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Flowers recs for my flower bed

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Member since 2/08

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Flowers recs for my flower bed

I have a small empty flower bed in front of my house and I really want to plant some flowers that will bloom all summer long. Any recommendations? I really like the gerbera daisies but I dont know if they bloom all summer.

Posted 5/8/09 11:41 AM
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Member since 1/07

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Re: Flowers recs for my flower bed

DayLilies! We have yellow and red. They bloom all summer and into fall if I remember correctly.

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Posted 5/8/09 12:18 PM

look who's freshly baked!

Member since 12/07

7364 total posts

aka marriedinportjeff

Re: Flowers recs for my flower bed

Daisies are perennials... Most perennials only bloom for about a month or so... Daisies are in july...

I suggest impatiens... You can even get the double-headed ones (which almost look like a miniature rose). they bloom until the first frost (november!) If you want something taller, maybe zinias? I don't recall when they stop blooming, but it likely is in sept Chat Icon

One notable exception to the perennial month long blooming are those shrub roses.... totally care free maintenance (unlike standard and tea roses), and tons of small flowers... but they're large shrubs (taller than an azalea)

Message edited 5/8/2009 12:22:31 PM.

Posted 5/8/09 12:20 PM

look who's freshly baked!

Member since 12/07

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aka marriedinportjeff

Re: Flowers recs for my flower bed

oh, I should add that most standard day lillies only bloom in june.....

Posted 5/8/09 12:21 PM


Member since 1/07

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Re: Flowers recs for my flower bed

Dayliliy Information

Posted 5/8/09 12:22 PM


Member since 1/07

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Re: Flowers recs for my flower bed

Posted by wannabemom

oh, I should add that most standard day lillies only bloom in june.....

Mine bloomed from June into the early Fall. Which daylilies are you talking about?

Posted 5/8/09 12:24 PM

look who's freshly baked!

Member since 12/07

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aka marriedinportjeff

Re: Flowers recs for my flower bed

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wow... ok, they must have hybridized the cr@p out of them over the years.... well my mom's house has the classic orange day lillies... (remember the days when lillies only came in orange or yellow?) they were planted in I believe 1976... so they're definitely not the latest hybrids. all of those early hybrids budded in early june (when the irises are in full bloom), flowered when the irises blooms dropped (late june) and the flowers were 95% gone by july 4.

but I guess the new hybrids have extended flowering time...

Mom and I are quite the gardening pair, so I know the cycle of her yard quite well as you can tell Chat Icon

It seems that they have hybridized them to now bloom during staggared times of the summer, with 2 new varieties blooming all summer... just googled this information:

When will my daylily bloom?
Your daylily may not bloom the first year. But the following year you should see at least one scape (bloom stalk) and at least a few flowers. Bloom time varies quite a bit depending on the cultivar. Bloom times are listed in the registration record as EE - extra early, E-early, EM - early mid season, M- mid season, ML- mid to late season, L- late, VL - very late. Some plants will bloom for just a short period. Others, such as STELLA D'ORO and HAPPY RETURNS are known for blooming from late spring until fall. Some daylilies bloom early in the season and then rebloom later on. This is listed as "Re" in the registration info.

Message edited 5/8/2009 12:33:55 PM.

Posted 5/8/09 12:28 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/06

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Re: Flowers recs for my flower bed

my parents own a garden center....

first, you have to think about what kind of light the area has. does it get full sun ( like all day, or in the hottest part of the afternoon?) or is it shadier? there are plants that are better for sun or shade, so it makes a difference.

also, do you want a perrennial that will come back every year? these usually have shorter blooming times, but you can plant a few different kinds so that something is always flowering during the spring and summer. or do you want an annual, that has a lot of color, but that you have to replant every year?

Posted 5/8/09 12:49 PM

Love my two girls! xoxo

Member since 9/08

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Re: Flowers recs for my flower bed

We put pansies in this year! I love them! They look like they have a face on them!! Just like alice and wonderland!!Chat Icon

Image Attachment(s):
Posted 5/8/09 12:57 PM


Member since 2/08

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Re: Flowers recs for my flower bed

Posted by ml110

my parents own a garden center....

first, you have to think about what kind of light the area has. does it get full sun ( like all day, or in the hottest part of the afternoon?) or is it shadier? there are plants that are better for sun or shade, so it makes a difference.

also, do you want a perrennial that will come back every year? these usually have shorter blooming times, but you can plant a few different kinds so that something is always flowering during the spring and summer. or do you want an annual, that has a lot of color, but that you have to replant every year?

