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Has anyone had a child who has had mono?

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going along for the ride...

Member since 5/05

16253 total posts


Has anyone had a child who has had mono?

How long was your child sick for? DD is now on her 3rd time in the past 6 weeks -back with 103, severe headache, crying, leg pain. Each time she has been out a week to a week and a half. I am taking her back to the ped but it seems like she has never gotten completely better in between (complains of headaches on top of her head on and off now every day for 6-7 weeks). They get more and more consistent then it hits again.

Posted 12/6/12 12:14 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

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Re: Has anyone had a child who has had mono?

Have they done a spinal tap? My friends son went through something like this. I will have to ask her what it ended up being... Hang in there.. I hope they figure it out soon..

Posted 12/6/12 12:16 AM

going along for the ride...

Member since 5/05

16253 total posts


Re: Has anyone had a child who has had mono?

No and now that you said that I am scared they might want to. The 1st time she was sick they strep cultured her 2 times pricked her finger to check wbc for infection, urine culture, nose swab was horrible. Then second time with 104.9 - another strep culture, several vials of blood - had to do 2 arms bc her vein collapased. She was hysterical. She is crying saying it is backand she won't go to the ped bc they torture her. If they want to do something like that I will never get her back to the dr again. She gets hysterical when they strep test her I can only imagine what she will do if she gets any further testing.

She has already missed 14 days of school not including only going 2 days in 2 weeks bc her school had no power after sandy. Tomorrow will be day 15. I am sure if she has 103 now I am sure she won't be there on Friday. I just feel so bad for her and just want her to catch a break.

Posted 12/6/12 12:26 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/11

2741 total posts


Re: Has anyone had a child who has had mono?

They sedate the little ones for them...I have never heard of mono bouncing back like that. But anything is possible.. I would want them to rule out everything...My son was sedated this past April for a medical procedure and it was harder on me then him!

Message edited 12/6/2012 1:05:36 AM.

Posted 12/6/12 1:03 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/11

2741 total posts


Re: Has anyone had a child who has had mono?

Has she been tested for Lyme Disease?

Posted 12/6/12 1:22 AM

going along for the ride...

Member since 5/05

16253 total posts


Re: Has anyone had a child who has had mono?

Posted by NewLeaf2012

Has she been tested for Lyme Disease?

Yes they tested her for that and a few others things. We know she has mono bc they did blood work about 3.5 weeks ago and it was positive for a current mono infection (epstein barre).

Posted 12/6/12 2:12 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/11

2741 total posts


Re: Has anyone had a child who has had mono?

Posted by Lillykat

Posted by NewLeaf2012

Has she been tested for Lyme Disease?

Yes they tested her for that and a few others things. We know she has mono bc they did blood work about 3.5 weeks ago and it was positive for a current mono infection (epstein barre).

Ugh... It can take a while to run its course... I remember my friends son was sick on and of for about 2 months.. Seemed to get better and then get worse again. I am trying to remember everything she told me.. Hopefully she will be feeling better fast..

Posted 12/6/12 2:57 AM

going along for the ride...

Member since 5/05

16253 total posts


Re: Has anyone had a child who has had mono?

Thank you. I am taking her back to the ped today. Normally I wait a bit but I feek like this is getting ridiculous. They were very quick to push her going back too.

Posted 12/6/12 6:55 AM

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Re: Has anyone had a child who has had mono?

My son tested positive for epstein barr...but it was "resolving" at the time...he had the same symptoms, except he didn't have a fever, (though I know fever it common) but he was exceptionally took a good few months for him to feel betterChat Icon

Posted 12/6/12 7:16 AM

Family of 5!

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Re: Has anyone had a child who has had mono?

My son had been sick for 4 weeks with what they kept diagnosing as "viral"- when his fever spike 106; we headed to the ER where he was admitted and dx with mono and epstein bar....(along with an ear infection)- they kept him over night to hydrate him and he was sick for like another 2 weeks after that....

So I wanna say it lasted like 6 weeks total...

Posted 12/6/12 8:13 AM

Love my little girls!!! <3

Member since 6/10

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Re: Has anyone had a child who has had mono?

No experience just wanted to offer hugs and well wishes - I was thinking about you the other day and wondering how she was doing. Poor thing Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/6/12 9:45 AM


Member since 11/07

7273 total posts


Has anyone had a child who has had mono?

I'm hesitating about posting this because I don't want to make you worry any more - I'm sorry if I do Chat Icon

Depending on the severity it can sometimes take months to get better. I had a very severe case of mono when I was a teen & I wound up missing 3 full months of school before the summer. It's a bit hazy now, but I was probably very ill/out of commission for 3 or 4 months. I was then weak & easily exhausted for the remainder of the year (I had 1/2 days when I went back to school in the fall for the first half of the year). Like want2beamom's son, I wound up getting Epstein-Barr which I believe has resolved itself (I haven't had symptoms in years). My experience is pretty rare (I don't know anyone else who has had it as bad), but unfortunately it can happen & it can sometimes take a long time for the person to feel better. I hope that she's feeling 100% & back on her feet ASAP! Chat Icon

Message edited 12/6/2012 10:00:58 AM.

Posted 12/6/12 9:59 AM


Member since 5/07

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Re: Has anyone had a child who has had mono?

No advice, only Chat Icon Chat Icon that your DD gets better soon. You must be so worried. BTW, how did your appt go today?

Posted 12/6/12 10:32 PM

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