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FTWM - How many weekend classes/activities do you do with your toddlers on the weekends?

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Member since 3/06

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FTWM - How many weekend classes/activities do you do with your toddlers on the weekends?

I go back to work FT in September. Right now DD is signed up for Soccer on Sat mornings.

How many things do you have your toddler signed up for? There's a bunch of other stuff I would like her to do, but then again, I don't want to tie up all our weekends. We have the rest of our lives for that to happen! Chat Icon How much is too much?


Posted 8/10/10 2:00 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: FTWM - How many weekend classes/activities do you do with your toddlers on the weekends?

We do 1 thing (gymnastics). Its every Saturday morning from 10:30-11:15. To me, its perfect. I don't think I'd want anymore than 1- otherwise it would get too hectic.

There's definitely more that I would LOVE to sign her up for, but for us, 1 is enough. We are signed up for gymnastics until the end of January. When its time to register for the next session, I'll evaluate if I want to keep her in or try something else.

Posted 8/10/10 2:06 PM


Member since 8/06

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Re: FTWM - How many weekend classes/activities do you do with your toddlers on the weekends?

Right now for the fall = nothing

Only because I love the fall and all the stuff there is to do on the weekends, I didn't want to be tied down to anything.
If he was old enough though, I would do soccer.

In the winter, we'll probably do a gym class or sports readiness class.

Posted 8/10/10 2:08 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/08

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Re: FTWM - How many weekend classes/activities do you do with your toddlers on the weekends?

I did 2 in the spring - one on Sat. one on Sun. I felt it was definitely too much for me - this fall we're back to 1.

Posted 8/10/10 4:27 PM

06ers Rock!!

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The One My Mother Gave Me ;-)

Re: FTWM - How many weekend classes/activities do you do with your toddlers on the weekends?

I just signed DD up for dance on Saturday mornings starting in September. Before this the only thing she was ever signed up for was free classes at the library (usually a single class, or 3 classes). DH wants her to take swimming lessons as well. I figure if he wants it, he will call and find out how much it costs, what the schedule is etc. Until then - just dance.

Posted 8/10/10 4:35 PM

Drama Momma

Member since 9/06

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Re: FTWM - How many weekend classes/activities do you do with your toddlers on the weekends?

Last year we had Mommy and Me Sat am and Swimming Sun am. At times it seemed like a lot but it was fun and Sydnie enjoyed it. I would never plan more than 2 things in a weekend Chat Icon

Posted 8/10/10 4:37 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

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Re: FTWM - How many weekend classes/activities do you do with your toddlers on the weekends?

we were doing safe t swim, out of 6 classes we only went to 2 Chat Icon run around all week, we just didn't have the energy to be out so early during the weekend.

then we joined my gym, we missed a lot of classes but were able to make them up for the most part. it's so difficult if you are working FT to do anything on the weekend

Posted 8/10/10 4:39 PM

My life:)

Member since 6/06

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Re: FTWM - How many weekend classes/activities do you do with your toddlers on the weekends?

I wouldn't do more than 2 activities. We're doing swimming on Saturday mornings and music on Sundays.

Posted 8/10/10 4:39 PM

Mommy's little YouTube Star!

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Re: FTWM - How many weekend classes/activities do you do with your toddlers on the weekends?

AJ is only 2
No classes

We take her out and about, indoor stuff like the mall. It sounds boring but it has a huge kid area (carpeted and stuff) and also a choo-choo train for her to ride and a Jumping place.. lots of inflatable bouncy thingies. Since she's only 2 its free into the bouncy place. So she goes in there and plays with toys and tunnels. Still isn't up to getting into the bouncy thing yet. Chat Icon


Kiddie Land - local old time kid place.. very old but very nostalgic

Another Kid land place called Morgan's Place here in San Antonio

Or just inside driving Mom & Dad crazy

Since she's been at my aunts all week these past few weeks (overnights too) we just want to hold her and watch her live life so fully when she's with us that we usually keep her to ourselves Chat Icon

Next week though we'll see how things change

Posted 8/10/10 4:41 PM


Member since 3/06

22093 total posts


Re: FTWM - How many weekend classes/activities do you do with your toddlers on the weekends?

