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gas pains??TMI

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Member since 4/07

3915 total posts


gas pains??TMI

im not sure what it is but the last few mornings when i wake up i have such pains...kinda like constipated but not sure....ive gone to the bathroom just not as much and it happens during the day sometimes when my bladder is calling the doctor tommorow but does anyone know what this could be? is there anything i can try to see if i am constipated?
they hurt to the point i cant really walk straight...i have to be hunchbacked or even sit down. alot of the times they hurt and i feel like im gonna throw up

Message edited 10/21/2007 9:01:09 PM.

Posted 10/21/07 9:00 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 12/05

10281 total posts


Re: gas pains??TMI

I just went through this this past week. I rushed to the doctor because I couldn't sit or stand straight the pain was so bad. Turns out I have a bladder infection. Im on antibiotics and feel a million times better... Feel better

Posted 10/21/07 11:36 PM


Member since 4/07

3915 total posts


Re: gas pains??TMI

Posted by Deedlebug126

I just went through this this past week. I rushed to the doctor because I couldn't sit or stand straight the pain was so bad. Turns out I have a bladder infection. Im on antibiotics and feel a million times better... Feel better

but all the time or just certain times? its not all day and the pain lasts like less than 5 minutes. it happens 1-2x a day

Posted 10/22/07 11:48 AM


Member since 4/07

3915 total posts


Re: gas pains??TMI

bump for morning crew

Posted 10/22/07 11:48 AM

Merry Christmas!

Member since 6/07

2153 total posts


Re: gas pains??TMI

Happened to me too...come to think of it, i did have a bladder infection at the that could have been it! I just thought it was gas! And it would come and go!

Posted 10/22/07 12:49 PM


Member since 12/05

10281 total posts


Re: gas pains??TMI

Yes it would come and go. I didnt have the pain all the time. It usually happend right before I had to use the bathroom or within an hour after using it.

Posted 10/22/07 1:21 PM


Member since 4/07

3915 total posts


Re: gas pains??TMI

Posted by Deedlebug126

Yes it would come and go. I didnt have the pain all the time. It usually happend right before I had to use the bathroom or within an hour after using it.

thats what happened yesterday. it hasnt happened today but im gonna call the doctor just in case. What did they do for this? How do they test for it?

Posted 10/22/07 4:06 PM

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