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Going to chat with the RE today. UPDATE on bottom

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Liam's Mommy!

Member since 1/07

9764 total posts


Going to chat with the RE today. UPDATE on bottom

My third natural IUI cycle failed yesterday. Of course I was late this month. You know. Just to screw with me.
Our plan was always to do 3 cycles this way and then re-evaluate. I had this consult appointment scheduled even before I started my last cycle. I was really hoping I would be PG and I could cancel it!!!

I don't know what our decision will be today. I guess I just need to hear the doctor out and voice all of my concerns.

1. I am insisting on the hsg and I think he wants to do that to. I guess that will be right after AF leaves town. Am I right about that, timing wise?

2. I don't know if he is going to suggest that DH go back to the urologist to get his varicocele's repaired. His counts have been a little lower but, still fine. But, his motility is going up each time!! It was actually normal last time. So I don't know that I see the point in the surgery. I also don't know why we aren't getting PG if he is doing better. I am scared there is something with me that we missed. Hence, the need for the HSG.

3. I am sure clomid will come up. I guess I should hear him out. I am just so so scared. I have a STRONG family history of fraternal twins and the doctor told me that would up my risk of multiples with Clomid. We only have a one bedroom house and in this market we now how ) equity and would lose money if we sold. We bought at the height of the marketChat Icon Chat Icon If we got twins we would make it work. But I think I would have babies sleeping in my living room. My bedroom is too small for two cribs and I am so scared of that. I just don't want to do anything that encourgages mulitples.
But, if we aren't getting PG with one egg, what is to say two or three eggs will all fetilize? Sigh.......

P.S. I know lots of people will want to say something about not having the HSG first. I know. But I really didn't want it and it was a decision the doctor and I made together. So it is partiallly my fault that I didn't get it. I wanted to try it this way before an invasive test that comes with its own risks. So that is my reason for not having it before.

Message edited 7/28/2008 6:18:08 PM.

Posted 7/28/08 7:34 AM
Long Island Weddings
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My two miracles!

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Re: Going to chat with the RE today.

Oh Trish, I am so sorry Chat Icon I know how disheartening this entire process has been for you. Chat Icon I think you are doing the right thing by going to speak with the RE & re-evulate the situation.

There has to be a reason for the 3 IUI's to fail & maybe the HSG will uncover something. At least you can know that you are making all the decisions needed & covering all basis!

I know how you feel about Clomid but I would see what the Dr suggests. You know I am here for you!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/28/08 7:39 AM

Love my babies!

Member since 12/06

2941 total posts


Re: Going to chat with the RE today.

Just thought I'd chime in here....I am a big believer in the hsg. I had one last fall and ended up pregnant less than 2 months later. I did take clomid and was monitored and got pregnant from it, along w/ IUI. On my mom's side of the family there are a lot of fraternal twins, but I never gave it a second thought since I was taking Clomid. I was only on 50mg of Clomid, which is why I was shocked that I was pregnant w/ multiples. I think somehow I just responded very well to it, not sure if the family history contributed to that, but that's interesting that your doctor told you that.

Anyway, I just wanted to jump in and say that I think an hsg is a great way to rule out a potential roadblock to getting pregnant - I had a m/c earlier last year and it was taking me awhile to get pregnant again, so I was willing to try it even though part of me kept saying "but I got pregnant before". I still felt that possibly my getting pregnant was a fluke and maybe I had one tube blocked and got lucky - so I was willing to check it out. Plus, I am 36, so I did not think trying to get pregnant was going to get easier.

Good luck to you and the ladies on this board, you are all wonderful and deserve nothing but happiness. Chat Icon

Posted 7/28/08 9:16 AM

LIF Zygote

Member since 2/07

4 total posts


Re: Going to chat with the RE today.

I also haven't had a HSG done yet. My doctor feels everything is in good working order and there is no need to do the test. I believe him but I sometimes still think I should insist on it. I wil be doing my third IUI on Clomid in about 2 weeks. Unfortunately, IUI's only boosts the chances up a bit which is sad. It's crappy that IVF isn't not a guarantee either.

If you feel you need the HSG-then do it. No sense in having it bother you if you should or shouldn't. Maybe ruling it out will be one more thing off your shoulders?

