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Getting ready for our week long camping trip - check out our list!

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My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Getting ready for our week long camping trip - check out our list!

End of July, we are going to Falcon Ridge folk Festival... My 9th year there - and Cailen's 1st year!

He will be almost 4 mts when we go, and we are trying to plan now for everything we are going to need - check out my list and let me know if I'm forgetting anything... especially my fellow camping mommies!!!


Lots of plastic bags
Diaper disposal bags
Lots of big small Ziplocs
Sun canopy
ETA: Purell!!!!
Bug spray


Onesies – long sleeve, short sleeve
Hats – for sun and for evening
Robeez shoes


Blankets – receiving, blankets to sit/lie on, blankets to keep warm
Bassinet sheets
Bouncy seat
Bumbo seat
ETA - how could I forget my boppy???

Getting around:



Size 3 diapers
Baby wash cloths – packaged and regular washcloths
A&D, Desitin
Thermometer, Tylenol, aspirator
Baby powder
Baby wash


4 and 6 oz bottles
Nipples – 2 new packages, and also bring some from home
Box of large liners
Box of small liners
2 boxes of RTF cans
2 bottles of RTF
1 large can


Crinkly star
Rattles and rings

Message edited 7/1/2007 5:50:26 AM.

Posted 6/30/07 2:11 PM
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Re: Getting ready for our week long camping trip - check out our list!

at 4 months, he may be able to have cereal so you may want to add that to your list...that is alot to pack Chat Icon

Posted 6/30/07 2:38 PM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Re: Getting ready for our week long camping trip - check out our list!

Posted by stephanief

at 4 months, he may be able to have cereal so you may want to add that to your list...that is alot to pack Chat Icon

I know!

We are bringing 2 cars - we are also going with my 2 stepdaughters and one of their friends - all girls, all with too much crap!

Not to mention tents, lawn chairs, cooler, food, clothes.... Chat Icon

DH is driving the XTerra with the big kids, I'm driving with Cailen....

I used to go by myself - life was so much easier back then!!! Chat Icon

Posted 6/30/07 3:02 PM

Proud Mommy

Member since 3/06

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Re: Getting ready for our week long camping trip - check out our list!

what about bug spray?

Posted 6/30/07 3:43 PM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Re: Getting ready for our week long camping trip - check out our list!

Posted by Summer

what about bug spray?

Whats safe for a baby?

Posted 6/30/07 3:59 PM

My Boys!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Getting ready for our week long camping trip - check out our list!

I asked my ped. about bug spray the other day and he said to try and avoid the spray with deet in it and that sprays with out it, don't really work Chat Icon California Baby makes a natural repellent that I have heard is good. Did you have a net on your list? The one that goes over the stroller or basinett?

Posted 6/30/07 4:48 PM

Fun in the Snow!

Member since 11/06

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Re: Getting ready for our week long camping trip - check out our list!

Holy Packing List! You might need 1 car just for Cailens stuff!!!!

Posted 6/30/07 6:57 PM

Best Friends

Member since 6/05

10228 total posts


Re: Getting ready for our week long camping trip - check out our list!

a week long camping trip (real camping???) with a 4 month old? Chat Icon I dont know if I should say you must have the patience of a saint or your insaneChat Icon That is going to be ALOT of work, besides all the things you need to pack. Two cars, two tanks of gas, all that ready to feed formula..... For the money it is going to wind up costing I think I would be planning a vacation with a lot more luxurious than camping.

I know its something you have done for many years so I hope you have a good time. But wow, that takes some ambition!

Posted 6/30/07 9:17 PM


Member since 12/06

16001 total posts


Re: Getting ready for our week long camping trip - check out our list!

I would get a stroller and infant seat net. They sell a combo at BRU for 7.99. How are you going to wash the nipples? Do they have running water?

Posted 6/30/07 9:18 PM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: Getting ready for our week long camping trip - check out our list!

Posted by rose825

a week long camping trip (real camping???) with a 4 month old? Chat Icon I dont know if I should say you must have the patience of a saint or your insaneChat Icon That is going to be ALOT of work, besides all the things you need to pack. Two cars, two tanks of gas, all that ready to feed formula..... For the money it is going to wind up costing I think I would be planning a vacation with a lot more luxurious than camping.

I know its something you have done for many years so I hope you have a good time. But wow, that takes some ambition!

I kinda agree with this......

