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Has anyone ever had an anxiety/panic attack?

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

632 total posts


Has anyone ever had an anxiety/panic attack?

If so, what does it feel like? What are the symptoms?

Lately, I have been feeling really stressed out. But what I have noticed is that I get periods of breathlessness that initially lasted an hour or so. Lately, it seems that these bouts of feeling like I can't get a full breath of air seem to last me ALL DAY! It's fine when I go to bed and when I wake up...but as soon as I pull into the parking lot at my job, it hits me again.
This past weekend I was thinking of so many different things and all I was doing was sitting on the couch trying to relax and I felt WORSE! Laying down felt like someone was SITTING ON MY CHEST.
I don't think it's asthma, cause I am fine when I am hanging with my friends, etc...but as soon as I start to worry about all the hundred things I have to hits me....

Thanks everyone.....

Posted 4/3/06 10:22 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 7/05

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Re: Has anyone ever had an anxiety/panic attack?

I get them all the time. Suddenly my heart starts pounding really hard, I feel as though I can't take a deep breathe, I start to get really warm and my body feels super weak. I generally talk myself out of them.

Seems as though you have some stresses in your life and some people, like myself, this is how we react. If they continue and get worse I'd see a doctor.

I also noticed that I get them more when I drink caffeine so I cut all caffeine out of my everday diet.

Good Luck...

Posted 4/3/06 10:31 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

632 total posts


Re: Has anyone ever had an anxiety/panic attack?

Posted by krwm

I get them all the time. Suddenly my heart starts pounding really hard, I feel as though I can't take a deep breathe, I start to get really warm and my body feels super weak. I generally talk myself out of them.

Seems as though you have some stresses in your life and some people, like myself, this is how we react. If they continue and get worse I'd see a doctor.

I also noticed that I get them more when I drink caffeine so I cut all caffeine out of my everday diet.

Good Luck...

OMG! About the caffeine...I noticed that too! Thank you so much for your reply. I think I have to see a doctor....

Posted 4/3/06 10:33 AM

Support Cancer Research

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Re: Has anyone ever had an anxiety/panic attack?

Posted by krwm

I get them all the time. Suddenly my heart starts pounding really hard, I feel as though I can't take a deep breathe, I start to get really warm and my body feels super weak. I generally talk myself out of them.

Seems as though you have some stresses in your life and some people, like myself, this is how we react. If they continue and get worse I'd see a doctor.

I also noticed that I get them more when I drink caffeine so I cut all caffeine out of my everday diet.

Good Luck...

I could have written this word for word. Cutting out caffeine has helped me too.

Posted 4/3/06 10:35 AM

soooo in love:)

Member since 5/05

4369 total posts


Re: Has anyone ever had an anxiety/panic attack?

i experience this too. I have it more under control now, but just yesterday i was shaking so much and just felt such anxiety.

When it first started for me, it was about 6 yrs ago, i was away with a bunch of friends in a supermarket...all of a sudden i almost got lightheaded and my heart started racing and i felt like i couldn't was really bad.. Luckily a friend of mine saw my symptoms, and just talked to me and calmed me down and said i was experiencing anxiety.
He had problems with it as a child and for years he was on heavy duty medication.
I would always have an attack if i was in a big store like ikea or i have to stay away from stores like that when its busy...when it does hit me in a supermarket or something i just have to hold tight to the shopping cart and just try to focus on something can be pretty scary!
I've had it happen at work too, and caffeine absolutely makes it i try not to drink more than 2 cups in the morning..
My poor DH had a problem with this about 2 years ago and ended up in the hospital. i knew it was anxiety, but nobody believed it, they did every possible test on him and it all came back negative and the last day he was there, the dr said- i think you have anxiety. You need to calm down. word of advice...if you are feeling like this..just sit down, try to relax and try to do whatever you can to take your mind off of how you are feeling. have someone talk to you, watch some tv..just anything to get your mind away...

I hope you are okay! Chat Icon

one more thing...years ago not knowing it was anxiety, i thought i had asthma too...i even convinced my dr. that it was asthma and they prescribed me pills and inhalers.. now i know that its wasnt that!

