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Girls with office jobs

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My life:)

Member since 6/06

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Girls with office jobs

Please tell me how you make it through the tush is killing me and the munchkin is starting to press down on my insides more and more...I have more and more discomfort...did you get some kind of pillow or something? I have to get up like ever 20 minutes bc the pressure is too much.

Posted 3/29/07 4:18 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Girls with office jobs

Getting up frequently definately helps. Also, I don't know what kind of chair you have, but the Eron (sp?) really helped. I had to sit back with my feet up under my desk. It helped tremendously!

Posted 3/29/07 4:19 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 2/07

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Re: Girls with office jobs

I am only 21 weeks so I don't feel that much pressure but I do find that she kicks and moves around alot more from me sitting for so long. I told my husband she doesn't want me at work.

Posted 3/29/07 4:20 PM

I'm a rolling machine.

Member since 9/06

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Re: Girls with office jobs

Due to all the sitting, I have to wear a maternity belt per doctor's orders. My body simply can't take the weight/pressure when i do stand.Chat Icon [I'm also ALL belly, so it's more of a shock to my body than for some]

I prop my feet on whatever I can, I should just have them order a footrest, but I am lazy.

I do find myself getting antsy and quite uncomfy...I just find a reason to walk around...even if it's to pretend to use the ladies room!

Posted 3/29/07 4:22 PM

I love Gary too..on a plate!

Member since 5/06

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Re: Girls with office jobs

I have a pillow on my chair and try to get up frequently.

Posted 3/29/07 4:22 PM

Love my sailor

Member since 6/05

5793 total posts


Re: Girls with office jobs

I put my feet up, get up and walk around (1/2 the time to use the bathroom!), do a few stretches during the day.

Posted 3/29/07 4:28 PM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: Girls with office jobs

It stinks, doesn't it?? I try to get up and go to the ladies room or get water every half hour.

But I can never get comfortable, I put my feet up, but that doesn't really help. I end up slouched down in my chair. One of my associates calls it the "gangsta lean"Chat Icon

Currently, I am having issues breathing in here, it is soooo hot.

16 more days!Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/29/07 4:31 PM

My life:)

Member since 6/06

9589 total posts


Re: Girls with office jobs

I have some kind of ergonomic chair but I dont think it has anything to do with it...the pressure is inside...Im going to try to prop my legs up under my desk...and I sit here with my zipper unzipped every day...I think its time for some maternity pants...

Posted 3/29/07 4:34 PM

Fun in the Snow!

Member since 11/06

4512 total posts


Re: Girls with office jobs

I had to get a note from dr that it was necessary for me to get up every 30 mins. I work in a call center taking incoming calls and on some of the longer ones, I was rocking my tush from side to side...ouch!

Posted 3/29/07 4:38 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Girls with office jobs

I put my feet up under my desk and sit with my back against a pillow. I also try and get up frequently even if to just stretch.

Posted 3/29/07 4:51 PM

Mrs. Patticakes

Member since 9/06

17330 total posts


Re: Girls with office jobs

I have this tushy problem as of recently. I have back problems so I guess that is why mine hit a little early. I do get up alot and try to stretch a little.

Posted 3/29/07 5:01 PM


Member since 5/05

28602 total posts


Re: Girls with office jobs

I get up once an hour to get a cup of water & usually to use the bathroom too.

Posted 3/30/07 10:36 AM

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