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First night at home and I am freaking out (an introduction)

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I hope you stay beautiful baby

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First night at home and I am freaking out (an introduction)

Hi Everyone! I am so glad to be joining this board! I had my first baby- Kaitlyn Elizabeth on Saturday morning at 1:18am. It wasnt an easy labor as I quickly developed pre-eclampsia- and had to be induced.

Kaitlyn was 5lbs 14oz and measured 19.5 inches long.

We were due to stay in the hospital one more night, but because the both of us were doing so well, they let us come home 1 day early.

I was so calm with her during our stay at the hospital- and I really thought I would be that way when we got home. So now, its just me, her, and DH- and I cannot stop worrying that something is going to happen to her. She has been the perfect baby so far- very calm and chill. DH and I had both of our parents over tonight- and now I'm just freaked.

In the hospital, she just slept most of the time- but now that we are home, she wont sleep in her crib- she will only fall asleep on me or DH. When we go to put her in her crib, she wakes right up and wont fall back asleep! Do you think its because she's in a new place?

So that is my story. Hopefully she'll get used to her crib, and her new surroundings.

Posted 8/19/07 9:27 PM
Long Island Weddings
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life is good

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Re: First night at home and I am freaking out (an introduction)

Congrats and welcome!! Seems 'normal' to me about her sleeping ... just let her sleep on you for now and take it ONE DAY at a time. Chat Icon

Posted 8/19/07 9:37 PM


Member since 4/07

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Re: First night at home and I am freaking out (an introduction)

first- congrats!!!! welcome to the board, and welcome to the wonderful but tiring world of motherhood, esp the first time around.....

k, sleep? well, your DD is just days old....she was inside of YOU for 9 months, and so think how she must feel in the big big world, esp that big big crib? have u considered cosleeping at all? with something that attaches to the bed, or a bassinet perhaps, which are WAY smaller....?? i found co cosleeping to be rewarding- and although i only did it for about 4 months, i feel i will co sleep with the next child for about 6 months. we have a kind size bed, and DD slept between us that whole time....and as far as ur DD only being able to sleep on u or DH....well, a lot of babies are like that- they lvoe your body heat and your HEARTBEAT!! go with many days DD slept on my chest for hours at a time, and i would just make sure i was comfortable too and sleep right along with her!

anyway, hope this helps a little.....and it wont get much easier for ya for a little while....just cope, and have comfort in knowing that you brought this child into the world, that you created her, and eventually you, too, will get sleep- even if it is in 6 months.... Chat Icon

the way i saw it- i have my whole life to sleep let me enjoy her and the fact that she needs to be so close to me....... Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/19/07 9:39 PM

Mommy to 3 boys!

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Re: First night at home and I am freaking out (an introduction)

First, congrats on your new baby!! I remember the first night James was home. It seemed like he was up all night and we didn't know what to do with him. You're probably right that she isn't used to her new surroundings. Remember, this is her FIRST night home! It gets easier, I promise! I had James in the bassinet at first and then his crib. I would give it a few more nights and see how she does in the crib. I wouldn't jump to co-sleeping, though, but that's just me. Good luck!

Posted 8/19/07 9:51 PM

Babygirl is 4!

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Re: First night at home and I am freaking out (an introduction)

Congratulations Liz!! I've been waiting for you!

First, I promise it will get easier. The first few days are VERY ovewhelming. We didn't put DD down for 3 or 4 days.

I would say, let her sleep when she is on you or DH. Are you using a cosleeper? That worked great with DD. I slept with my hand on her belly the first few nights.

Hey if you need anyhting let me know...I am right here...

ETA - I have a sleep sheep - never needed it - I can lend it to you to see if Kaitlyn likes it...

Message edited 8/19/2007 10:40:42 PM.

Posted 8/19/07 10:39 PM

wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06

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Re: First night at home and I am freaking out (an introduction)

welcome and congrats! you will love being a mom!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/19/07 10:46 PM

I <3 Gabriella

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Re: First night at home and I am freaking out (an introduction)


We had the same problem and still have the same problem..... DD will not sleep in crib, co-sleeper, swing or seats.... so she is in bed with us and we are now quite okay with it after doing some internet research. It also makes breastfeeding very easy for me at night. So, I think I will plan on the transition to the crib at 12-16 weeks.....

Good Luck!!!!

Posted 8/19/07 10:57 PM

Living on a prayer!!!

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Re: First night at home and I am freaking out (an introduction)

Congrats - glad you are finally joining us! The first few days are VERY scary and overwhelming. Take it one hour at a tim, try to nap when she's napping (much easier said then done but it's true) and try not to put everything on yourself. If your DH starts to help out with things from the beginning he will always be a big help!

We're all here if you need us! Chat Icon

Posted 8/19/07 11:01 PM

Family of 4! :o)

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Re: First night at home and I am freaking out (an introduction)

Congrats and welcome home! It's completely normal to feel what you are feeling. Welcome to Mommyhood! Chat Icon Our DS did the same thing re: sleeping. After a couple of days he would sleep in his bassinet. There are still times now, at 8 1/2 wks, that he likes to sleep on mommy or daddy. I think it's a comfort thing for them and at such a young age, I see nothing wrong with giving my DS what he needs to feel secure. Hang in there, take one day at a time and remember we're all here for you. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/19/07 11:27 PM

I am an amazing bakist

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Re: First night at home and I am freaking out (an introduction)

The first night home was the most terrifying experience ever! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
It gets easier though! I promise!
For now, I'd do anything you can to help the baby matter where. Eventually, they get the hang of it, and learn to sleep elsewhere.
Something I found helps my daughter sleep is when we swaddle her - so if you're not doing that already, you might try it. It helps to make them feel more secure, especially in a crib.
Enjoy your baby!!! Chat Icon

Posted 8/19/07 11:30 PM

I'm a rolling machine.

