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"I got the Sugar" ..:)

Member since 5/05 1252 total posts
Name: Gonnacatchapeacock
Girls who stopped the pill
If you stopped the pill (but not for the reason of trying to concieve, just to stop side effects, etc) long did it take before you started feeling better?
Posted 7/31/07 4:48 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 8/05 25463 total posts
Re: Girls who stopped the pill
My cycle never changed once I stopped the pill. The only thing I noticed was an increase in the sex drive department.
Posted 7/31/07 4:50 PM |

Member since 5/05 20997 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Girls who stopped the pill
1 month for a normal af
3 months for my body to adjust.
I broke out BAD.
Posted 7/31/07 4:58 PM |
The Key to your new home....

Member since 2/06 24849 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: Girls who stopped the pill
silly question
I basically forgot to start a new pack on sunday- so I decided to wait until next sunday and give my body a 2 week break (since I didn't take them the week before either - surgar pill week)
I feel like I dropped 5lbs- could that be?
Posted 7/31/07 4:58 PM |
mommy to 3 boys
Member since 2/07 3885 total posts
Name: proud mommy
Re: Girls who stopped the pill
I stopped the pill in June b/c I hated the side effects. I noticed some changes right away. No more headaches, sex drive back up, I lost 2 pounds the first week.
Now, into my second cycle, I'm noticing the bad things that the pill helped are starting to creep back. Longer periods, my skin is breaking out, etc.
To me, the good of being off the pill outweighs the bad. Plus, I would be going off the pill next year to TTC anyway.
Posted 7/31/07 4:58 PM |

Member since 5/05 20997 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Girls who stopped the pill
Posted by Beth1210
silly question
I basically forgot to start a new pack on sunday- so I decided to wait until next sunday and give my body a 2 week break (since I didn't take them the week before either - surgar pill week)
I feel like I dropped 5lbs- could that be?
Possibily less bloating. I know the pill normally makes ppl gain weight.
Posted 7/31/07 5:03 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 13060 total posts
Name: Ginger
Re: Girls who stopped the pill
The only difference I see is that I can feel myself ovulating (cramps like AF) and my AF is longer.
Posted 7/31/07 6:56 PM |
life is good =)
Member since 5/07 4216 total posts
Name: We're so blessed!
Re: Girls who stopped the pill
normal af month right after cramps are back af is longer still emotional right before and right after af (but i was like that before the pills so i guess u can say im back to my emotional self lol) AND sex drive is definitely back!
Posted 7/31/07 7:00 PM |
Merry Christmas!

Member since 5/05 2875 total posts
Name: It's not the's the journey!
Re: Girls who stopped the pill
Took me like 3 months to stop feeing all the effects!
My cycles are a bit wacky.....some months 28 days alternating with 36 days......
No more headaches the day before AF.
And my sex drive is back!! AF is shorter & but heavier on the first 2 days now and VERY light on day 3....but by day 4 I am all done!!!!
Message edited 7/31/2007 7:07:35 PM.
Posted 7/31/07 7:05 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 13060 total posts
Name: Ginger
Re: Girls who stopped the pill
My cycle the first month was 29 days, then 27 and last month 28.
Posted 7/31/07 7:19 PM |
We're gonna be big sisters!

Member since 6/06 14887 total posts
Name: J9
Re: Girls who stopped the pill
I don't think being on the pill made me gain weight, I think it prevented me from losing weight because within two weeks of stopping the pill, I noticed that I was able to lose weight much easier then when I was on the pill.
ETA: that my cycle went from every 28 days to every 29-31 days and last a FULL 7 days
Message edited 7/31/2007 8:43:30 PM.
Posted 7/31/07 8:42 PM |
Where does time go?
Member since 12/05 9747 total posts
Name: Kelly
Re: Girls who stopped the pill
I felt different immediately...I dropped weight, different sex drive, etc...
however with that came the VICIOUS cramps and PMS from hell. In fact due to mommy brain I had to take a month off last month and I swear even the month back on the pill and my body is adjusting. I had pyscho PMS this past weekend. I was possessed by the devil.
Posted 7/31/07 8:44 PM |
"I got the Sugar" ..:)

Member since 5/05 1252 total posts
Name: Gonnacatchapeacock
Re: Girls who stopped the pill
Posted by hazeleyes33
The only difference I see is that I can feel myself ovulating (cramps like AF) and my AF is longer.
This is my first month off - I can totally feel myself ovulating LOL!! My boobs got smaller :( :( but I'm in an overall better mood.
Posted 8/12/07 11:07 PM |
Now a mom of 2!

Member since 6/07 4970 total posts
Re: Girls who stopped the pill
Posted by Beth1210
silly question
I basically forgot to start a new pack on sunday- so I decided to wait until next sunday and give my body a 2 week break (since I didn't take them the week before either - surgar pill week)
I feel like I dropped 5lbs- could that be?
Call your doc before you do this. That's not how the pill works. You have to start a new pack either on the first day of AF, or the first Sunday after. You can't start in the middle of your cycle, because by then you're ovulating.
No 2-week breaks allowed; you've got to wait the whole month - sorry!
BTW, I stopped the pill in January (after 8 years) b/c of side effects, and I lost weight pretty quickly, my sex drive increased dramatically, and I broke out in acne so badly that by 3 months into it I was like, "scratch that, I'm just gonna try a different brand...".
Posted 8/12/07 11:46 PM |
Sisters :)

Member since 7/06 15112 total posts
Name: Jess
Re: Girls who stopped the pill
This is my 4th month off the pill.
I feel better being off overall and I was pretty regular from the first month being off (AF comes b/w 28 and 31 days). The things I don't like are that I get tons more pimples and have worse cramps with AF.
I also get bad pain when I ovulate, but I don't mind that. I like being able to know.
Posted 8/13/07 7:43 AM |
Two under two!

Member since 5/07 3703 total posts
Name: Kris
Re: Girls who stopped the pill
I've had the same side effects--breaking out and awful AF cramps. but they are starting to go away--month 5 off.
Posted 8/13/07 8:16 AM |
"I got the Sugar" ..:)

Member since 5/05 1252 total posts
Name: Gonnacatchapeacock
Re: Girls who stopped the pill
I wanted to add that my skin is very OILY! Eck! and I've broken out - more than I've ever seen. I hope this ends soon! I normally have clear skin argh..
Posted 8/14/07 12:03 PM |
Love my little man

Member since 8/05 16290 total posts
Name: Randi
Re: Girls who stopped the pill
I did this a while ago-- then recently went back on, now I am off again.
I felt better after a week or two....
Side effects stopped.
First period came normal... after that, all hell broke loose!
Posted 8/14/07 12:05 PM |
My Happy Girl

Member since 7/06 8198 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Girls who stopped the pill
my cycle was back to normal in 1 month and i felt better within 1-2 months.
Posted 8/14/07 12:06 PM |