SO hard.

I will say that the stress of this entire process isn't helping. I am sure many of you agree. I happen to be a more high strung type of personality so I am not trying to find ways to destress. I think it's very important.

I mean how many stories are we hearing that people stopped trying, or went to adopt and "poof" they find out they are pregnant? Unfortunatey, some of us including myself can't really just stop because we need some assistance with our cycle but I do believe there is major truth to the stress and inferility theory.

I started going for massages and I am really getting more into my meditation. I am also going to try to get back into a light work out routine. Hoping all this helps.

Posted 7/28/08 10:49 AM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

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Re: Going to chat with the RE today.

Good luck. of course you are the only one who can decide this but try not to worry too much about the twins thing. My DH was adamant about not wanting twins-he felt it would be hard to bond with each baby individually. Well we are pG with twins and he couldn't be happier.

A word about the hsg-I had an hsg in January after 3 pregnancy losses. The Dr said-looks like a normal hsg. Then in June I had an ectopic in which I needed emergency surgery and my right tube removed. I am pretty sure both of my tubes were messed up. NOT that I'm saying you shouldn't get it, just don't beat yourself up if you haven't yet.Chat Icon

Posted 7/28/08 11:26 AM

Onward and Upward!

Member since 2/08

3210 total posts


Re: Going to chat with the RE today.

I am sorry that the natural IUI's didn't work for you. Most likely your RE will mention Clomid to help you produce more eggs/targets for your DH's sperm. The chance of multiples with Clomid is about 10% so I wouldn't worry too much about it. If you make too many eggs on Clomid, you can always cancel the cycle but this rarely happens. I think the HSG is a good idea and it also can improve your chance of pregnancy. GL!

Posted 7/28/08 12:29 PM

Liam's Mommy!

Member since 1/07

9764 total posts


Re: Going to chat with the RE today.

Okay. So it went okay. We talked for LOOONG time about everything. I cried like a jerk. He wants me to try Clomid at 50 mg.

We talked and talked about twins and trips and what not. My chances are higher than most peoples on Clomid. But, he put some prespective on my incompetent house (1 bedroom). Something I kind of have been thinking but, people tell me I am nuts. People do it all the time in small houses. If we have to we put twins in the LR for a while and then when the market swings back, we get a bigger house. We traded stories of sharing a room with 3-4 siblings. Guess what, I am not all messed up from it and neither is he. So if it happens, it happens. I just have to give it up to God and realize that I will handle it.

He also understands why I have such a hard time with believing the small chance of having twins. My Dh is a Clomid twin. So, he says "in your mind it is a hundred percent because you have your own case study". He's right. And in the end. Dh's side also had natural twins and we don't know why he was a twin, Clomid or family history.

I am having the HSG test. Probably early next week. He says "it is time for that test". He doubts that there is anything wrong but, he says that it increases your chances of getting pregnant and there is always a chance that I had one tube blocked. (I got pg once and M/c'ed)

Dh's counts have soared in the last few months with no explanation why. He still has the varicocele but, I guess that is just one less obstacle.

I am very, very upset about taking more aggressive measures. But I guess we have to if we want a baby. He did mention IVF which freaked me out. At first he just said that if I have a crazy response to clomid they may convert the cycle to IVF (since I have the coverage) or just cancel it and re-eval what we are doing. He also said that after 3-4 cycles of clomid he wants to consider IVF. So that was really scary to hear. But I guess I just have to deal with it. And make that choice when we come to it.

Anyway.. Thanks for listening and for all the kind words.

Posted 7/28/08 6:17 PM

Support Cancer Research

Member since 5/05

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Re: Going to chat with the RE today. UPDATE on bottom

Good luck to you!

The only thing I'm a little confused about is how they would "convert it to IVF"?

Did he explain that to you fully? Because I'd be curious to hear what that means.

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Posted 7/28/08 6:21 PM

Onward and Upward!

Member since 2/08

3210 total posts


Re: Going to chat with the RE today. UPDATE on bottom

I think you have a good plan to do the HSG and try a low dose of Clomid with IUI for a few cycles (hopefully you will only need one). I know how scary it is to hear IVF, I freaked out the first time it was mentioned also but now I am in the middle of my first IVF cycle and I feel more relieved and optimistic than I have since I started fertility treatments last November. Best of luck!