What about the heat? That would worry me. We took Christopher to the beach for an hour today and he was covered in sunscreen, in a tent and under an umbrella....and it wasn't that hot today!

Posted 6/30/07 10:22 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Getting ready for our week long camping trip - check out our list!

what about bathing? a sponge bath can only take you so far especially if it gets hot.

Maybe bring a blow up baby tub or even the plastic beer tub that Trish/Chmlengr posted about would work Chat Icon

ETA: I just checked the line up and alot I didn't know but, Arlo Guthrie, Marshall Crenshaw, Dar Williams, Red Molly, not bad!

Message edited 7/1/2007 2:27:33 AM.

Posted 6/30/07 10:46 PM

Proud Mommy

Member since 3/06

1745 total posts


Re: Getting ready for our week long camping trip - check out our list!

link for natural bug spray

Posted 6/30/07 11:38 PM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

17076 total posts


Re: Getting ready for our week long camping trip - check out our list!

Sounds like a ton of work -- is that a vacation?

Posted 7/1/07 2:50 AM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Re: Getting ready for our week long camping trip - check out our list!

Posted by karacg

Sounds like a ton of work -- is that a vacation?

Not really - in the 8 summers I've been there prior to Cailen - I always needed a vaca afterwards... I should also say that the festival doesn't start until Thursday, and we are going the weekend prior because DH and I are volunteers there, but since I've been there forever, I am a pretty involved volunteer - I was offered a payed position there years ago, but turned it down because it would require me doing more work than I wanted to. I volunteered originally to go for free, but have fallen in love with everyone there, so volunteering is a BLAST.

To answer a few questions:

1. Yup - REAL camping!!! Chat Icon Tents, porta potties, outdoor showers! It CAN be done, believe it or not. Plus - I'm not the only one who brought a baby there - people have gone there with newborns! A whole bunch of barefoot, hippy, baby-wearing parents.... Theres a whole family tent... I have gone there in the past if my fave performers were doing kid music, but this year we will be speniding more time there...

2. Heat/sun - thats my biggest concern. I will be using Arbonne sun screen, and have him wear a hat, sunglasses, and longer sleeved light clothing. But many a baby has survived at Falcon Ridge and lived to tell the tale. There are a lot of tents there - you know, the kind of tent people rent - with lots of shade and cross breeze that we will be hanging out in this year. Plus we are buying a canopy for next to the tent. Because I have beent here forever, I have made friends with the fat cats who have awesome set ups with their RV's and campers, where they have tiki bars, hammocks, crazy stuff, that we can always hang at also. DH and I will work seperate shifts since we do parking in the fields, and I'll put him in the Bjorn and carry an umbrella. Or, I'll pretend to work and sit in the shade with Cailen... I can get away with anything at this point. Chat Icon

3. Seperate car: Yup. Not so much for Cailen, but remember - we are also bringing 3 young prissy girls, and me!

4. Washing baby stuff - the volunteer tent is open 24 hrs a day. They don't have running water, but they have big things of hot water for tea. I am bringing bowls and soap as well, will fill up the bowl with boiling water, and soak the nipples and scrub with soap. Its actually how I do it at home as well. We use the Playtex liners, so that takes care of cleaning bottles. I'll be the bane of every eco-loving hippy in the place with my disposable plastic liners, but screw em... LOL As for formula - I'm brininging some RTF just for conveninece, but I plan on mixing powdered there. Just some bottles water, and we're good to go. Just like home....

4. Bathy time: When we take our shower, we will take it together (as DH and I always do) - one of us will also hold Cailen, bring washcloths and baby wash, and clean him up too. The shower is really a tarp with a hose.... so we will wet down the washcloth and do what we can to mop up our messy baby.... Trust me. I have done it for 8 summers, somehow menstruating for most of the summers except for last summer, where I was so PMS I was miserable... and slightly nauseous. You do the math....

5. Vacation: Look - if we wanted to go away to Fiji, we would plan for that every year. But we don't. This is the week that DH gets with his daughters every summer, and this is how we choose to spend it. We have an absolute BLAST. Since we volunteer, the rest of the week is free, and we use our money to buy food and coffee from the vendors that are there - plus cute hippy clothing we would never find (or buy) anywhere else... I get to meet and hang out with all the performers. I get to be a contra dancing snob for a week, and pretend I'm cool doing it...
We have very close friends there that we only see once a year. People go there for years, start multiplying, and bring their offspring. Chat Icon Its the way it goes. People have survived centuries in the sun and heat. I'm not putting Cailen out to bake soemwhere in a field. We all seek respite from the heat, and if worse comes to worse, we get into our air conditioned car for a while and go for a drive to an ice cream shop nearby.

