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You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

31871 total posts



i saw in another post about how it isn't good for dogs

if so....what should i be using?

Posted 8/11/06 6:45 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

is not the girl you knew

Member since 5/05

14266 total posts


Re: Frontline

use a pill..... not those liquids you squeeze onto them

Posted 8/11/06 6:46 PM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

31871 total posts


Re: Frontline

name some brand names so i know what to ask for

Posted 8/11/06 6:55 PM

is not the girl you knew

Member since 5/05

14266 total posts


Re: Frontline

hmmm i dunno yet. i dont need to use them. no fleas or ticks here.

no grass for that matterChat Icon

Posted 8/11/06 7:20 PM

Peace out Homies!

Member since 5/05

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Gerty ®

Re: Frontline

Found this on another forum - very long, but very informative. BTW, I use Frontline and Interceptor on Misty and have had no tick or flea problems yet and I walk her in the woods every day.
You have to really figure out what is best for your situation....

Read on -
It can definitely be confusing as to which product to use for heartworm and/or flea control. It really depends on everyone's individual situation and what exposure your pet has to parasites. You definitely want to steer clear of over the counter meds for fleas/ticks ( there are no over the counter ones for heartworm prevention) or buying any of these meds online. The drug companies do not actually sell their meds to the online stores- they get their sources elsewhere so you do have to watch expiration dates, etc. Also, the American Heartworm Association recommends yearly heartworm tests on all dogs and keeping them on preventative all year long. The most important aspect of using preventatives is giving/applying them properly and on time! So here is a list of current available products for heartworms, fleas and ticks. Your vet may carry some or all of these depending on which they like the best and what area you live in (ie: do you have fleas and ticks all year or not). Any animal can potentially react to any of these products- it's not necessarily a reflection on the product but just an individual animal's response to it. If they react talk to your vet about what to swithch to.

Sentinel -- monthly chewable tablet that prevents heartworms, helps prevent and control roundworms, hookworms, and whipworms, and controls fleas by preventing the eggs from hatching after they are laid. When using Sentinel you can also use one of the insecticides (ie: Frontline, Advantage) because there is no insecticide in it. NEVER use more than one product at a time that has insecticide in it!!!

Interceptor -- made by the same company as Sentinel it is basically Sentinel minus the flea product.

Program -- a monthly tablet by the same company that prevents the flea eggs from hatching ( Program + Interceptor = Sentinel )

Heartgard -- a monthly chewable ( very tasty for those finicky dogs!) that prevents heartworms, roundworms and 3 types of hookworms. There is no flea control in Heatrgard.

Frontline -- a monthly topical liquid insecticide that is applied between the shoulder blades that kills fleas and ticks. It is waterproof after being on for a day so it works well if an animal is always in the water. The liquid is absorbed down into the fatty tissue under the skin so it goes everywhere on the pet.

Advantage -- a monthly liquid insecticide applied between the shoulder blades that kills fleas and ticks.

Revolution -- a monthly topical liquid applied between the shoulder blades that prevents heartworms and kills fleas and some but not all types of ticks. It does not prevent or control any intestinal parasites like roundworms. ( in cats it does but not in dogs ). It can also kill several types of mites but unless your vet has diagnosed your dog with mites this is not a major issue. It actually does have insecticide in it as the flea control but because it has both a drug ( the heartworm part ) and an insecticide it is allowed to be labeled as a drug. FDA rules!! This is important to know so you don't add another insecticide when using this.

Advantix -- This is an insecticide like the others but claims to repel mosquitoes and ticks. I have not heard of anyone who really felt it did this but it does kill the ticks and fleas like the other products when the insects contact it.

Proheart -- is not currently on the market anymore but it was the injectable heartworm preventative that worked for 6 mos. It was not used for any flea, tick or intestinal parasite control. They are still working on bringing it back on the market with a one year label on it actually.

These are the main products, although there are a few other products as well ( ie: Iverhart ). Again it really depends on your individual situation as to which product(s) you use. There are pros and cons of each, which is why it is best to discuss it with your vet and decide together. All these companies carry guarantees on their products but only if obtained and used under a vet's directions and not interchanged with each other. Again, the most important thing is they are given as recommended and applied correctly ( ie: on the liquid stuff make sure it is applied on the skin, not the hair!). The most common reason a product fails to work is it wasn't given on time or given correctly.

So now I will tell you what I use. My dogs all take Sentinel all year because it gives them great control over everything. In the spring if I see ticks or if I ever actually see a flea on them, especially on my dobie that goes to work every day with me, then I apply Frontline that month. This way I always have heartworm, intestinal worm, and flea control in them but I can use the insecticide as needed also. And with 18 dogs and 14 cats I haven't had fleas since I stared using this proticol. This works great for me but a different proticol may be better for you ( ie: if your dog goes places where it is constantly exposed to others that might have fleas you may want insecticide all year). Please talk to your vet if your'e not sure which ones you want to use.

I hope this helps clear up some of the questions on these products.(Clear as mud?? !! ) Sorry this is so long but there is a lot of info on all these products. Hope all your pets are parasite free!!!

Posted 8/11/06 8:55 PM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

31871 total posts


Re: Frontline


we use Sentinel and Frontline


Posted 8/11/06 9:30 PM

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