Posted 7/28/08 7:38 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/07

1085 total posts


Re: Going to chat with the RE today. UPDATE on bottom

I pray you make peace with your decisions.

Just throwing something out there, since I was on injectables and I'm against selective reduction.

IVF does give you the opportunity to just put back one embryo.

i was given the opportuntiy to convert to IVF if I produced too many follicles, however I have no IVF converage so it took 4 iui to convince me to do IVF

Posted 7/28/08 7:58 PM

Liam's Mommy!

Member since 1/07

9764 total posts


Re: Going to chat with the RE today. UPDATE on bottom

Posted by leighla

Good luck to you!

The only thing I'm a little confused about is how they would "convert it to IVF"?

Did he explain that to you fully? Because I'd be curious to hear what that means.

Chat Icon

Hey, Thanks!
He said that if I produce too many follicles to do IUI, like 6 or 7 he would just put me under and do a retrieval and then transfer 3-5 days later. Then he would put back 1 or 2.

Posted 7/28/08 8:50 PM

Liam's Mommy!

Member since 1/07

9764 total posts


Re: Going to chat with the RE today. UPDATE on bottom

Posted by hope316

I pray you make peace with your decisions.

Just throwing something out there, since I was on injectables and I'm against selective reduction.

IVF does give you the opportunity to just put back one embryo.

i was given the opportuntiy to convert to IVF if I produced too many follicles, however I have no IVF converage so it took 4 iui to convince me to do IVF

I am also not interested in selective reduction. I guess that is why I am so nervous. If I get 4 babies, I am keeping 4 babies. I do have really good IVF coverage and right now IUI's are covered under the regular insurance and IVF is under the IF insurance which is 50,000 per person. SOOOO, I am sticking with the IUI's and seeing how many follies I produce with clomid. I guess I just have to pray that God will give me what I can handle. I am so scared though. But, he was very clear that they would only go ahead with each IUI if I was comfortable with the amount of follicles. So, I can cancel the cycle if I want and discuss other options or I can do IVF if there are enough follies for retrieval.

Posted 7/28/08 8:54 PM

My two miracles!

Member since 5/06

17826 total posts


Re: Going to chat with the RE today. UPDATE on bottom

I am so glad that you have a proactive plan & it seems that your RE & you worked out the kinks that you were worried about. Only time will tell what will be the outcome but I believe you will not be going to IVF. I have a funny feeling that after the HSG & low dosage of Clomid, you will be on your way!

Posted 7/29/08 6:57 AM

I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05

20105 total posts


Re: Going to chat with the RE today. UPDATE on bottom

It sounds like you have a good plan in place.
You will be monitored closely to see how many follies you are producing and then you can decide where you want to go from there.
Just so you know - the fact that twins run on your husband's side doesn't mean anything - in order for it to be genetic, it has to come from YOUR side of the family. Your risk is slightly elevated from clomid because you can have more than one egg. I am having twins from a clomid/IUI cycle. We are so happy and excited, we know it will be difficult, but we also know it will work out. If you get a similar blessing, it will work out for you too. Good luck! Chat Icon

Posted 7/29/08 8:18 AM

Liam's Mommy!

Member since 1/07

9764 total posts


Re: Going to chat with the RE today. UPDATE on bottom

Posted by SweetTooth

It sounds like you have a good plan in place.
You will be monitored closely to see how many follies you are producing and then you can decide where you want to go from there.
Just so you know - the fact that twins run on your husband's side doesn't mean anything - in order for it to be genetic, it has to come from YOUR side of the family. Your risk is slightly elevated from clomid because you can have more than one egg. I am having twins from a clomid/IUI cycle. We are so happy and excited, we know it will be difficult, but we also know it will work out. If you get a similar blessing, it will work out for you too. Good luck! Chat Icon

I know that twins have to come from my side. My mom is a twin and there are cousins that are twins. It is just a coincidence that my Dh is a clomid twin. Chat Icon

Congrats on the twins! It will be hard but well worth it!!Chat Icon

Posted 7/29/08 3:32 PM

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