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Girls almost gets tossed off plane b/c of revealing clothing...

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But I love the Snow!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Girls almost gets tossed off plane b/c of revealing clothing...

Posted by Andys-Bride

Posted by june262004

Posted by Andys-Bride

Posted by june262004

Where does it say her crotch is out? Chat Icon

I guess people would never bring their kids to the beach then... After all you made see a butt or two....

I'm not saying it definitely was, but we weren't there. It's the same as those who are assuming she was dressed fine. We weren't there or saw how she was sitting or what happened. And I think the beach is completely different than clothes and your underwear showing. I still think SW had the right to address it with her.

Exactly you are ASSUMING that you could see her cooch. We are ASSUMING she was dressed fine because we SEE the outfit she is wearing....

I think people dress a lot worse to go food shopping.

So if she had a bikini bottom underneath it would be ok... because it's not her underwear or anything.

What about the guys who wear the pants down to their knees you see their underwear..

from one of the producers of the show....she flashed the audience her croch....

"At first, when she appeared on the set, it didn't seem like her outfit was so inappropriate. It was clear that her skirt was pretty short, but it didn't seem worthy of getting a lecture from a customer service representative on how to dress.

But when she sat down, we learned just how short that skirt was -- when she flashed our national television audience. Yeah, that skirt was short."

Im sure she spread her legs and pulled her panties to the side cause thats how your first sentince sounds....

Posted 9/7/07 4:53 PM
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Re: Girls almost gets tossed off plane b/c of revealing clothing...

He is probably straight and couldn't stop staring at her while thinking Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon boobies Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

In all seriousness I think she is fine.

Posted 9/7/07 4:56 PM

LIF Infant

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Re: Girls almost gets tossed off plane b/c of revealing clothing...

sorry if that's how it sounds. I really didn't mean it that way. You have a right to your opinion as much as I have a right to mine. I stand by the fact that I don't think there is anything wrong with having asked her to cover up IF her underwear was showing. If you do, that's your right. On the other hand, it sounds like they made a scene out of the whole thing, which isnt the right way to handle something.

Posted 9/7/07 4:57 PM

only love...

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Re: Girls almost gets tossed off plane b/c of revealing clothing...

Posted by june262004

Posted by Andys-Bride

Posted by june262004

Where does it say her crotch is out? Chat Icon

I guess people would never bring their kids to the beach then... After all you made see a butt or two....

I'm not saying it definitely was, but we weren't there. It's the same as those who are assuming she was dressed fine. We weren't there or saw how she was sitting or what happened. And I think the beach is completely different than clothes and your underwear showing. I still think SW had the right to address it with her.

Exactly you are ASSUMING that you could see her cooch. We are ASSUMING she was dressed fine because we SEE the outfit she is wearing....

I think people dress a lot worse to go food shopping.

So if she had a bikini bottom underneath it would be ok... because it's not her underwear or anything.

What about the guys who wear the pants down to their knees you see their underwear..

Nope. Not assuming. Watched the today show and saw her undies. It was gross. I would think the appearance is on tv is on you tube or somewhere on the internets.

It boggles my mind that NBC would give this person air time.Chat Icon

Posted 9/7/07 5:00 PM

But I love the Snow!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Girls almost gets tossed off plane b/c of revealing clothing...

I just have a problem with people saying she flashed her vagina Chat Icon

She sat down maybe showed her undies. Im sure it wasn't on purpouse. Ive bent over before or bent down and my shirt rolled up and im sure you could see the top of my panties. Heck thats what happened when my dad saw my tattoo Chat Icon

I work in a bank some 16 year old girl came in with a V cut shirt and shorts on so short you could see her butt cheeks... At least this girl is an adult and not somebodies kids. I have more of a problem with people letting their kids out in public the way some are dressed.

Posted 9/7/07 5:01 PM

my loves...

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Re: Girls almost gets tossed off plane b/c of revealing clothing...

Posted by Andys-Bride
from one of the producers of the show....she flashed the audience her croch....

"At first, when she appeared on the set, it didn't seem like her outfit was so inappropriate. It was clear that her skirt was pretty short, but it didn't seem worthy of getting a lecture from a customer service representative on how to dress.

