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Having Sleeping/Napping Issues- Could Use Your Input..

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Having Sleeping/Napping Issues- Could Use Your Input..

Alex's schedule has been the following for many months now:
Bed at 8-8:30pm:
-sleeps mostly thorough the night until about 5am for a bottle, then back to sleep till 7:30 or 8:30am.

Not good. Never good.
Naps around 11am for anywhere from 30-45 min. Once in a while she'll do an hour. That's it. No more afternoon nap. She'll hang out & relax in her crib around 4pm, but doesn't sleep.
I've tried to put her down later (12 or 1pm), but she still sleeps for the same length of time.

Lately, she's been going to bed at the same time, napping the same way, but waking at 6am (sometimes even earlier) and just staying awake!Chat Icon
So she's getting less sleep..and so am I!

Do you think I should try to put her to bed a little earlier- maybe 7:30-7:45?
Maybe keep her up & try doing a nap really late in the afternoon?

I could use some advice...Thanks!
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Posted 2/27/07 8:49 AM
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Re: Having Sleeping/Napping Issues- Could Use Your Input..

I found the best thing I did for Luca's sleeping was put him to bed earlier. He now sleeps longer at night and even takes 3 naps (from 30min to an hour) a day.

Message edited 2/27/2007 9:03:02 AM.

Posted 2/27/07 9:02 AM

Happy Days!

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Re: Having Sleeping/Napping Issues- Could Use Your Input..

I agree...thats a really late bedtime for a 1 year old. I think if you put her to bed at 6.30/7, she will sleep better and for longer.

IMO she shouldn't be waking for a bottle at 5 am, she should be sleeping straight through to 7.30/8 am. How much does she drink before bed?

Posted 2/27/07 9:07 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Having Sleeping/Napping Issues- Could Use Your Input..

Posted by racheeeee

I agree...thats a really late bedtime for a 1 year old. I think if you put her to bed at 6.30/7, she will sleep better and for longer.

IMO she shouldn't be waking for a bottle at 5 am, she should be sleeping straight through to 7.30/8 am. How much does she drink before bed?

I know she shouldn't be waking- it's killing me!Chat Icon Chat Icon
She's down to two 8 oz. bottles a day- one around bedtime & one when she wakes. She gets sippy cups during the day- usually water, some milk.
Her Dr. said this sounds good, but..

Posted 2/27/07 9:11 AM

Happy Days!

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Re: Having Sleeping/Napping Issues- Could Use Your Input..

Posted by AndreaLMT

Posted by racheeeee

I agree...thats a really late bedtime for a 1 year old. I think if you put her to bed at 6.30/7, she will sleep better and for longer.

IMO she shouldn't be waking for a bottle at 5 am, she should be sleeping straight through to 7.30/8 am. How much does she drink before bed?

I know she shouldn't be waking- it's killing me!Chat Icon Chat Icon
She's down to two 8 oz. bottles a day- one around bedtime & one when she wakes. She gets sippy cups during the day- usually water, some milk.
Her Dr. said this sounds good, but..

Okay, are you ready for my controversial about you let her fuss in the mornings and see if she can settle herself back to sleep. IE, let her CIO if you are comfortable doing it.

eta...I am assuming that you keep her up late so that you can spend time with her after work etc...

Message edited 2/27/2007 9:15:00 AM.

Posted 2/27/07 9:13 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Having Sleeping/Napping Issues- Could Use Your Input..

Posted by racheeeee

Posted by AndreaLMT

Posted by racheeeee

I agree...thats a really late bedtime for a 1 year old. I think if you put her to bed at 6.30/7, she will sleep better and for longer.

IMO she shouldn't be waking for a bottle at 5 am, she should be sleeping straight through to 7.30/8 am. How much does she drink before bed?

I know she shouldn't be waking- it's killing me!Chat Icon Chat Icon
She's down to two 8 oz. bottles a day- one around bedtime & one when she wakes. She gets sippy cups during the day- usually water, some milk.
Her Dr. said this sounds good, but..

Okay, are you ready for my controversial about you let her fuss in the mornings and see if she can settle herself back to sleep. IE, let her CIO if you are comfortable doing it.