The area gets a lot of sun. I dont really mind perriennials or annuals....doesnt matter to me as long as it blooms for a long time and is full & colorful. Is your parents garden center open to the public? Where is it located?

And thanks everyone for your suggestions....keep them coming Chat Icon

Message edited 5/8/2009 1:15:14 PM.

Posted 5/8/09 1:14 PM


Member since 1/07

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Re: Flowers recs for my flower bed

Posted by wannabemom

Chat Icon

wow... ok, they must have hybridized the cr@p out of them over the years.... well my mom's house has the classic orange day lillies... (remember the days when lillies only came in orange or yellow?) they were planted in I believe 1976... so they're definitely not the latest hybrids. all of those early hybrids budded in early june (when the irises are in full bloom), flowered when the irises blooms dropped (late june) and the flowers were 95% gone by july 4.

but I guess the new hybrids have extended flowering time...

Mom and I are quite the gardening pair, so I know the cycle of her yard quite well as you can tell Chat Icon

It seems that they have hybridized them to now bloom during staggared times of the summer, with 2 new varieties blooming all summer... just googled this information:

When will my daylily bloom?
Your daylily may not bloom the first year. But the following year you should see at least one scape (bloom stalk) and at least a few flowers. Bloom time varies quite a bit depending on the cultivar. Bloom times are listed in the registration record as EE - extra early, E-early, EM - early mid season, M- mid season, ML- mid to late season, L- late, VL - very late. Some plants will bloom for just a short period. Others, such as STELLA D'ORO and HAPPY RETURNS are known for blooming from late spring until fall. Some daylilies bloom early in the season and then rebloom later on. This is listed as "Re" in the registration info.

I know what you are talking about now.

Yup these are different. I'm not sure of the full name. I'll have to see if I kept one of the name tags or not. But yup ours bloom on and off all summer into fall. The blooms die and then other ones open. It's pretty cool. And they multipled from last year, so they will be even bigger then the ones we bought last year. I will havet to take pics when they start to bloom. Thanks for the info as well. Chat Icon

Posted 5/8/09 2:08 PM

My new 71 Super Beetle

Member since 5/05

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Re: Flowers recs for my flower bed

I did Petunias in my full sun area last year - and they were really nice.....But the one thing is you have to pull the dead heads off of them....which was a little annoying.

For part shade I would recommend inpatiens. I planted those last year and they spread like crazy, and also gave off really nice color. They also lasted till october.

Posted 5/8/09 2:16 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/06

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Re: Flowers recs for my flower bed

Posted by daisy32

Posted by ml110

The area gets a lot of sun. I dont really mind perriennials or annuals....doesnt matter to me as long as it blooms for a long time and is full & colorful. Is your parents garden center open to the public? Where is it located?

And thanks everyone for your suggestions....keep them coming Chat Icon

for full sun annuals, i would recommend petunias ( big flowers, lots of color), begonias ( they are the ones that look like they have a "waxy" leaf- colorful, but not as much as the petunias), or vinca flower- it looks like impatiens, but does better in the sun, and they can take it a little bit dry, too so you won't feel like you're always watering them). you could also do geraniums, which get huge flowers and usualy last into november.
i'm not as "up" on my perrenials LOL

my parents garden center is in south jersey, near philly...

Posted 5/8/09 2:53 PM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

20181 total posts


Re: Flowers recs for my flower bed

Posted by JldDolphin

DayLilies! We have yellow and red. They bloom all summer and into fall if I remember correctly.


We have these all over Chat Icon They are clean, neat and soo pretty!

