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Member since 1/09 2623 total posts
Name: VT
first hair cut -- what age?
Im starting to think we should just cut Soph's hair . . . how old was your LO the first time they had it cut? I dont want to do it but I may need to.
It's so long that if I dont put a clip in it's IN her eyes/face. Esp now with the helmet its always such a mess. People already judge her because of the helmet, I dont want them judging her bc she looks like a slob
This morning I had to half sit on her and put her head in a choke hold between my knees just to get the d@mn clip in. She looked horrified and I want to cry just thinking about it
ETA Pic -- this is her hair on a GOOD day. It's SOOO long from the crown of her head. She never lost the hair she was born with so that always grown, along with all the blonde hair that came in after which isnt as long. It just drives me nuts and I feel like a bad mama holding her down just to get a clip in Image Attachment(s):
Message edited 6/18/2010 10:21:00 AM.
Posted 6/18/10 10:08 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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best buds!

Member since 5/09 11524 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: first hair cut -- what age?
DS was 9 months old.
Posted 6/18/10 10:09 AM |
Member since 5/05 30390 total posts
Name: really
Re: first hair cut -- what age?
we took Logan at 9.5 mos. He had a mullet. And those days it was 85 degrees, he had a SWEATY mullet. 

Posted 6/18/10 10:12 AM |
Mommy's little YouTube Star!

Member since 8/05 14470 total posts
Name: Veronica
Re: first hair cut -- what age?
I clipped her hair back until then. danged clip kept falling out.
Posted 6/18/10 10:16 AM |

Member since 3/06 22093 total posts
Name: *********
Re: first hair cut -- what age?
right after her 1st b-day.
Posted 6/18/10 10:17 AM |
I love Gary too..on a plate!
Member since 5/06 32461 total posts
Name: me
Re: first hair cut -- what age?
I waited until DS was 14 months. He had those cute curls in the back. But then at 14 moths it was becoming a mullet so I cut it.
Posted 6/18/10 10:17 AM |
LIF Infant

Member since 7/08 161 total posts
Name: Stacey
Re: first hair cut -- what age?
7 moths - His hair was long and in his eyes...
Posted 6/18/10 10:23 AM |
Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06 27915 total posts
Re: first hair cut -- what age?
My DD is 21 months old and I still haven't given her a haircut. I use a barrette to hold back her bangs.
Posted 6/18/10 10:27 AM |
Member since 5/05 30390 total posts
Name: really
Re: first hair cut -- what age?
i just wanted to say I love her sweet little face
She looks like a little doll!!!
Posted 6/18/10 10:32 AM |
Love my family

Member since 6/06 4546 total posts
Name: SNV
Re: first hair cut -- what age?
My sons hair is down his back when straightened. DH doesnt want to cut it and I am sick of it. Now i just put it in a pony tail. Well he is def gonna get a trim or something for this 3rd bday which is next week.
Posted 6/18/10 11:35 AM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 8/08 592 total posts
Re: first hair cut -- what age?
your DD is just the sweetest little pumpkin. she's gorgeous. i would never judge her because of her helmet....i actually think it's cute....but not cuter than her face :)
Posted 6/18/10 11:40 AM |
My crazy Trio

Member since 3/09 2246 total posts
Name: Paula
Re: first hair cut -- what age?
Posted by Shorty
we took Logan at 9.5 mos. He had a mullet. And those days it was 85 degrees, he had a SWEATY mullet.
Logan looks so handsome I cant beleive he will be 1 in a month it went so fast
Posted 6/18/10 11:46 AM |
My Loves

Member since 5/05 15697 total posts
Name: Rebecca
Re: first hair cut -- what age?
Last week at 2.5. But I did even out the top of it myself about a year ago, maybe a little less because it was noticeably longer in some spots and shorter in others.
Posted 6/18/10 11:53 AM |
It's a boy!!!

Member since 10/07 6453 total posts
Name: Jeannine
Re: first hair cut -- what age?
DS will be 18 months next week and we haven't cut his hair yet. He is really just starting to get hair and it is super fine and wispy. There a few fly-aways that go over his ears which I may trim soon.
This is a pic of him last week
Posted 6/18/10 12:01 PM |
I'm cranky

Member since 7/06 18178 total posts
Name: Mama Cranky
Re: first hair cut -- what age?
I took DD to have a trim/shape it at 14 months. Here hair was growing every which way and she had so much, it really should have been done sooner, so I would do it.
With DS-he lost some of his baby hair but not all of it and the stuff that didn't fall out was so long. I trimmed it myself at 5.5 months.
ETS: your DD is adorable
Message edited 6/18/2010 12:11:50 PM.
Posted 6/18/10 12:11 PM |
HELLO Manolo !!