Member since 9/06

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Re: First night at home and I am freaking out (an introduction)

Posted by InShock

Congrats and welcome!! Seems 'normal' to me about her sleeping ... just let her sleep on you for now and take it ONE DAY at a time. Chat Icon

I agree. Feed her for sleep and then move to the couch (SLOWLY) and watch a movie with her in your arms or on your chest (they like the chest because they can hear you heart and it reminds them of the you may find she'll sleep in YOUR arms great and your DH's chest great...their heartbeats are louder). We did part b/c I couldn't put DS down for anything, but it helped with the transition. Slowly you will see that after a few minutes she can be put down and stays asleep. They get cold easy, so when you feed her, try having her wrapped up so she doesn't notice the temp. change as much (moving from your warm body to a cold crib is night and day to them).

Posted 8/20/07 5:50 AM


Member since 10/06

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Re: First night at home and I am freaking out (an introduction)

congratulations!!!!!! don't worry it gets easier as you get to know your child better. ther first nights are overwhelming for sure and you cannot be expected to know exactly what to do. the one thing i remember helping is having my DD in her moses basket in our room. it kept her nearby and it was small and cozy for her. the crib at that time was a little too big. she is now in her crib at 8.5 weeks and we started that at 6 wks. also, the one thing i wished i had realized about my DD is that she loves to be tightly swaddled! if i had known that i would have gotten a lot more sleep that first month. since your DD is a peanut the swaddling might be something you might try if your not already. best of luck to you and you're going to be a great mommy!!Chat Icon

Posted 8/20/07 5:50 AM

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Re: First night at home and I am freaking out (an introduction)

Congratulations!Chat Icon Chat Icon

At this stage swaddling was my best friend...enjoyChat Icon

Posted 8/20/07 7:49 AM


Member since 5/06

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Re: First night at home and I am freaking out (an introduction)

My DD didnt like to be put down also. At first I hated holding her because i felt like i had too many things to do around the house. Now that i look back i wish i would have held her.

I would just let her sleep on you. I still let my DD nap on me at times. It lets me just relax while watching television.

My DD slept like an angel in the hospital also. When I got her home the first night was hell. She was up every hour. But she is almost 7 months and sleeps 11 hours STRAIGHT a night.

Good luck!!!!

Posted 8/20/07 8:57 AM

All good things in 2016!!

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Re: First night at home and I am freaking out (an introduction)

Congrats Mommy!!

Posted 8/20/07 8:57 AM

I love Gary too..on a plate!

Member since 5/06

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Re: First night at home and I am freaking out (an introduction)


DS was the "perfect" little boy in the hospital. I had a c-section so I stayed several days.

I will always rememer our first night. WOW... I barely slept so did he. He adjusted a little bit in the following days.

It's a totally different environment and they need to adjust.

As long as she eats and gains weight it's totally normal!

Posted 8/20/07 9:03 AM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

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Re: First night at home and I am freaking out (an introduction)

congrats!!!!! welcome.
It will take some time for her adjusting to her new surroundings.
My boys cried when they got home and dh and I freaked out, because they were so good in the hospital.
I guess they werent used to it being so quiet considering they were in rooms with lights flashing and monitors beeping all night (they were in the NICU)
It is going to be rough in the beginning, but you will be fineChat Icon

Message edited 8/20/2007 9:32:13 AM.

Posted 8/20/07 9:08 AM

my princess

Member since 10/05

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home and I am freaking out (an introduction)

Chat Icon Congratulations and relax we all felt that way. You will find a routine soon enough!

Posted 8/20/07 9:31 AM


Member since 2/06

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Re: First night at home and I am freaking out (an introduction)

Congrats Liz!!!Chat Icon I had a feeling you delivered when i didn't see you on for a couple days!

The first couple nights after we brought DS home he woke up every hour/hour & a half to feed. We did not get much sleep at all. I did try to nap during the day when he did, though. After that he got used to being home and we only had to get up with him maybe twice a night.

Good Luck! I hope you can get some rest!Chat Icon

Posted 8/20/07 9:48 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: First night at home and I am freaking out (an introduction)


I promise it gets easier. The first 6 weeks were soooo hard, I thought I would have a nervous breakdown daily ( hourly!!!) ....Now we are at 10 and 1/2 weeks and its soooooo different.

So hang in there..Everyone on here told me it gets easier, and it does, they were right....We wouldnt lie Chat Icon

Take it hour by hour, vent away and ask questions, seek advice on here if you ened to.

I asked like 10 questions a day, vented 4 times a day for the first few weeks, and the ladies here helped me through it with my mind and sanity intact...

Enjoy every moment, but its OK to feel overwhelmed with Fear and a million other emotions.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/20/07 10:37 AM

I hope you stay beautiful baby

Member since 5/05

8356 total posts


Re: First night at home and I am freaking out (an introduction)

Thank you guys so much. Last night wasnt as bad as I thought it would be. I didnt sleep in my bed at all. I slept with her on my chest either in the glider, or in our reclining chair all night. I'm just trying to take it 1 day at a time like alot of you said. Chat Icon

Posted 8/20/07 11:40 AM

Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

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Re: First night at home and I am freaking out (an introduction)

sorry xtra post

Message edited 8/20/2007 6:01:12 PM.

Posted 8/20/07 6:00 PM

Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

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Re: First night at home and I am freaking out (an introduction)

Congrats Liz!!!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/20/07 6:00 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: First night at home and I am freaking out (an introduction)

congratulations I was also very sucessful with the swaddling and the co sleeper. I think the swaddling makes them feel nice and cozy. good luck and it definatly will get easier.

Posted 8/20/07 7:49 PM

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