So. I have been working on Maple's resource guarding With his toys.

Turns out, once the toys leave his crate, he turns into a nasty little dog if anyone gets near them... Especially when they are on the couch or in an area where we walk by.

I started reading Mine (a great book, btw), but also started working on his bringing his toy back to his crate if he takes it out.

He takes it out, and before he can put it down, I say "No! back in your crate!" and lead him to his crate. He got it . He would drop it in his crate, and get a treat. By the end of the day, I was able to say it wherever I was, and wherever he was. He would turn, and bring it back.

Then get a treat.

So..... Guess what he does when he wants a treat now? Chat Icon

He is so funny. I will take this over resource guarding any day of the week though!