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For those with anxiety issues..

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My princess!

Member since 5/05

6548 total posts


For those with anxiety issues..

Can you please describe to me what your anxiety is like?

How did you know it was the right time to seek help in some form?

Basically can you just share your experiences with me. I am always nervous and anxious but people are always steering me away from meds. I try to control it on my own but then it takes a toll on me physically. Some say its just stresses of daily life, but I think I handle them differently.

Please share. TIA!

Posted 1/29/08 10:57 PM

Nya nya nya

Member since 5/05

11618 total posts


Re: For those with anxiety issues..

Once my anxiety started affecting my ability to function in life I knew it was time. For a long time the issues just brewed right below the surface and were just a minor annoyance (I'd get really upset over something little and have a major flare-up followed by a regret for getting so worked up).

When I started having panic attacks where I'd really feel like I was unable to control my feelings at all, I knew it was time to seek help. When I say "control my feelings" I mean that I would cry in public, or start hyperventilating. Often times I would feel like the world was caving in on me.

A good example: I was at work and for WHATEVER reason, I started freaking out about paying off my student loans. OK~ totallly something people stress about, I know. Except it wasn't something I needed to worry about for another 2.5 years!! But there I was, in front of 100 passengers (I was a flight attendant at the time) and it took EVERY ounce of strength within me to hold it together long enough to get to the bathroom so that I could cry. Additionally, I was waking in the middle of the night ALOT.

I used my company's mental health program to talk with a counselor and try to sort through my feelings. SHE was the one who determined I needed meds and she advised me to see a psychiatrist who concurred and prescribed an antidepressant as well as an anti-anxiety.

I don't know why some people see meds as a "weakness". Many times people have a temporary chemical imbalance or need that can only be helped with medication. They worked WONDERS for me. I was on the meds for 2 years and am now totally off them and am able to function just fine. I am still a bit of a neurotic at times, but it's TOTALLY within my control now.

Go and talk to someone, they can help you figure out what you need in regards to therapy and possible medication.

GLChat Icon

Posted 1/30/08 1:20 AM

boy mamma

Member since 5/05

2975 total posts


Re: For those with anxiety issues..

for me I have always been a worrier and nervous, it wasnt until it started to affect me physically that I need to seek some treatment. When the panic attack would come I would get shortness of breath, feelings of dying, knots in the stomach constantly, dizziness etc. I told my primary dr about it and he prescribed Klonopin to take during an attack. Which worked great and enventually I didnt have to take anything, I would just breathe thru the attacks and keep myself distracted. The anxiety would come and go and I was able to cope without the klonpin. I got preggo and was totally fine the entire pregnacy mild panic attacks here and there nothing to extreme that I couldnt deal with. The after my son was about 1 yrs old the anxiety came back around planning his 1st birthday party. It started to affect my sleeping and turned into insomnia. This was the worst. I went back to the dr got a script for paxil and klonopin to help sleep. The paxil was great and helped alot but I knew that one day I would like to have another child. I didnt want to be on the paxil because it really is not safe for pregnancy so i weaned off of that with no probems but I still have to take the klonopin about 2 nights per week because my anxiety affects my sleep and also if I dont get sleep it makes my anxiety worse. So now Im at a loss of what to do because I really want to have a 2nd child but i know that Im not going to be able to take the klonopin. Chat Icon

Basically my reccommendation if you are not looking to get preggo in the near future I would give the meds a shot. I really beleive that taking them is ok because many people have a chemical inbalance and anxiety is not always something that we can control.

Posted 1/30/08 10:47 AM

Sooo happy

Member since 8/07

1235 total posts


Re: For those with anxiety issues..

This is exactly what happens to me.

I feel a pain in my body that is extreme, unfamilar or just plain wierd and I freak.

Freak meaning can not get a grip on life. I feel like the emotion is taking over me and I can not process one thought.

I usually run for the bathroom look at my face try meditation tequniques, breathing in and out as best as I can or call my dad, friend that also has anxiety attacks.

sometimes it works , sometimes it doesnt and then i stay in the bathroom until it passes... i usually lose all color in my face, get the runs, feel my heartbeat .. i am never out of breath

Message edited 1/30/2008 11:52:27 AM.

Posted 1/30/08 11:26 AM

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