But when she sat down, we learned just how short that skirt was -- when she flashed our national television audience. Yeah, that skirt was short."

I cannot imagine anyone on the flight even saw anything - the seating is so tight, there is no way she sat with her legs spread eagle.

Furthermore, who is to stop this company from asking another paying customer to change their shirt simply b/c they (SW) didn't like the color or style?? I think it is incredibly absurd to even make this an issue.

I don't think the girl is dressed in any way that *I* would dress and I would probably make fun of her to whomever I was with if I saw her (yes, b/c I'm that shallow) but to ask her to change her clothes and take a later flight?? That takes some big b@lls to even suggest that.

I cannot imagine that it is even legal unless there is something that each passenger signs at the time of booking.

Chat Icon

Posted 9/7/07 5:01 PM

But I love the Snow!

Member since 5/05

15379 total posts


Re: Girls almost gets tossed off plane b/c of revealing clothing...

Posted by lilacwine

Nope. Not assuming. Watched the today show and saw her undies. It was gross. I would think the appearance is on tv is on you tube or somewhere on the internets.

It boggles my mind that NBC would give this person air time.Chat Icon

Not what I was saying... To me "flashed her coch" sounds like she showed the public her va jay jay

Posted 9/7/07 5:02 PM

Becoming a different woman

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Re: Girls almost gets tossed off plane b/c of revealing clothing...

I work at the airport and I have seen worse.

Give her a freaking breakChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/7/07 5:03 PM

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Re: Girls almost gets tossed off plane b/c of revealing clothing...

I like how they describe her "23 year old college student and waitress at hooters" HAHA

Posted 9/7/07 5:08 PM

But I love the Snow!

Member since 5/05

15379 total posts


Re: Girls almost gets tossed off plane b/c of revealing clothing...

Its actually gonna be on Channel 5 now.

Posted 9/7/07 5:11 PM

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Re: Girls almost gets tossed off plane b/c of revealing clothing...

I work in a professional office and there is one employee that wears skirts that fall below her knees. Problem is she sits in chairs indian style and shows the ENTIRE office her underwear daily (if she is wearing any - which is not a daily occurance). She has been told for YEARS to stop and she doesn't.

That said - yes the skirt was short, yes some people might have been flashed inappropriately - but to ask her to go to the gift shop and BUY something and take a later flight was ridiculous!!

Posted 9/7/07 5:16 PM

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Re: Girls almost gets tossed off plane b/c of revealing clothing...

if she wasn't wearing panties and was wearing that short skirt, I wouldn't want to be the next passenger to sit in that seat. Heck, even if she was wearing panties or a thong, that skirt is so short that her butt crack would still be on the seat.

that is my only beef.

In this picture she obviously has her skirt pulled down and her shirt pulled down over it. She is tanking on the skirt too to keep it down.

Doesn't look too comfortable.

Posted 9/7/07 5:18 PM

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Re: Girls almost gets tossed off plane b/c of revealing clothing...

Today show clip

Posted 9/7/07 6:11 PM

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Re: Girls almost gets tossed off plane b/c of revealing clothing...

Ya know it so damn hard to cover up your coochie when you are out in doubt the moment she reached up to put her overhead in storage her a$$ and cooch were all over the place....Chat Icon

And she is a "hard" looking 23 year old

Posted 9/7/07 6:31 PM


Member since 9/06

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Re: Girls almost gets tossed off plane b/c of revealing clothing...

Someone please explain the difference between a young woman accidentally showing her underwear (no skin, just cotton underwear) when she crosses her legs (like a proper woman should Chat Icon) and a young woman kneeling down and showing us her butt crack?!

And for the record, they didn't ASK her to cover up, they asked her remove herself from the plane and take a later flight with more "appropriate clothing"... she was the one who suggested a blanket to cover up, per their standards.

Posted 9/7/07 7:28 PM


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Re: Girls almost gets tossed off plane b/c of revealing clothing...

I think this whole story is stupid. Who is southwest to say what people can & cannot wear on a friggen plane? Give me a break. Family Airline??? Chat Icon What isn't a so-called family airline???

Posted 9/7/07 8:37 PM
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