As for costing money - going anywhere costs money. If we went away for a week elsewhere, we would have to pay for hotel, food, and entertainment. Everything is taken care of in the week - except our hotel is a tent. Far from luxurious, but we always have fun even if we get very little sleep. Different strokes for different folks!
Patience if a saint? Hell no... I'm grumpy as hell there in the mornings without baby - I'm sure I'll be a pleasure. But thank God for awesome coffee! Insane? Possibly - but I don't need a camping trip with an infant to prove that one!!!Chat Icon

Message edited 7/1/2007 5:24:18 AM.

Posted 7/1/07 5:20 AM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

18208 total posts


Re: Getting ready for our week long camping trip - check out our list!

This article was on the BBC website last weekend about bringing a baby to Glastonbury. I personally wouldn't bring my baby to Glasto (too muddy), but loads of people do. We went in 1997 and it was a hell of a mess...never went again.

Read This

Posted 7/1/07 5:24 AM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Re: Getting ready for our week long camping trip - check out our list!

Posted by racheeeee

This article was on the BBC website last weekend about bringing a baby to Glastonbury. I personally wouldn't bring my baby to Glasto (too muddy), but loads of people do. We went in 1997 and it was a hell of a mess...never went again.

Read This

Chat Icon

Now THATS a line up!!!! Lily Allen, Iggy Pop, Arctic Monkeys... hell yeah!!!

Oh yeah - forgot to tell you ladies about the mud.

There is a torrential storm that hits Falcon Ridge every summer at least one time during the festival. It is historic. Its like mother nature is waiting for us tapping her foot with one hand on her hip until everyone sets up. It gets so bad people's tents fly away (only the idiots who don't know how to stake them down.) Last summer, it was so bad, we spent the weekend walking through patches of mud up to our knees (nope - not kidding - I have the ruined sneakers to prove it!!!) so yes, that will be a major problem, and is why we are also bringing the Bjorn (which means this will have to be the summer mommy doesn't fall on her a s s in said mud.)

There is no public drinking allowed, so hopefully no one will be spilling beer on my baby like in that Glaston festival Chat Icon Falcon Ridge is a lot more family friendly than that festival sounds, but a lot of it does sound very familiar. I have to say it was always a dream of mine to someday bring my child there. I would have preferred an older child, and also do fantasize about me being hippy mom extraordinaire with my happy little baby, but there will be many days I will want to drown myself in said mud... That being said - Cailen THRIVES on new people, new situations, music, noise and chaos (much like mommy.) He is going to be in heaven!

Have I mentioned I plan on bringing him into the dance tent with me as well? I have been practicing spinning with him in the Bjorn! Chat Icon

ETA: OMG Rachee - I am reading the comments on that article... Why can't I be British? Even when they are telling someone else off they sound so intelligent and refined - in writing no less... plus, I wold love to call his diapers nappies Chat Icon

"Yah boo sucks to all the killjoys who bang on about 'innapropriate environments' and the like. It's not like they left him in a corner of a field while they went off for a crafty smoke... Finn may be small but he has already started writing his own story, and he has his parents to thank for that."
Alison, London, UK

Message edited 7/1/2007 5:45:59 AM.

Posted 7/1/07 5:34 AM

Totally in love

Member since 8/06

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Re: Getting ready for our week long camping trip - check out our list!

Liza, sounds like you're going to have a BLAST!!!!!!! SIL brought her DD camping for a weekend and it worked out fine! Once you've gotten camping down, bringing a baby is just an extra. Have a GREAT time and post pics of you dancing with your cutey!

Posted 7/1/07 9:53 PM


Member since 5/05

12578 total posts


Re: Getting ready for our week long camping trip - check out our list!

Sounds fun - I think!!!

I'd bring infant benadryl and 1% hydrocortizone incase he get's bit by something or a rash, etc. You should always have some around!!!

Message edited 7/1/2007 10:16:12 PM.

Posted 7/1/07 10:15 PM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Re: Getting ready for our week long camping trip - check out our list!