Member since 5/06 14562 total posts
Name: Marisa
Re: first hair cut -- what age?
Sean was 4 MONTHS old -
If you saw my hair, you'd understand.
Kid is 14 months and on his 7th or 8th haircut !!
Posted 6/18/10 12:37 PM |
06ers Rock!!

Member since 1/07 9537 total posts
Name: The One My Mother Gave Me ;-)
Re: first hair cut -- what age?
I just cut DD's hair for the first time in April. She was 28 months.
I didn't want bangs cut into her hair, so it still falls in her face a bit.
Posted 6/18/10 1:40 PM |
When you wish upon a star

Member since 5/05 11997 total posts
Name: Because 2 people fell in love
Re: first hair cut -- what age?
omg - she is such a little cutie
Victoria had her first haircut at her first birthday. At the rate Julianne is going (she just turned one) she won't be needing her first haircut until she's 3
Posted 6/18/10 2:19 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 7/05 1636 total posts
Re: first hair cut -- what age?
My son is 17 months and has had 5 haircuts already. . My 3yo daughter has not had her hair cut yet. Its 3/4 down her back. I am stalling bc it has such a pretty flip at the bottom and I know that will be history as soon as I cut it. My 5 yo daughter was about 3 when she has her first cut. They always have clips, ponies or headbands on.
Posted 6/18/10 2:29 PM |
my little loves

Member since 8/08 18453 total posts
Re: first hair cut -- what age?
ummm val, jack already needs a haircut in the back and he's 6 weeks
lets do it tomorrow! we can go with you!! 9 months is perfect, she can have pretty bangs to match her beautiful crown!!
Posted 6/18/10 3:32 PM |
Dream big

Member since 1/06 2486 total posts
Name: j
Re: first hair cut -- what age?
My DD is 3 1/2 and she hasn't had her haircut yet. It took a LONG time for her hair to grow. Now it's a little past her shoulders. The reason I haven't gotten it cut is because she has thick hair with these big beautiful curls. It's tought to get curly hair cut and have it look, I'm just waiting a bit longer out of fear!
As for getting a clip in her hair. It's usually a battle. I have to put the clip or hair tie in while running behind her because she will NEVER sit still and let me do her hair.
Your DD's hair looks beautiful!
Posted 6/18/10 3:46 PM |
Loves being Joey & Vinny's mom

Member since 1/09 3771 total posts
Name: Athina
Re: first hair cut -- what age?
I'd like to wait until 1 year at the earliest but if I can go longer I will. I love little boys with long hair. lmao.
Posted 6/18/10 4:17 PM |

Member since 1/09 2623 total posts
Name: VT
Re: first hair cut -- what age?
thanks for all the replies
im going to go look for those little hair ties (like mini rubberbands) and see if they help. if not, we'll get it TRIMMED It makes me so sad to cut it because it's beautiful. Im in love with the color. She has such big dark brown eyes and that with the light hair is such a striking combo to me
anyways -- thanks again. made me feel better!
Posted 6/18/10 4:21 PM |
Always My Miracle

Member since 9/05 9923 total posts
Re: first hair cut -- what age?
My mom has been BEGGING me to cut DS' hair. I want to wait until he's 1. She keeps insisting that people think he's a girl....hmmm...looks like a boy to me
Ok, to be does tend to get a little sweaty and in his eyes (first picture) but I do tend to sweep it over to the side most of the times. Guess it didnt help that he was born with a full head of hair and never lost it.
Message edited 6/18/2010 4:29:06 PM.
Posted 6/18/10 4:28 PM |
Never knew LOVE like it before

Member since 3/10 2640 total posts
Name: Danielle
Re: first hair cut -- what age?
DS was 4 months old when I cut the mullet off myself and trimmed around his ears. We just went for his first real haircut at 7 months old. I'm so much happier. I refused to wait just because that's what some people do.
Posted 6/18/10 5:36 PM |
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