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Life is good...

Member since 9/05 18504 total posts
Name: Stephanie
For those that don't know the sex...
Do you have a "feeling" what it might be? And for the ladies that do know what you are having, was your feeling right?
My mom always knew what she was having. she never found out the sex, but she just "knew" when she was having a girl and a boy. For some reason DH and I both think that I am having a girl. We can't wait to find out for sure, and of course, we wouldn't be disappointed either way, but we just have a feeling it is a girl.
Posted 4/26/06 1:35 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Complete Happiness :)
Member since 5/05 27789 total posts
Name: LOVE being a Mommy!
Re: For those that don't know the sex...
Honestly - my feeling changed. In the beginning I thought girl. then it changed to boy and now I am thinking girl again - I guess it is the preggo brain at work again
Posted 4/26/06 1:36 PM |
I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05 11357 total posts
Name: Kathy
Re: For those that don't know the sex...
My feeling was right. I felt like the baby was a little girl from the beginning...and I was right
ETA: DH thought it was a boy - but he said the only reason he thought it was a boy was because I was so convinced it was a girl.
Message edited 4/26/2006 1:41:28 PM.
Posted 4/26/06 1:40 PM |
Praying for a miracle!

Member since 5/05 1536 total posts
Re: For those that don't know the sex...
Posted by Marcie
Honestly - my feeling changed. In the beginning I thought girl. then it changed to boy and now I am thinking girl again - I guess it is the preggo brain at work again
I feel the same way.
Posted 4/26/06 1:41 PM |
I'm two!

Member since 5/05 4320 total posts
Name: Ann
Re: For those that don't know the sex...
When people ask me if I know the sex or not, and I tell them no, they say, "well, do you have any idea what it might be?" Uh, it could be a boy.....or maybe a girl! I really don't know how you could get the feeling that it might be one or the other. But anyway, everyone here at work thinks it's a boy because of the way I'm carrying, but we all know about those old wives' tales and how they can be wrong. My neighbor back in VA carried the same way as I am now, and she had a girl. But in 4 weeks, we'll find out for sure!
Posted 4/26/06 1:43 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 11/05 6870 total posts
Name: Maureen
Re: For those that don't know the sex...
I think I already have a bad mothers intuition, lol...
For as long as i could remember I pictured my first being a little girl. BUT we are having a boy. We are thrilled and couldn't care less, but I was convinced the first would be a girl...
Posted 4/26/06 1:51 PM |

Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: For those that don't know the sex...
From the beginning prob around 8 weeks, I had really strong gut feeling it was a girl. Dh thought it was a boy cause he wants his namesake so badly
Posted 4/26/06 1:55 PM |
my little man

Member since 5/05 1350 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: For those that don't know the sex...
I have a really strong feeling that it is a girl. DH thinks so too, although he really wants a boy. We find out in 4.5 weeks!
Posted 4/26/06 1:59 PM |
Turning a new page

Member since 5/05 9731 total posts
Name: Dina
Re: For those that don't know the sex...
well- we both want a girl first, and we are 100% sure on a girls' name- so i'm sure we'll be having a boy- and I'm fine with that too :)
Posted 4/26/06 2:04 PM |
Check out my cool glasses

Member since 5/05 8135 total posts
Name: Kim
Re: For those that don't know the sex...
I have a feeling it's a boy...and DH just refers to the baby as "he" because he really wants a boy. We will find out in a few weeks!
Posted 4/26/06 2:09 PM |
<3 my family

Member since 1/06 7465 total posts
Name: Amanda
Re: For those that don't know the sex...
With my son, I just knew he was a boy. I didnt need the ultrasound to confirm it. With this pregnancy I thought it was a boy too, but I was wrong, lol.
Posted 4/26/06 2:17 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/05 774 total posts
Re: For those that don't know the sex...
Both I and DH and everyone that knows us swears we are having a . The old wives tales, I've felt great, look the same in my face, carrying so well, all that. But at last weeks sono, I SWEAR i saw "something" between the legs. the teach said don't assume becasue the picture was taken from the back and really how long could it be But we're going with boy and will be completely shocked if its a either way, after all the amnio worries, A HEALTHY BABY is what we want c can't wait till sept!!!
Posted 4/26/06 2:18 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 3/06 1134 total posts
Re: For those that don't know the sex...
Posted by Marcie
Honestly - my feeling changed. In the beginning I thought girl. then it changed to boy and now I am thinking girl again - I guess it is the preggo brain at work again
Marcie- when I saw your pics the other day,I just immediately thought
As for me, I'm only 2 months and don't "feel" strongly either way. After 3 grandsons in the family, my IL's refuse to believe or think anything but PINK. I'd like it to be a girl so I could close up shop. One of each DH of course wants to add another player to his imaginary football team.
Message edited 4/26/2006 2:24:08 PM.
Posted 4/26/06 2:22 PM |
Life is good...