Posted by Charly

Sounds fun - I think!!!

I'd bring infant benadryl and 1% hydrocortizone incase he get's bit by something or a rash, etc. You should always have some around!!!

It's ok to put that on him so young though?

Posted 7/2/07 11:17 AM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Getting ready for our week long camping trip - check out our list!

Posted by lipglossjunky73

Posted by karacg

Sounds like a ton of work -- is that a vacation?

Not really - in the 8 summers I've been there prior to Cailen - I always needed a vaca afterwards... I should also say that the festival doesn't start until Thursday, and we are going the weekend prior because DH and I are volunteers there, but since I've been there forever, I am a pretty involved volunteer - I was offered a payed position there years ago, but turned it down because it would require me doing more work than I wanted to. I volunteered originally to go for free, but have fallen in love with everyone there, so volunteering is a BLAST.

To answer a few questions:

1. Yup - REAL camping!!! Chat Icon Tents, porta potties, outdoor showers! It CAN be done, believe it or not. Plus - I'm not the only one who brought a baby there - people have gone there with newborns! A whole bunch of barefoot, hippy, baby-wearing parents.... Theres a whole family tent... I have gone there in the past if my fave performers were doing kid music, but this year we will be speniding more time there...

2. Heat/sun - thats my biggest concern. I will be using Arbonne sun screen, and have him wear a hat, sunglasses, and longer sleeved light clothing. But many a baby has survived at Falcon Ridge and lived to tell the tale. There are a lot of tents there - you know, the kind of tent people rent - with lots of shade and cross breeze that we will be hanging out in this year. Plus we are buying a canopy for next to the tent. Because I have beent here forever, I have made friends with the fat cats who have awesome set ups with their RV's and campers, where they have tiki bars, hammocks, crazy stuff, that we can always hang at also. DH and I will work seperate shifts since we do parking in the fields, and I'll put him in the Bjorn and carry an umbrella. Or, I'll pretend to work and sit in the shade with Cailen... I can get away with anything at this point. Chat Icon

3. Seperate car: Yup. Not so much for Cailen, but remember - we are also bringing 3 young prissy girls, and me!

4. Washing baby stuff - the volunteer tent is open 24 hrs a day. They don't have running water, but they have big things of hot water for tea. I am bringing bowls and soap as well, will fill up the bowl with boiling water, and soak the nipples and scrub with soap. Its actually how I do it at home as well. We use the Playtex liners, so that takes care of cleaning bottles. I'll be the bane of every eco-loving hippy in the place with my disposable plastic liners, but screw em... LOL As for formula - I'm brininging some RTF just for conveninece, but I plan on mixing powdered there. Just some bottles water, and we're good to go. Just like home....

4. Bathy time: When we take our shower, we will take it together (as DH and I always do) - one of us will also hold Cailen, bring washcloths and baby wash, and clean him up too. The shower is really a tarp with a hose.... so we will wet down the washcloth and do what we can to mop up our messy baby.... Trust me. I have done it for 8 summers, somehow menstruating for most of the summers except for last summer, where I was so PMS I was miserable... and slightly nauseous. You do the math....

5. Vacation: Look - if we wanted to go away to Fiji, we would plan for that every year. But we don't. This is the week that DH gets with his daughters every summer, and this is how we choose to spend it. We have an absolute BLAST. Since we volunteer, the rest of the week is free, and we use our money to buy food and coffee from the vendors that are there - plus cute hippy clothing we would never find (or buy) anywhere else... I get to meet and hang out with all the performers. I get to be a contra dancing snob for a week, and pretend I'm cool doing it...
We have very close friends there that we only see once a year. People go there for years, start multiplying, and bring their offspring. Chat Icon Its the way it goes. People have survived centuries in the sun and heat. I'm not putting Cailen out to bake soemwhere in a field. We all seek respite from the heat, and if worse comes to worse, we get into our air conditioned car for a while and go for a drive to an ice cream shop nearby.

As for costing money - going anywhere costs money. If we went away for a week elsewhere, we would have to pay for hotel, food, and entertainment. Everything is taken care of in the week - except our hotel is a tent. Far from luxurious, but we always have fun even if we get very little sleep. Different strokes for different folks!
Patience if a saint? Hell no... I'm grumpy as hell there in the mornings without baby - I'm sure I'll be a pleasure. But thank God for awesome coffee! Insane? Possibly - but I don't need a camping trip with an infant to prove that one!!!Chat Icon

WOW! you thought it all out. LOL

In defense of those hesitant about it....

