Has anyone heard of this-paying for your epidural OOP?
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Has anyone heard of this-paying for your epidural OOP?
We were over my neighbors for a BBQ last night and one of my neigbhbors told me that I shouldn't forget to pay for my epidural. I basically asked her what she was talking about because I seriously never heard of this before. She told me her youngest daughter had to pay in advance OOP for the epidurals both times, which was about 1,300-1,400 Her daughter had her babies in 2006 and 2007, so it was pretty recent.
I really thought insurance covered this. My insurance company covers 100% of costs relating to my pregnancy and delivery. I have United Healthcare/Oxford. I don't know if this was just because of bad Florida insurance (she has Humana which I have heard is not great down here). My insurance is NY (COBRA from my last employer).
I am calling the insurance tomorrow, but I wanted to know if any BTDT or late in PG moms had to do this. Thanks!
Posted 9/7/09 10:02 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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lovin' my 2 little ladies!

Member since 5/05 7401 total posts
Name: Julianne
Re: Has anyone heard of this-paying for your epidural OOP?
I didn't have to pay for my epi! my hospital and everything for l&d was covered 100%. I think I had to cut a check to my OB for the cord blood stuff and that was it. if I had to pay, it would still be worth it!
Posted 9/7/09 7:56 PM |
I'm cranky

Member since 7/06 18178 total posts
Name: Mama Cranky
Re: Has anyone heard of this-paying for your epidural OOP?
Insurance covered everything with DD-I just had a $250 co pay.
Posted 9/7/09 9:15 PM |
Hello Summer!

Member since 5/08 5916 total posts
Name: Hill
Re: Has anyone heard of this-paying for your epidural OOP?
When I had DD in 2006 the insurance company I had didnt participate with the anesthesiologist so I got a bill for about that amount. There was really nothing I could do at that point.. but I worked with them and got the bill down to half.
This time my insurance is different.. I have UHC but I plan on asking before hand.
Posted 9/7/09 10:19 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 2/09 221 total posts
Name: Alexis
Re: Has anyone heard of this-paying for your epidural OOP?
Wow...i never heard of such a thing. I called my insurance company and I only pay for the co-pay for the doctor, which is like $20.00 or God forbid I need her to see specialists while she is in there then we just pay $50 co-pay.
Posted 9/7/09 10:51 PM |
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