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for those children diagnosed with milk protein allergies...did any of your children exhibit behavioral changes when they went on to milk products

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Member since 5/05

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for those children diagnosed with milk protein allergies...did any of your children exhibit behavioral changes when they went on to milk products

i am wondering if hannah's behavior changes are due to the introduction of yogurt. my daycare provider said she has noticed a change in her for about 3 weeks and thats when we started yogurt. is this possible? she has had a perpetual runny nose for over a month now and has really been very cranky. i have been doing some research and found some sites that say that behavioral changes are possible. but i was curious for some real life experiences.

Posted 3/28/07 12:50 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: for those children diagnosed with milk protein allergies...did any of your children exhibit behavioral changes when they went on to milk products

absolutely, my daughter was so irritable when she was on milk products, within 10 days of taking her off of milk products she was a different kid. The milk portein makes them tired, and makes their bellies hurt as well as their nasal passages hurt. It is so difficult to digest, Hope Hannah feels better soonChat Icon

Message edited 3/28/2007 1:18:29 PM.

Posted 3/28/07 1:17 PM

my girls!

Member since 2/06

1491 total posts


Re: for those children diagnosed with milk protein allergies...did any of your children exhibit behavioral changes when they went on to milk products

My dd always reacted immediately with her allergy so we knew to stop the food causing it. She's have hives, swelling, etc.

But I can see if a child has digestive issues with an allergic food, it would make sense to cause a lot of irritability and discomfort Chat Icon Maybe have them stop the yogurt for a week or so and see if she gets better.

Posted 3/28/07 1:22 PM


Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Re: for those children diagnosed with milk protein allergies...did any of your children exhibit behavioral changes when they went on to milk products

Andy has a severe milk protein allergy, he had to go onto Neocate and the ped. told us not to give him cheese or yogurt yet. If he successfully transitions to milk at 1 year then we can try.

Posted 3/28/07 1:22 PM


Member since 5/05

2423 total posts


Re: for those children diagnosed with milk protein allergies...did any of your children exhibit behavioral changes when they went on to milk products

thank you so much for your reply. i thought i was grasping at straws. i have to take her to the hospital to have the blood test for milk protein and soy allergies b/c the lab was unable to draw blood from her arm. they want me to take her to the er so they can do it thru the foot.

Posted 3/28/07 1:22 PM


Member since 8/05

4987 total posts


Re: for those children diagnosed with milk protein allergies...did any of your children exhibit behavioral changes when they went on to milk products

we haven't been able to introduce milk products because he has a really bad reaction. but a runny nose is definitely a symptom of a food allergy. and i think it's very likely that the behavioral issues are related. her belly might be hurting her. what kind of formula are you giving her? you might be able to try soy yogurt. either way, i'd stop the yogurt and see what happens.

Posted 3/28/07 1:26 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: for those children diagnosed with milk protein allergies...did any of your children exhibit behavioral changes when they went on to milk products

she is on elecare formula since 8 weeks old. she had some rectal bleeding and a sigmoidoscopy showed blood in the intestines but the biopsy was negative for milk protein allergy. but now my allergist wants a blood test since she is getting older and should be eating more foods with potential for milk and soy in them. i am definitely stopping the yogurt and will see what will happen. thanks ladies for all of the support Chat Icon

Posted 3/28/07 1:30 PM

Sister love

Member since 2/06

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Re: for those children diagnosed with milk protein allergies...did any of your children exhibit behavioral changes when they went on to milk products

He is always very irritable if I have any milk products.

Posted 3/28/07 2:11 PM

Chase is one!

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Re: for those children diagnosed with milk protein allergies...did any of your children exhibit behavioral changes when they went on to milk products

Joanna, I wouldn't be surprised if it's linked to the yogurt, but honestly, I also wouldn't be surprised if it was teething related. Sounds like Ava when she's getting a tooth. Cranky, runny nose, and it can last for over a month at times.

Posted 3/28/07 3:03 PM

My Little Yankee Fans

Member since 1/06

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Re: for those children diagnosed with milk protein allergies...did any of your children exhibit behavioral changes when they went on to milk products

It could be related, just realize that if you stop the yogurt today, it takes 7 - 10 days to get out of thier system.

Can you bring her to your ped to have them do a swab of her poop to see if there is any blood in it. My Dr had these cards that they wiped it on to tell.

Good Luck!!!

Posted 3/28/07 3:22 PM


Member since 5/05

2423 total posts


Re: for those children diagnosed with milk protein allergies...did any of your children exhibit behavioral changes when they went on to milk products

Posted by prncssrachel

Joanna, I wouldn't be surprised if it's linked to the yogurt, but honestly, I also wouldn't be surprised if it was teething related. Sounds like Ava when she's getting a tooth. Cranky, runny nose, and it can last for over a month at times.

i know it sounds like teething too, right? it's so hard to figure out. i guess the only thing to do is to stop the yogurt and see what happens in the next 2 weeks, get the blood test and then see what the results say too.

the only thing that makes me question if it is teething is that according to my ped, you can give tylenol or motrin and it will alleviate discomfort, but for hannah tylenol and motrin do nothing to help. she still seems miserable.

Posted 3/28/07 3:26 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

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Re: for those children diagnosed with milk protein allergies...did any of your children exhibit behavioral changes when they went on to milk products

we deal with a milk/soy protein allergy. Poop was green/mucusy..then blood was found in stool. Horrible acne and breakouts all over.

Posted 3/28/07 4:58 PM

Holiday 2011 photo

Member since 8/05

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Re: for those children diagnosed with milk protein allergies...did any of your children exhibit behavioral changes when they went on to milk products

Did the crankiness show up right away with the intro of yogurt? I ask b/c we just tried giving that to Ellie for the first time today. So I can't answer you yet.

Posted 3/28/07 9:29 PM

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