It just still sounds like more work then fun but totally to each there own here know what fun is to you all better then any of us know right?

And I think the money thing was brought up b/c you were posting about having trouble getting the neccesities for him recently and then a camping vacation comes up ....but if you volunteer then it sounds like maybe you will be saving money?

Chat Icon for No mud this year. Maybe you will get lucky ........

Posted 7/2/07 11:32 AM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Re: Getting ready for our week long camping trip - check out our list!

WOW! you thought it all out. LOL

In defense of those hesitant about it....

It just still sounds like more work then fun but totally to each there own here know what fun is to you all better then any of us know right?

And I think the money thing was brought up b/c you were posting about having trouble getting the neccesities for him recently and then a camping vacation comes up ....but if you volunteer then it sounds like maybe you will be saving money?

Chat Icon for No mud this year. Maybe you will get lucky ........

I actually didn't even think as I typed - remember - I have been doing this for 8 years already, with friends who had kids too, and pretty much figure it will go smoothly provided I am prepared! Chat Icon

As for the money - yes, things have been pretty rough lately, but a camping trip is the cheapest thing we can do as a family of 5, and a week at home or a week somewhere else - he still will need formula and diapers, and we are eating for free. This didn't come up out of the blue - I actually plan for it all year! Chat Icon But thanks for the concern.

As for the mud prayers, it won't work. it happens without fail. Oh well. Chat Icon

Posted 7/2/07 1:57 PM


Member since 5/05

11726 total posts


Re: Getting ready for our week long camping trip - check out our list!

I would skip the 4oz bottles and RTF formula..... I would not chance having RTF out in the heat like that. Since you said you were bring powder, I would just use that. Just seems easier IMO.

As for Benedryl, you can put it on a baby in small quanitities. Jayden had a rash and the doc prescribed Hydrocortisone.

All I have to say is that you are brave bringing a 4 month old camping. Have fun!

ETA: Bring lots of those disposable changing pads and bib.... Less stuff to wash. The pads are great for spills and for protection against questionable surfaces.

Message edited 7/2/2007 2:12:07 PM.

Posted 7/2/07 2:10 PM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Re: Getting ready for our week long camping trip - check out our list!

Posted by steph4777

I would skip the 4oz bottles and RTF formula..... I would not chance having RTF out in the heat like that. Since you said you were bring powder, I would just use that. Just seems easier IMO.

As for Benedryl, you can put it on a baby in small quanitities. Jayden had a rash and the doc prescribed Hydrocortisone.

All I have to say is that you are brave bringing a 4 month old camping. Have fun!

ETA: Bring lots of those disposable changing pads and bib.... Less stuff to wash. The pads are great for spills and for protection against questionable surfaces.

thanks - even the 8 oz cans of RTF? Thats what I was going to bring.... Those wouldn't be ok if I kept them unopened in the cooler?

Posted 7/2/07 2:26 PM

boy mamma

Member since 5/05

2975 total posts


Re: Getting ready for our week long camping trip - check out our list!

I did a 3 day trip when he was 3 months old and it was AWESOME!!!!!!! Even though its alot to bring its totally worth it.

Message edited 7/2/2007 2:35:45 PM.

Posted 7/2/07 2:33 PM


Member since 5/05

11726 total posts


Re: Getting ready for our week long camping trip - check out our list!

Posted by lipglossjunky73

Posted by steph4777

I would skip the 4oz bottles and RTF formula..... I would not chance having RTF out in the heat like that. Since you said you were bring powder, I would just use that. Just seems easier IMO.

As for Benedryl, you can put it on a baby in small quanitities. Jayden had a rash and the doc prescribed Hydrocortisone.

All I have to say is that you are brave bringing a 4 month old camping. Have fun!

ETA: Bring lots of those disposable changing pads and bib.... Less stuff to wash. The pads are great for spills and for protection against questionable surfaces.

thanks - even the 8 oz cans of RTF? Thats what I was going to bring.... Those wouldn't be ok if I kept them unopened in the cooler?

Unless DS drinks 8oz at a feeding I wouldn't bring it. BC if he doesn't then you have to worry about keeping the rest of can cool. Maybe truly only bring it for back up purposes.

Posted 7/2/07 3:12 PM
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