Has anyone finished Allegiant? (3rd book in divergent trilogy)
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Member since 1/08 12702 total posts
Name: Jen
Has anyone finished Allegiant? (3rd book in divergent trilogy)
I hated that she killed off Tris.
Posted 12/30/13 11:56 AM |
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Member since 8/12 6937 total posts
Re: Has anyone finished Allegiant? (3rd book in divergent trilogy)
Posted by mattsgirl1013
To be honest, I cried at the end. I hated that she killed off Tris, but at the same time it really did make sense (don't yell at me lol). If you read her interview, she does explain everything. I HATED the different POV and what they made Tobias into (whiny annoying girl ugh). All-in-all I liked the series a lot. But I am NOT looking forward to the movie. I think the casting choices were odd (ESPECIALLY Tris and Four - I don't like the girl who is playing Tris and Four is just TOO hot (not that I'm complaining lol) compared to what he should be) and, from the trailer, it looks like a lot was changed.
I could've written this myself. Unfortunately, I read a spoiler somewhere and knew that Tris was going to die. I think that may color my take on it since I was prepared for the ending before I even began the book. Her sacrifice felt real- I wouldn't have expected her to let her brother go to his death. I even questioned it out loud. So, while it may not have been necessary, I understood it. Not every story has a happy ending. I hated Tobias's character in this book. I wanted to understand him, but I really couldn't get behind him. The chapters were written way too similarly- I could never remember who was the "I" until they'd mention Tobias or Tris. Plus, the chapters in all her books are so short that it jumped back and forth way too much. They could've had 5 Tobias chapters and 5 Tris chapters. Or told the first half of the story from tris's perspective and the second half from Tobias's. There's just better ways it could've been done. All in all, I really enjoyed the series anyway.
Posted 1/7/14 9:57 AM |
Life is Good!

Member since 7/07 7979 total posts
Has anyone finished Allegiant? (3rd book in divergent trilogy)
I finally finished after trying to get through it for three months. It took me four days to read the first two! This could've started from like Chapter 25 because I felt like it started to pick up with David announcing their plans to use the serum. I was disappointed.
Posted 2/9/14 7:23 PM |
only love...

Member since 5/05 2034 total posts
Name: <3
Re: Has anyone finished Allegiant? (3rd book in divergent trilogy)
I'm glad that I borrowed all three books from the library instead of buying them. Loved the first book, disliked the second one and liked the third one until she killed off Tris. I had been looking forward to the movie, but now I'm not interested.
Posted 3/1/14 9:08 PM |

Member since 1/08 12702 total posts
Name: Jen
Has anyone finished Allegiant? (3rd book in divergent trilogy)
I did not like the ending to this at all!
-Duhr, already answered this forever ago!
Message edited 3/27/2014 12:05:48 PM.
Posted 3/27/14 12:05 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/11 785 total posts
Name: Corrie
Has anyone finished Allegiant? (3rd book in divergent trilogy)
I just read the whole trilogy this week. I am extremely disappointed in the ending. There was no need to kill off tris. Usually when the main character is killed off it is for a reason or to Develop the other characters. Two years later and they still haven't gotten over it. Tobias seems a shell of himself and he is a Politician. Doesn't seem right. She was killed in the most weak way and so matter of fact. This ending bothers me more than how the Sookie Stackhouse series end. I ended the reading feeling empty and jipped
Posted 4/16/14 9:42 PM |
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