LIF Adult
Member since 10/06 917 total posts
Name: Mary
Has anyone had their DC evaluated for possible autism around their 1 year well visit?
My son is way over 1 year but hasn't had a 1 yr well visit yet (don't ask - he's been to the dr enough times though for ear infections, etc so not like we never go - the receptionist is just a bumbling idiot who "lost" our appointment in September and the next available time was December and I couldn't go it's January). I wanted to delay his MMR anyway so I'm not too upset. Anyway..I do want Liam evalulated for possible Autism and wanted to see if anyone else has done this for their 1 yr old. I read that studies now show that having an early evaluation is good for possible detection and early treatment is good too. I don't really know the "early" symptoms, I don't know if there even are, but I also did see a study that said some children that wound up with ASD were those that didn't respond to their names being called at a 1 yr wellness visit. OK - Liam doesn't respond to his name being called sometimes. Like when he's banging on the radiator cover or pulling at the gate blocking off the kitchen He does sometimes bang his head against the wall too but I know NONE of these actually mean he is going to become autistic, but still....I'm just getting more and more nervous about it. He was late rolling, sitting up, crawling, walking but he did and does all those things now, no problem. Also started cruising very fast after pulling to standing. But he is very smart, loves to put things from one shelf to another, loves music and his toy "phone" which he puts up to his ear and says "ga!" all the time. He doesn't say too many words yet at 16 months - which I'm a bit bothered by since I thought he would considering he's in daycare. Right now he says mama, baba (the two that he says allll the time), cat, dada, go and he's started to say up. There's words like "paci" that we say upwards of 50x a day and I'm shocked he hasn't said that yet.
If anyone has had their children evaluated for autism, can you let me know how it's done? Does your pedi do it or do they refer you to someone else? Thanks. Mary
Message edited 12/17/2007 1:48:04 PM.
Member since 3/06 22093 total posts
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Re: Has anyone had their DC evaluated for possible autism around their 1 year well visit?
My Ped starts the screening at 18 months. There is some useful info on their website including a screening questionnaire
Message edited 12/17/2007 2:07:52 PM.