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First Ultrasound Today @ 5w4d

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LIF Infant

Member since 10/11

135 total posts


First Ultrasound Today @ 5w4d

My ultrasound showed one nice looking gestational and yolk sac @ 5w4d.

My P4 dropped big time...don't know why...I'm to retest it again tomorrow (I am on a ton of Progesterone...maybe lab error). My E2 continues to drop with each blood test...I don't understand why when all my meds are all the same doses and taken at the same times...they are not concerned.

(Today 5w4d)
Mon Oct 8...22dp3dt...HCG = 6360, E2 = 180, P4 = 17.5

Thurs Oct 4...18dp3dt...HCG = 1327, E2 = 220, P4 = 94.1

Mon Oct 1...15dp3dt...HCG = 413.6, E2 = 258, P4 = 90.6

Fri Sept 28...12dp3dt...HCG = 141.7, E2 = 278, P4 = 36.8

Wed Sept 26...10dp3dt...HCG = 68.2, E2 = 325, P4 = 28.9

Mon Sept. 24...8dp3dt...HCG = 25, E2 = 340 & P4 = 64

Sun Sept. 23...7dp3dt...+HPT

Sun Sept. 16...transferred 3, 3day frozen embryos...2, 5 cells and 1, 4 cell.

My next ultrasound will be next Monday with Dr. Braverman. I will only be in NY for the in in the morning and back out late afternoon.

Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers! I can't believe that this has finally become a reality :o).

Posted 10/8/12 10:01 PM

Stop, Think & Breathe...

Member since 8/11

3550 total posts


First Ultrasound Today @ 5w4d

My p4 also dropped dramatically to 4.2 from 14.8 and they put me on PIO...I had no bleeding or cramping so they were not concerned...they think my uterus was absorbing it but not making it into my bloodstream...thats great that you sono was were it should be

Posted 10/9/12 10:10 AM

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