Message edited 4/3/2006 10:55:10 AM.

Posted 4/3/06 10:52 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

632 total posts


Re: Has anyone ever had an anxiety/panic attack?

Thank you so much for telling me your story. It sounds a lot like me. Sometimes, it doesn't hit me until 5 minutes after something stresses me. I noticed it was really bad right before I got married, then it went away for a while. I haven't been like this since September when I got married.
Now with school, work, trying to find a house, save money, homework....working's back and WORSE than ever.
I can't even get an appointment anywhere today. One lady said to go to the ER if I can't take it anymore...but I would feel stupid sitting in the ER if I wasnt in the middle of an attack....
I just dont know what to do at this point. I have to wait 2 weeks to see a doctor? I hate that!

Posted 4/3/06 11:08 AM

soooo in love:)

Member since 5/05

4369 total posts


Re: Has anyone ever had an anxiety/panic attack?

you have a lot of things on your plate right wonder you are feeling like this...

You just need to relax and calm down. Are you at work? Maybe you could take a quiet walk on your lunchbreak...
i'm not discouraging going to the doctor, but they will probably want to put you on medication- that or to see a psychologist (or psychiatrist..i dont know)
I didnt want to do either of these things, but i found that talking to my friend that had experienced this totally helped....and with that i was able to help my dh too.

Maybe even yoga or something...just something to relax your mind and your body..
Definitely stay away from the caffeine... Maybe a cup of chamomile tea might help..that usually helps me too..

I'm sorry that you are experiencing this..but please continue to write on here if you need to talk some more Chat Icon

Posted 4/3/06 11:25 AM

Happy Summer !

Member since 5/05

2241 total posts


Re: Has anyone ever had an anxiety/panic attack?

I haven't had them in awhile, but have experienced them for over 10 years now, I was on medication until I got pregnant and surprised myself with how well I am doing without the meds. I used to have to carry xanax with me in case I felt it coming on. I can only speak for myself - they come on when I am overwhelmed with work, family obligations and social gatherings, we had a weekend that we had to run around to about 6 parties, to at least show our face and I was breathless and went to the dr. I really didn't know what was going on, they checked for everything and thought it was thyroid, but it was all anxiety. WOO = the xanax helped sooo much, but I was afraid to use it like prescriped b/c it is highly addictive. I also quit a lot of caffeine and smoking since being pregnancy and they BOTH cause anxiety - so we'll see what happens after the baby is born. If you want to do a search with my screen name, I posted about this alot.

Feel better Chat Icon

Posted 4/3/06 11:26 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

632 total posts


Re: Has anyone ever had an anxiety/panic attack?

Posted by KittyCat

I haven't had them in awhile, but have experienced them for over 10 years now, I was on medication until I got pregnant and surprised myself with how well I am doing without the meds. I used to have to carry xanax with me in case I felt it coming on. I can only speak for myself - they come on when I am overwhelmed with work, family obligations and social gatherings, we had a weekend that we had to run around to about 6 parties, to at least show our face and I was breathless and went to the dr. I really didn't know what was going on, they checked for everything and thought it was thyroid, but it was all anxiety. WOO = the xanax helped sooo much, but I was afraid to use it like prescriped b/c it is highly addictive. I also quit a lot of caffeine and smoking since being pregnancy and they BOTH cause anxiety - so we'll see what happens after the baby is born. If you want to do a search with my screen name, I posted about this alot.

Feel better Chat Icon

That feeling of being overwhelmed...that feeling of not having enough time in the day and this PILE of worry are exactly what's causing me to feel this way, I am even more certain after reading your post. I have gone to the doctor before and had a ton of bloodwork b/c they thought it might be anemia, diabetes, thyroid..and I am healthy as a horse!
So....I made an appt to see someone tomorrow. I don't like meds, but maybe something low-grade and mild to calm me down until I start to learn to deal with this differently....I don't smoke, but today I did get a large decaf cause I noticed that the caffeine makes it worse....
thanks so much, I appreciate it! Chat Icon

Posted 4/3/06 11:34 AM

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