fussiness, rashes and GROWTH SPURTS....oh my!
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The man of my dreams...

Member since 5/05 1706 total posts
Name: Danielle
fussiness, rashes and GROWTH SPURTS....oh my!
So you all know Joseph was SO cranky for the last 3 weeks or so - not sleeping or eating and just not his funny self...and then this awful rash...well, when I took him to th dr (for the 4th time) last week they measured him. At his 4 mo visit 5 weeks ago he was 24 1/2" long...On Friday he was a little over 28 1/2"!!! He grew 4 inches in a month!!! We just started wearing 6-9 mo and he's almost out of them! Well, the rash is still here, but my happy hungry still not so sleepy boy is back!
Posted 3/13/06 7:25 AM |
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Member since 5/05 16438 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: fussiness, rashes and GROWTH SPURTS....oh my!
Awwww, Joseph is such a big little boy!!! I'm *scared* to go back to the pediatrician to find out how much Alex weighs - she's in 12 month clothing now!!! Sorry the rash is still around - what does the doc think it is?
P.S. - Last week Alex started sleeping through the night, but since Sat. she has been terribly terribly cranky, fussy and restless at night. She's definitely teething - it looks like the top teeth are starting to come out. Maybe that's what's going on with Joseph?
Posted 3/13/06 9:10 AM |
Making big changes

Member since 5/05 16541 total posts
Name: Kristin
Re: fussiness, rashes and GROWTH SPURTS....oh my!
Wow, 4 inches in a month! Poor little guy (Or should I say, big guy?)! At least he's happy again
Posted 3/13/06 9:29 AM |
My Everything

Member since 5/05 20541 total posts
Re: fussiness, rashes and GROWTH SPURTS....oh my!
Oh my! I think that's going to be Miranda. She's soooo long (at least I think so). I am trying to wear all her 3-6m stuff before she grows out of them.
Sorry about the rash. Did they give you any other suggestions on what to try?
Posted 3/13/06 9:49 AM |
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