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LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/13 683 total posts
Name: Jessica
Getting up several times during the night
to pee is really killing me! I was up every 1.5/2 hours last night having to pee. Right now I'm on vacation, so I can just relax, but school starts in 2 weeks and I have no idea how I am going to be able to function at work on such little sleep. Anyone else going through this? Help? lol
Posted 8/20/14 2:42 PM |
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Member since 4/13 7238 total posts
Name: Jessica
Getting up several times during the night
Yup, get used to it! I've been getting up once a night since about 10 weeks, now I'm up to twice a a night at 24 weeks. I also have to change positions during the night.... I just try to get to bed earlier and stay in bed if I'm sleeping, this way I try to get a full night's sleep.
Posted 8/20/14 2:49 PM |
Grateful for my babies!

Member since 2/12 4571 total posts
Name: <3
Re: Getting up several times during the night
Every 2-3 hours over here. I'm usually exhausted on my work days unfortunately :/
Posted 8/20/14 2:50 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/14 3196 total posts
Getting up several times during the night
I have! I've been getting up two to three times a night. It stinks. I tried to limit water before bed but then I wake up thirsty!
Posted 8/20/14 2:52 PM |
california dreamin'

Member since 2/13 1443 total posts
Name: love my family!
Getting up several times during the night
I'm up literally every 2 hours.
Posted 8/20/14 3:14 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 9/09 12167 total posts
Getting up several times during the night
I never had to get up to pee but when I was pregnant with DD I used to have nights when I just couldn't get to sleep no matter what I did. Especially in the beginning of the school year when I was pretty early in my pregnancy. If I couldn't get to sleep by 2 or 3 am I used to just get up, make and email in sub plans and call in sick. I had to get up for work at 5 and there was just no way I could function on 2 hours of sleep.
Posted 8/20/14 3:22 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/13 683 total posts
Name: Jessica
Re: Getting up several times during the night
Posted by jessnbrian
Yup, get used to it! I've been getting up once a night since about 10 weeks, now I'm up to twice a a night at 24 weeks. I also have to change positions during the night.... I just try to get to bed earlier and stay in bed if I'm sleeping, this way I try to get a full night's sleep.
Twice a night I could deal with but this 4 or 5 times is killing me! Lol
Posted 8/20/14 4:21 PM |
In love with my baby girl <3
Member since 2/11 1417 total posts
Name: Booshka
Re: Getting up several times during the night
Posted by jessnbrian
Yup, get used to it! I've been getting up once a night since about 10 weeks, now I'm up to twice a a night at 24 weeks. I also have to change positions during the night.... I just try to get to bed earlier and stay in bed if I'm sleeping, this way I try to get a full night's sleep.
Same for me. At 19 weeks I get up twice to pee, but I am constantly changing sleep positions throughout the night. This is why I am always do tired!!
Posted 8/20/14 4:36 PM |
LIF Toddler
Member since 2/10 423 total posts
Name: las1 from LIW
Getting up several times during the night
Once or twice a night but this is no different to me because I used to wake up some nights to pee before I was pregnant.
Posted 8/20/14 6:09 PM |
My loves

Member since 2/11 2131 total posts
Name: A
Getting up several times during the night
I woke up MAYBE once a night with DS1. With DS2 now I'm up every 2 hours and go back to work in 2 weeks as well. Some nights I'm up every 1.5 hours. It's killing me. I get so thirsty if I don't drink a ton, so I just can't win!!!! I'm dreading going back to work...
Posted 8/20/14 9:20 PM |
Grateful for my babies!

Member since 2/12 4571 total posts
Name: <3
Re: Getting up several times during the night
Posted by Booshka
Posted by jessnbrian
Yup, get used to it! I've been getting up once a night since about 10 weeks, now I'm up to twice a a night at 24 weeks. I also have to change positions during the night.... I just try to get to bed earlier and stay in bed if I'm sleeping, this way I try to get a full night's sleep.
Same for me. At 19 weeks I get up twice to pee, but I am constantly changing sleep positions throughout the night. This is why I am always do tired!!
Ugh me too!!!! DH said I was wimpering all night changing positions. I just can't get comfortable and at the same time trying to stay on my LT side.
Posted 8/20/14 10:19 PM |
drama. daily.

Member since 3/11 7287 total posts
Name: Michelle
Getting up several times during the night
yes, all the time! I even have a hard time falling back asleep sometimes :( Can I give you some btdt teacher advice? You'll have to pee a few times during the day, so set something up with a colleague to watch your class when you just can't hold it anymore. Set yourself up for having to sit later in your pregnancy, esp if your teaching position requires standing. Plan on crashing when you get home. It's exhausting! I batch cooked on weekends to leave meals in the freezer because I was in no shape to cook. I did grading on my prep to avoid having to do it at night  I'm due in Dec. but not going back till next year. Good luck!
Message edited 8/20/2014 10:22:36 PM.
Posted 8/20/14 10:21 PM |
You are my I love you