Member since 9/05 18504 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: For those that don't know the sex...
For DH and I, we don't prefer one over the other, we just have a strong feeling it's a girl.
Posted 4/26/06 2:37 PM |

Member since 5/05 19403 total posts
Re: For those that don't know the sex...
With Sarah the whole time I thought girl, and when she was born, I was so tired after labor that I kept saying over and over to DH "See, I told you it was a girl." I can imagine what the nurses thought of me.
This time I go back and forth. Mostly I feel like boy, but I don't know if that's because my parents had a girl and then a boy or because this pregnancy was so different than my first.
Posted 4/26/06 2:40 PM |
Holiday 2011 photo

Member since 8/05 8088 total posts
Name: Kristen
Re: For those that don't know the sex...
We haven't found out and we don't have a preference either way, but I think there may be something to this whole mother's intuition thing b/c from day one I've had a feeling it's a boy and my Mom swears it is too so we'll just have to wait and see But I'd be very happy to be wrong - all those cutie dresses and matching hats and shoes, I know a would be fun!
We're just rooting for a happy healthy baby either way! Can't wait to find out though, the suspense is really getting to me now!
Posted 4/26/06 2:49 PM |
Member since 5/05 7557 total posts
Name: Kate
Re: For those that don't know the sex...
I felt that it was a boy from the beginning and I was right.
Posted 4/26/06 2:49 PM |
too excited for words

Member since 10/05 18538 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: For those that don't know the sex...
I've felt that it was a boy from the get-go and so has my mom and MIL. We'll find out for sure in 5 weeks, but at the last sono the tech said not to go paiting a nursery just yet, but it looked like a boy.
Posted 4/26/06 2:51 PM |
My Big Boy!
Member since 10/05 2383 total posts
Re: For those that don't know the sex...
I have had a very strong feeling since the beginning that I am having a boy. 95% of people also tell me it is a boy. My mom even has been buying some boy stuff because she is so convinced! I will see on Tuesday if my feelings are right!
Posted 4/26/06 3:50 PM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: For those that don't know the sex...
I had a feeling my first would be a girl. I secretly knew it & didn't tell DH. When he would talk about having a little boy to play ball with, I would feel bad for him.
When he leaned over after delivery to say it was a boy, the first thought that entered my mind was "You idiot, that's the umbilical cord."
He was right.
For my second, we both suspected it was a girl because it was a very different pregnancy.
Posted 4/26/06 3:53 PM |
Re: For those that don't know the sex...
Bfore I knew I was having a boy, I just had a feeling about it. Everyone told me it was a girl, but deep down, I just knew I had a little boy inside,
Posted 4/26/06 9:40 PM |
Making big changes

Member since 5/05 16541 total posts
Name: Kristin
Re: For those that don't know the sex...
I've been feeling like it's a girl the whole time, because a)This pregnancy has been completely different and b) I had a dream that I had a girl I'm wondering if I'm just getting my hopes up though, because I really want a girl this time.
Posted 4/26/06 9:48 PM |
Making big changes

Member since 5/05 16541 total posts
Name: Kristin
Re: For those that don't know the sex...
Posted by nrthshgrl
I had a feeling my first would be a girl. I secretly knew it & didn't tell DH. When he would talk about having a little boy to play ball with, I would feel bad for him.
When he leaned over after delivery to say it was a boy, the first thought that entered my mind was "You idiot, that's the umbilical cord."
He was right.
For my second, we both suspected it was a girl because it was a very different pregnancy.
Sorry, but this made me crack up
Posted 4/26/06 9:49 PM |

Member since 5/05 19403 total posts
Re: For those that don't know the sex...
Posted by nrthshgrl
I had a feeling my first would be a girl. I secretly knew it & didn't tell DH. When he would talk about having a little boy to play ball with, I would feel bad for him.
When he leaned over after delivery to say it was a boy, the first thought that entered my mind was "You idiot, that's the umbilical cord."
He was right.
For my second, we both suspected it was a girl because it was a very different pregnancy.
When Sarah was born part of the umbilical cord was kinked up between her legs and the nurse who was up by my head said "It's a boy" and my doctor and DH looked at her and said "No it's not!" I was so confused for the first few mintues!
Posted 4/26/06 9:58 PM |
I love the summer

Member since 1/06 2063 total posts
Name: Kara
Re: For those that don't know the sex...
we both have a feeling that it's a boy, but you never know. We'll be happy either way. we'll know for sure in 6 weeks. It's going to be so great to hear "it's a....!"
Posted 4/26/06 11:12 PM |
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