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Getting to know SweetestOfPeas

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J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

32345 total posts


Re: Getting to know SweetestOfPeas

Posted by Jackie24

Hi Dina! I see you like reality shows.....are you into celebrity gossip?

Do you travel often?

Are you born in raised on LI?

I am actually not a big fan of reality shows... but I like a few on TLC. I do like celeb gossip though.

I do not travel nearly as often as I would like.

I was born on LI, raised in Israel.

Message edited 6/26/2009 11:16:45 PM.

Posted 6/26/09 11:16 PM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

32345 total posts


Re: Getting to know SweetestOfPeas

Posted by baghag

What's the strangest thing you've ever eaten?

vegemite, and it was the most disgusting thing I ever ate! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

this guy I used to work with was from Australia and went there on a trip. he brought some back with him and INSISTED that I try it, even though the smell of it alone made me gag. Chat Icon

do yourself a favor - never ever eat vegemite!!!! Chat Icon

Posted 6/26/09 11:19 PM

Tigger the the Rescue!

Member since 8/08

5647 total posts


Re: Getting to know SweetestOfPeas

I can never think of questions Chat Icon but I wanted to say that I love the story behind your user name! Chat Icon

Posted 6/28/09 7:26 PM

Now Zagat Rated!

Member since 3/07

13217 total posts

They call me "Tater Salad"

Re: Getting to know SweetestOfPeas

Do you have any pets?

If you had to spend $1 million on yourself (cannot save it, give it away, or spend it on someone else)... what would you buy?

Posted 6/29/09 11:07 AM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

32345 total posts


Re: Getting to know SweetestOfPeas

Posted by Kara

Do you have any pets?

If you had to spend $1 million on yourself (cannot save it, give it away, or spend it on someone else)... what would you buy?

no pets yet, but want a yellow lab Chat Icon

if I had to spend $1M on myself I would:

1. buy a beautiful house
2. a luxurious European vacation (can I please take DH? LOL) that includes big cities like Rome, Paris, etc. but also some obscure places... like a spa resort in the mountains of the Czech Republic that I heard wonderful things about.
3. Two fabulous wardrobes - 1 for spring/summer, 1 for fall/winter - with many pieces bought during the trip mentioned above Chat Icon

if there is anything left over, furniture for my new house Chat Icon

Posted 6/29/09 7:51 PM

I'll be there soon!

Member since 1/08

6549 total posts


Re: Getting to know SweetestOfPeas

If you have $1000 to give to charity, which one would it be?

What kind of cell phone do you have?

Are you prefer to text or call?

What 3 things would you choose to take with you if you had to be stranded on a desert island (excluding DH, food/water and sunscreen!)?

Posted 6/30/09 2:54 PM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

32345 total posts


Re: Getting to know SweetestOfPeas

Posted by IrishLass

If you have $1000 to give to charity, which one would it be?

What kind of cell phone do you have?

Are you prefer to text or call?

What 3 things would you choose to take with you if you had to be stranded on a desert island (excluding DH, food/water and sunscreen!)?

great questions! some of them have really made me think - always a good thing Chat Icon

the charitable donation would be made to cancer research, probably breast cancer.

I have a plain Samsung phone, I only use it to make calls. I have sent 2 text messages my whole life Chat Icon

if I were stranded on a desert island - and with your exclusions, I would take an emergency radio, a REALLY big book and lip balm.

Posted 6/30/09 7:08 PM
Pages: 1 [2]

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