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May the Force Be With You!

Member since 5/05 2083 total posts
Name: Suzanne
Freaking out.....
I have a huge exam on Friday afternoon for my Masters program. I need to pass it in order to get my Masters. I am freaking out big time! I am so not ready for this test yet! There is so much information to know and trying to get it all in my brain is not working!
How do you calm your nerves before a big stressful event like this? Any study tips you can offer?
Thanks for letting me vent!
Posted 8/17/05 7:45 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05 15952 total posts
Re: Freaking out.....
Well, it's been almost 12 years since I took my comps. so I'm not sure how helpful I'd be. My heart goes out to you because I don't think I have the drive and stamina to do all that anymore.
I was nervous for my general exam but for my history exam they allowed us to pick the classes we wanted the essay questions from. I picked the two classses with the professors who obsessed the most on the same old topics that way I had a pretty good idea what they would ask. Sure enough I was right.
Just set mini-goals for yourself. I used to study for 1 hour, take a 5-10 minute break and fold laundry, study for 2 hours, take a 15 minute walk around the block. Try to break up the material into chunks and set goals for yourself everyday. If you look at the entire body of notes you will feel overwhelmed.
Is there anyone else in your program you could study or check in with?
Good luck
Posted 8/17/05 7:51 PM |
May the Force Be With You!

Member since 5/05 2083 total posts
Name: Suzanne
Re: Freaking out.....
Thanks for the advice. I have been taking mini breaks after every hour or 2 just to clear my head.
The comp is on 4 classes and I will only have to answer questions on the 2 classes I choose. Part of me says to just focus on 2 of the classes then and forget the other 2 but then what if I can't answer the questions from the 2 I focused on? Does that make sense? I have no idea what to concentrate on (I had horrible professors for every one of these classes I feel).
It is a small program and I know noone that is taking the test on Friday. I spoke with one of my friends who took it in May but the advice she gave me doesn't seem to help.
To tell you the drive to study for this is gone is an understatement. I do not like what I am getting my degree in anymore and have no desire to use it. I am only finishing it b/c I am this close and it would be stupid to stop.
I could go on for hours about it all. At least I feel like I am getting out some frustrations here. Thanks for listening.....
Posted 8/17/05 8:05 PM |

Member since 5/05 15952 total posts
Re: Freaking out.....
I would spend the majority of the time on the material from the two classes then. Don't completely ignore the others but really dedicate yourself to the two.
Posted 8/17/05 8:06 PM |
My Loves!

Member since 5/05 46292 total posts
Re: Freaking out.....
I dont have my master's, so I will answer on a "general" basis. I definitley take breaks (10-15mins). Also, the night before, get plenty of sleep! I know its easy for me to say, but try. When I had huge tests, I would close my books by 11 and sleep! The next day try to "glance" at everything. Dont go nuts! I wish you the BEST OF LUCK!!!! Keep us posted!!!
Posted 8/17/05 8:07 PM |
May the Force Be With You!

Member since 5/05 2083 total posts
Name: Suzanne
Re: Freaking out.....
Thanks for the hugs! I need them. I am really ready to break down and cry. It is crazy what a stupid test can do to you mentally (and physically). Besides the fact that I think testing is stupid and pointless anyway.
I think I will mainly focus on 2 subjects and glance over the other 2 again. Hopefully I will be able to answer all the questions from the 2 I choose. Thanks for the advice.
I have sleeping plenty unfortunately. I took off from work this whole week to study (what a waste of vacation time) and have been sleeping a lot later in the mornings than I should be. I just don't have the drive I wish I did for this test.
Message edited 8/17/2005 8:16:25 PM.
Posted 8/17/05 8:14 PM |
You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05 31871 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Freaking out.....
strange as this may sound but i used to exercise....
Posted 8/17/05 8:16 PM |
May the Force Be With You!

Member since 5/05 2083 total posts
Name: Suzanne
Re: Freaking out.....
Posted by Redhead
strange as this may sound but i used to exercise....
I can see how exercising would help release frustrations. I don't think that is strange at all! I am just too lazy to do that!
Thanks for the hugs!!
Posted 8/17/05 8:17 PM |
Baby # 3 is here!!!

Member since 7/05 21138 total posts
Name: Genna
Re: Freaking out.....
Posted 8/18/05 4:17 PM |
She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05 14624 total posts
Re: Freaking out.....
I'm an attorney and I went through the LSATs, Two bar exams (NY, NJ). The best advice someone gave me, and I followed it both times, is not to study the day before the exam. Both times I went and get a massage the day before- and I passed.
ETA: Is your test tomorrow or next Friday. If its tomorrow, then nevermind.
As for now until then, I found that exercising in the middle of my studying really helped. For the bar I was in class from 9-12. Gym 12-1. LUnch 1-1:30 and study 1:30 until....
Message edited 8/18/2005 4:33:03 PM.
Posted 8/18/05 4:32 PM |