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LIF Infant

Member since 5/05 187 total posts
Name: j
Gotta Love Flu Season
My poor DS has the flu. Started Wednesday night w him saying Mommy I freezing. Never tought I'd ever be calling his Dr at 10PM saying "MY SON HAS 105.5 FEVER" WE had to put him in the tub and it immediatly brought it down to 102.
???? where do you ladies stand on Motrin VS Tylenol...My Dr did not want him on motrin and kept saying to stick w/ Tylenol..This is not the first time I heard it.
Thought DS started to feel better today but the fever came back but thankfully not as high. SO it looks like, for the 2nd yr(he was sick last yr too), he's missing our family Christmas party...I have to go w my other son while hubby stays home w/ him..Any ideas when he'll start to feel better. I'm not used to seeing him like this. He looks so down and out
Posted 12/23/06 12:34 AM |
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Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: Gotta Love Flu Season
I would say a fever that high should have killed whatever it was that was causing it. By Christmas, he should be fine. Plenty of fluids..
Not a doctor in real life, just playing one on the internet.
Posted 12/23/06 7:56 AM |
Life is good!

Member since 5/05 8369 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Gotta Love Flu Season
Why did your doc say no motrin?
I like motrin beter, I think it works better. I know I was told not to give it to her until 6 months old.
Feel better
Message edited 12/23/2006 8:29:56 AM.
Posted 12/23/06 8:29 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 2922 total posts
Name: Hillary
Re: Gotta Love Flu Season
as mentioned before, every doctor is different...
tylenol is acetometophin, last for 4 hours and Motrin is iboprofen which lasts from 6-8 hours. Both pain meds help and reduce fever..
Both my doctor and my brother (who is a ped) recommend the same thing...
Jacob had 103.3 this past week. Both said to use motrin for high fever over 102 and for lowgrade use Tylenol.. That is what we did and it worked for us...
Remember Jacob is 15 months and over a year old, that might have something to do with it which one to use also....
I keep both in the house at all times...
Message edited 12/23/2006 8:33:12 AM.
Posted 12/23/06 8:32 AM |
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