment, I say it to my friends and they laugh harder than I do!

LOL! Chat Icon Very good! No need for jumping, it's how you feel for yourself, not for others. Besides, I have been TTC for over 2 years, and yet, I have still met a few kids that make me scratch my head.

Chat Icon

Posted 3/11/09 2:25 PM

Living a dream

Member since 1/08

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Re: firends with children

Only one of my really good friends has a child and she is completely opposite from what many has mentioned above. She hates when everyone just talks about their children. There are other things to talk about. She says it's like when you don't know anyone really well there are two things people talk about men and the weather and when you have a child, you through that in the mix lol.

Since she lives in NJ I don't get to see her that much, but when I do her daughter is with her and we all have a good time.

Posted 3/11/09 2:39 PM

C ♥'s F

Member since 2/07

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Re: firends with children

Hi guys- hope you don't mind.
After all I'm a person too and not just a mom to a few...Chat Icon
I just like to add that you'd love to hang out with me b/c my kids are usually the last thing I talk about in person or on the phone.
When I'm with my friends childfree or not we talk about everything under the sun and our kids are usually the last thing to come up in conversation. It's great that all my friends are on the same page b/c I could never sit there and talk about my kids non stop- or have it done to me.
If I see someone I haven't spokne to in a while and they ask me how the kids are I say great and keep it moving...
there is so much more to my life than just being a mom.

So ladies I don't blame you one bit for Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon when a mother goes on and on and on....I wouldn't b in the room long enough to hear it.

Posted 3/11/09 3:15 PM


Member since 8/08

6657 total posts


Re: firends with children

Posted by IrishLass

Posted by MrsFab

Anyway, as much as I love all the kids, they are excellent birth control Chat Icon
Don't anyone jump on me for that comment, I say it to my friends and they laugh harder than I do!

LOL! Chat Icon Very good! No need for jumping, it's how you feel for yourself, not for others. Besides, I have been TTC for over 2 years, and yet, I have still met a few kids that make me scratch my head.

Chat Icon

Please, my motto is: I don't like other's people's children!!
(exception: family and like 2 close freinds)

Posted 3/11/09 3:20 PM

last month on leave!

Member since 6/08

4551 total posts


Re: firends with children

Posted by JennandRolo

That is a fear of mine since everyone in my small social group is starting to have babies. I feel like nothings going to be the same because their going to have children.

ITA with you

i only have one friend with children - and she is the wife of DH's best friend, so shes in a total different "circle" of friends

in general, getting engaged & married has changed A LOT of my friends already... im scared to see what having children will do!!

Posted 3/11/09 3:52 PM


Member since 11/07

15800 total posts


Re: firends with children

That happened to me all the time at work lunches. I was the only childless one and it basically meant sitting quietly, because since I don't have children yet, I am not entitled to opinions either. I stopped going.

Posted 3/11/09 4:21 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/08

110 total posts


Re: firends with children

Posted by MeeshMosh

Posted by JennandRolo

That is a fear of mine since everyone in my small social group is starting to have babies. I feel like nothings going to be the same because their going to have children.

ITA with you

i only have one friend with children - and she is the wife of DH's best friend, so shes in a total different "circle" of friends

in general, getting engaged & married has changed A LOT of my friends already... im scared to see what having children will do!!

I already see the changes, like DH wanted to plan a trip with his brother in August but they had to cancel because his girlfriend is pregnant and due in September. Another yearly trip we wanted to plan for VT in November may not happen because their child will only be 2 months old and they have no childcare.

My BF/MOH and I made a pact to not get knocked up at all or not for a very long time because pretty much her and her bf are the only couple we have left to do things with.

Posted 3/11/09 4:24 PM


Member since 8/06

4249 total posts


Re: firends with children

My best friend has 3 children, we've been friends forever and have a lot in common its scary sometimes, we talk everyday, email, IM, facebook etc.

It doesnt bother me when friends talk about their kids, because their my friends i love their kids. And I have learned a lot from being close with someone who has kids, things i wouldn't of known

Posted 3/11/09 4:45 PM

last month on leave!

Member since 6/08

4551 total posts


Re: firends with children

Posted by JennandRolo

My BF/MOH and I made a pact to not get knocked up at all or not for a very long time because pretty much her and her bf are the only couple we have left to do things with.

yeah there are very few friends that i can call in a heartbeat and say "hey lets go get drinks" or "lets go shopping"

its sad and frustrating all at the same time

Posted 3/11/09 4:51 PM

Now Zagat Rated!

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Re: firends with children

Posted by MrsM-6-7-08

My best friend has 3 children, we've been friends forever and have a lot in common its scary sometimes, we talk everyday, email, IM, facebook etc.

It doesnt bother me when friends talk about their kids, because their my friends i love their kids. And I have learned a lot from being close with someone who has kids, things i wouldn't of known

I agree. Maybe it is because I am the baby of the family and my cousins have had children since I was a kid myself. I've grown up always having cousins (and now my brothers) with children of varying ages. I don't have kids of my OWN, but I can hold a conversation about kids and I love hearing about my friends' kids.

I think ANY time there is only ONE main focus of conversation for a really long period of time, it gets boring and out of hand. Horse people are like this, too -- I'm probably guilty of it myself. I love horses as much as the other horsepeople in my life, but some of them can talk of nothing else. I DO have plenty to contribute to those conversations, but after 2 hours of it, it starts getting old. I think the same goes for kids.

Posted 3/11/09 4:53 PM

live laugh love

Member since 8/06

5082 total posts


Re: firends with children

I don't mind hanging out with my friends who have kids at all. But I haven't really found that they exclusively talk about their children - generally there is conversation that I can contribute to. If there weren't, then yeah, I could see not being excited about getting together anymore, because I imagine I'd feel really left out.

Posted 3/11/09 5:55 PM


Member since 5/07

4747 total posts


Re: firends with children

This reminds of when i was thinking of joining a junior league in my town. i went to one of the meetings with my neighbor and everyone had kids and they were all talking about them. i felt so left out and decided not to join because of it.

Other than that, most of my friends don't have kids and even the ones that do, really don't talk about them unless you ask.

Posted 3/12/09 11:26 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/07

858 total posts


Re: firends with children

What I've found is that if I'm one-on-one with a friend (99% have kids), it's fine. However, when I'm with more than one person who has kids, I'm completely left out.

Posted 3/12/09 11:44 AM

MBA at your service!

Member since 7/06

12020 total posts


Re: firends with children

A lot of our friends we've had for years -- they all have kids that are older -- like age 7 or 8 thru like 12 or 13. so they are well behaved and such, and when we hang out - its fine that there are kids around cause I've known these kids since they were toddlers.

DH and I are really good with kids and don't mind them at all with our friends. Sometimes we have nites out just the grownups -- but a lot of times we'll go to our friends house who have kids and all hang out together. Luckily none of my friends were the type to be all about the kiddies.

Although I'm wondering how it will be now--as a bunch of a new wave of my friends have just had babies or are pregnant -- I guess we'll see how the friendships are as time goes on!

Posted 3/12/09 12:27 PM
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