Posted by DancinBarefoot

DH wants her to take swimming lessons as well. I figure if he wants it, he will call and find out how much it costs, what the schedule is etc. Until then - just dance.

Funny you mention that. I put DH in charge of swimming lessons. She was supposed to start late spring/early summer. Never happened! Chat Icon

Posted 8/10/10 4:45 PM

Daylight savings :)

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Re: FTWM - How many weekend classes/activities do you do with your toddlers on the weekends?


I have a DS who gets EI/therapy on at least one day of the weekend. With that and all the other stuff I have to get done on weekends, I just find I don't really have the time or energy to commit to something every week.

I also figure he is with other kids all day, every day, and spending time one on one is more what I would prefer to do right now anyway (DS is 2). We have talked about Safe-T_ Swim in the future, though.

Posted 8/10/10 4:47 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

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Re: FTWM - How many weekend classes/activities do you do with your toddlers on the weekends?

Great question
I was wondering the exact same thing!

DD is 4 and we did swimming on Sat in the Winter and Spring last year.

This year we wanted to add dance or gymnastics but I'm wondering if it will be too much for her. She goes to all day preschool 3 days a week during the week with her grandparent the other 2 days).

Hmm - decisions

Posted 8/11/10 3:18 PM


Member since 6/05

9878 total posts


Re: FTWM - How many weekend classes/activities do you do with your toddlers on the weekends?

In the past, I havent done any (well we did try swimming and only made it to one class Chat Icon ). But that was really because he wasnt in daycare and I'd try to fill his weekdays with stuff to do with the nanny. Now that he'll be going to preschool 3 days a week I'm going to try to do a sport with him on the weekends. I definitely wouldnt do more than one though because we like our weekends to do different things (go to the city, playdates with friends, visit family etc.) and dont want to be tied down.

Posted 8/11/10 3:22 PM

Mommy of 2

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Re: FTWM - How many weekend classes/activities do you do with your toddlers on the weekends?

right now DD is just signed up for dance. I don't want to do more than this...maybe soccer next year. Weekends will soon be very precious time.

Posted 8/11/10 3:42 PM

I'm cranky

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Mama Cranky

Re: FTWM - How many weekend classes/activities do you do with your toddlers on the weekends?

None-but that's because we can sign her up for classes through daycare.

The local dance school does classes. We could also sign her up for soccer, an instrument and gymnastics.

I figure at her age those programs are fine-they don't need a huge gymnastics studio to learn the basics.

In any case, we signed her up for dance and are thinking of soccer.

If we didn't have access to it at day care, I would sign her up for 1 on Saturdays, at least for now.

Posted 8/11/10 3:53 PM

Blessed with 2blue/2pink

Member since 12/05

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Re: FTWM - How many weekend classes/activities do you do with your toddlers on the weekends?

Zilch because I am a slave to someone's nap at all points in the day on weekends. And DH isn't home with me on the weekends so I can't just run Ryan to an activity. Colin is getting too old to sit on the sidelines.

I don't feel bad. We do stuff all the time.

Last weekend Friday was an easy day, and we took Colin to his well visit. Saturday we had a birthday party in the morning. Sunday we shopped and had lunch at Friendlys (while in the Gap he told me "Mommy, you're my sweetie pie" so that earned him a sundae Chat Icon ) and went to my mom's in the afternoon for swimming, etc.

There is always something going on. Next year, I wouldn't mind getting him involved in a sport, but then I'll have to find something for Colin - mommy guilt. We'll see.

Between Mommy days, Daddy days, school and weekend stuff - he's a busy kid!

Posted 8/11/10 3:58 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: FTWM - How many weekend classes/activities do you do with your toddlers on the weekends?

One dance class, ideally on Saturday so I can get some housework/schoolwork done (she's not registered yet and will do a weekday evening if the class is full.) And she will do one art class on Weds. for 5 weeks.

Posted 8/11/10 4:08 PM

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