Member since 7/09 18802 total posts
Name: DiamondMama
Re: Getting up several times during the night
during the day it is that often, more actually but at night only get up once or twice but with a bladder so full I fear I wont make it lol
Posted 8/21/14 7:04 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/13 683 total posts
Name: Jessica
Re: Getting up several times during the night
Posted by LIRascal
yes, all the time! I even have a hard time falling back asleep sometimes :( Can I give you some btdt teacher advice? You'll have to pee a few times during the day, so set something up with a colleague to watch your class when you just can't hold it anymore. Set yourself up for having to sit later in your pregnancy, esp if your teaching position requires standing. Plan on crashing when you get home. It's exhausting! I batch cooked on weekends to leave meals in the freezer because I was in no shape to cook. I did grading on my prep to avoid having to do it at night  I'm due in Dec. but not going back till next year. Good luck!
All very good advice! I'm lucky enough to have a teacher right next door to me. She was a huge help when I had morning sickness the last few weeks of school.
I wish I could crash as soon as I get home! Lol. I do an after school club one day a week, tutor twice a week, and am taking a class once a week starting in October (really good opportunity that my AP didn't want me to pass up). I am going to be exhausted by the time Christmas break comes around lol. I typically do my grading on my preps, so that will definitely help.
I'm very jealous that you aren't going back until next year! I have 6 weeks and then it's back for me. With bills and whatnot, I can't really afford to take time off without pay. But I'm definitely looking forward to taking next summer off to be with the baby (it will be the first summer I've had off since I was 15!)
Posted 8/21/14 10:32 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 9/09 12167 total posts
Re: Getting up several times during the night
Posted by mattsgirl1013
Posted by LIRascal
yes, all the time! I even have a hard time falling back asleep sometimes :( Can I give you some btdt teacher advice? You'll have to pee a few times during the day, so set something up with a colleague to watch your class when you just can't hold it anymore. Set yourself up for having to sit later in your pregnancy, esp if your teaching position requires standing. Plan on crashing when you get home. It's exhausting! I batch cooked on weekends to leave meals in the freezer because I was in no shape to cook. I did grading on my prep to avoid having to do it at night  I'm due in Dec. but not going back till next year. Good luck!
All very good advice! I'm lucky enough to have a teacher right next door to me. She was a huge help when I had morning sickness the last few weeks of school.
I wish I could crash as soon as I get home! Lol. I do an after school club one day a week, tutor twice a week, and am taking a class once a week starting in October (really good opportunity that my AP didn't want me to pass up). I am going to be exhausted by the time Christmas break comes around lol. I typically do my grading on my preps, so that will definitely help.
I'm very jealous that you aren't going back until next year! I have 6 weeks and then it's back for me. With bills and whatnot, I can't really afford to take time off without pay. But I'm definitely looking forward to taking next summer off to be with the baby (it will be the first summer I've had off since I was 15!)
Definitely start cooking now if you have the chance! That was a lifesaver when I was pregnant and once I had DD. There's just no time or energy to cook after school or once you have a newborn and you'll be so glad if you can get ahead a bit. Invest in some supportive, comfy shoes too! By the end I was in slippers, flip flops, crocs, whatever helped even a little. I pretty much taught my best class from my rolling chair the last few weeks bc I just needed a break. GL! It will go fast though!
Posted 8/21/14 12:33 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 3/14 689 total posts
Re: Getting up several times during the night
not to pee, but i do wake up several times a night.. it's so annoying!
Posted 8/21/14 12:39 PM |
Peanut is here!!!!!!

Member since 5/09 18388 total posts
Name: Allison
Getting up several times during the night
Totally normal and at the end for me it wasn't just to pe it was cause the heartburn started aback up and kept me awake.
All I can say is that you will make it through work and even when you go back you will be functioning on only a few hrs due to feedings and crying etc. It just becomes the new normal for you,
Posted 8/21/14 12:43 PM |
Love being a Mom

Member since 6/08 4030 total posts
Getting up several times during the night
Maybe try limiting the water you drink right before bed? I drink a TON of water during the day day and pee almost every hour. But I cut back once i"m home. I try not to drink too much after 8 and I find I can go without peeing during the night-or only getting up once.
Posted 8/21/14 1:34 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/13 683 total posts
Name: Jessica
Re: Getting up several times during the night
Posted by Samira0407
Maybe try limiting the water you drink right before bed? I drink a TON of water during the day day and pee almost every hour. But I cut back once i"m home. I try not to drink too much after 8 and I find I can go without peeing during the night-or only getting up once.
I don't drink much at all!! I could understand if I did, but I don't drink after dinner at all, and I should drink more than I do through out the day lol.
Posted 8/21/14 3:15 PM |
drama. daily.

Member since 3/11 7287 total posts
Name: Michelle
Getting up several times during the night
I haven't been working full time since 2012, anyway. It doesn't pay for me to go to work part time again with 3 kids. If I was f/t, I'd go back to work in a heartbeat. please don't be jelly... I'd rather give my children better opportunities and a bigger house.
Posted 8/22/14 12:08 AM |