Posted 5/8/09 2:57 PM


Member since 5/07

9579 total posts


Re: Flowers recs for my flower bed

I have experimented over the past 3yrs and this is what I have found to be the easiest to care for and that last all summer and spread like crazy! Geraniams and impatients. I don't like Geraniums, but I like flowers that spread so it works for me. We have a mostly sunny area, but it also gets shady later in the day. They need watering every day mostly, but 1 or 2 days off here and there seem to be ok. If they get dry a good watering brings them back. I also love Gerber Daisy's but they are a PAIN IN THE ASSS! They are very picky about how much water and sun they need. It's easy to under or over water them, I have found, and o I don't plant them anymore. After 2wks they're dying and it looks awful. HTH!

Posted 5/8/09 4:23 PM

My 3 wishes

Member since 12/07

13625 total posts


Re: Flowers recs for my flower bed

We always have lots of luck with impatiens ( they are super ressilient and spread like crazy Chat Icon )

Posted 5/8/09 5:31 PM


Member since 9/06

11483 total posts


Re: Flowers recs for my flower bed

Ditto on the geraniums and daylilies. I grow a few different kinds of Daylilies but the Spider type is my favorite.

Coneflower (echinacea)
Rudbeckia (black eyed susan)

I know these aren't the typical answer but you're not going to find many perennials that bloom all summer long. I haven't looked into annuals for years (tired of spending money on them) so I can't help there, sorry. Chat Icon

Posted 5/8/09 6:58 PM

look who's freshly baked!

Member since 12/07

7364 total posts

aka marriedinportjeff

Re: Flowers recs for my flower bed

Posted by greenfreak

Ditto on the geraniums and daylilies. I grow a few different kinds of Daylilies but the Spider type is my favorite.

Coneflower (echinacea)
Rudbeckia (black eyed susan)

I know these aren't the typical answer but you're not going to find many perennials that bloom all summer long. I haven't looked into annuals for years (tired of spending money on them) so I can't help there, sorry. Chat Icon

I Chat Icon lavender.... (I really fell in love in europe where it grows by the bushel in arid climates)...
but I've never had any luck with it...

where/how do you grow it? I presume it's in full sun... what type of soil and how much water?

Posted 5/9/09 10:13 AM

my little piggys

Member since 3/08

4315 total posts


Re: Flowers recs for my flower bed

Posted by OneOfEach

Posted by JldDolphin

DayLilies! We have yellow and red. They bloom all summer and into fall if I remember correctly.


We have these all over Chat Icon They are clean, neat and soo pretty!

i want to know what kind they are. mine must be the 1970s version. they only bloom for a VERY short period.

Posted 5/9/09 11:34 AM


Member since 9/06

11483 total posts


Re: Flowers recs for my flower bed

Posted by wannabemom

I Chat Icon lavender.... (I really fell in love in europe where it grows by the bushel in arid climates)...
but I've never had any luck with it...

where/how do you grow it? I presume it's in full sun... what type of soil and how much water?

I've never grown it either, so I have no idea. I usually just search a few sites on google and take the most common answer. Someone here has a family that has a lavender farm out east. I plan on making a trip out there this summer.

Posted 5/9/09 12:44 PM


Member since 9/06

11483 total posts


Re: Flowers recs for my flower bed

Posted by rkoenke

Posted by OneOfEach

Posted by JldDolphin

DayLilies! We have yellow and red. They bloom all summer and into fall if I remember correctly.


We have these all over Chat Icon They are clean, neat and soo pretty!

i want to know what kind they are. mine must be the 1970s version. they only bloom for a VERY short period.

Those are Stella D'Oro, very common. The foliage is shorter and thinner than some other larger varieties and the flowers are that creamy yellow color.

All individual daylily flowers bloom for one day only - hence the name day lily. The trick to getting some of them to reflower is to remove those spent flowers/stalks. One day after they flower, they should be pretty dried out and you can snap them right off. Once there are no other flower buds on the stalk, cut it down to the ground. I know is a lot of work the more you have but sometimes if you want more flowers, you gotta put in the work. Chat Icon

I'm pretty sure they appreciate good compost/organic fertilizer. I'm moving away from the synthetic Miracle Gro types and more to natural degraded compost. We had some great blooms from all the lilies last year.

Two of my favorites look like these pics I found:

External Image

External Image

Message edited 5/9/2009 12:53:48 PM.

Posted 5/9/09 12:50 PM

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