I'm down with that.Chat Icon
No controversy here. We've done it at night sometimes, and I've thought about it for the mornings, I could give it a go...
I also forgot to mention that this child is the lightest sleeper known to man!
She wakes with the tiniest little peep, I'm telling ya, I'm going insane, and on top of that, I have a semi-snoring husband, sio I'm getting 4 hours of sleep a night!Chat Icon

ETA: Also, we keep her up until 8 b/c Alex is like a clock, which is why I fear trying the earlier bedtime again... When we last tried the 7pm bedtime, she woke at 4am, you see? like.. a ..clock.Chat Icon

Message edited 2/27/2007 9:20:59 AM.

Posted 2/27/07 9:18 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Having Sleeping/Napping Issues- Could Use Your Input..

Alex used to do the 5am wake thing, and I HATED IT. I couldn't let her CIO though because she would always have a poopy diaper at that time. But, if you're not against it, I'd try to let her fuss a little so she can get used to sleeping later. It sounds like she's really just waking up out of habit, because if she's going to bed at 8/8:30pm, she doesn't need milk that early.

Alex also used to be a terrible napper. I found two things - first, routine. Somehow her daycare teacher put ALL the babies on the same routine. One nap per day, at exactly 12:30pm, right after lunch. I was still giving her 2 naps a day at home, andi t was turing into a freakin' nightmare. I've found that Alex THRIVES on routine, and adapts well to it. SO, instead of going willy nilly with her naps, I stick to her daycare schedule so that she knows exactly what to expect and when. Now, I hold out, even if she's tired, until 12:30pm, and amazingly enouigh, ever since I started doing that, she'll go into her crib VOLUNTARILY for a nap and stay down for at least an hour and a half. And let me tell you, nap time used to be the battle of the day. But, now that she knows it's everyday at the same time, she knows what's coming and adapts quite easily.

Second, sleep begets sleep. Try putting her to bed earlier. I used to put Alex to bed at 8/8:30pm until she started waking up earlier. When she started doing that, I started putting her to sleep at 7/7:30pm, and now she sleeps later. It makes no sense at all, but it works.

Posted 2/27/07 9:24 AM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

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Re: Having Sleeping/Napping Issues- Could Use Your Input..

amen for the routine thing with napping. Noah NEVER napped, but now, when he is home with me, he naps like clockwork...exactly 2 hours after he wakes up, he needs a sleep. I have tried to put a little nap routine into place...I bring him upstairs, talk to him while I close the curtains and put his sleeping bag on....and then I put him down in his cot with Mr Blue Shirt (Mr Blue you dirty rat...and soon comes Mr Night...) and then he sleeps!!!

The worst thing is that I have to leave Oranges and Lemons (monday playgroup) during the sing song because thats when he gets tired!!! I hate leaving in the middle of the singsong! I don't get to see Noah "Wind the Bobbin Up"

Posted 2/27/07 9:31 AM

April already?

Member since 3/06

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Re: Having Sleeping/Napping Issues- Could Use Your Input..

Sydney is going through the same thing - THIS WEEK. She has been going to bed around 7:30 and waking up at 5ish. I try and let her fuss and see if she will go back to sleep but she wont. I give her the bottle and sometimes she will go back to sleep - this morning she did until 7:30 (which is later than usual). She has never been a good sleeper, and doesnt seem to require much sleep but I would love to have her sleep later if you ladies have suggestions.

Posted 2/27/07 9:40 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Having Sleeping/Napping Issues- Could Use Your Input..

Thanks for the advice ladies.Chat Icon
I'm just wondering now if her eating sdchedule is going to present a problem...
She eats at 9:30am, lunch around 1:30ish and dinner around 5-5:30.
I'm wondering if I push her naps from 11am to 12:30ish if going to bed with an emptier stomach is going to make things more difficult.
Ugh, but do I transition her eating schedule then so that she eats around noon? Maybe sleeping w/ a full belly will make her sleep longer?
This is going to change a lots of things and now I don't know whre to begin???Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/27/07 10:08 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

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Re: Having Sleeping/Napping Issues- Could Use Your Input..

Ryan is a 5am waker as well. I have let him fuss and he has fallen back asleep, I think I need to be more consistent with it though. But first he needs to stop waking to eat in the middle of the night. Too much to conquer all at once!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/27/07 10:11 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Having Sleeping/Napping Issues- Could Use Your Input..

bumping b/c now I'm up the creek...

I took her to the store w/ me, to keep her up that extra hour, trying to start to condition her maybe...Chat Icon so that she'll sleep longer during the days, shoot for a nap around noon or so instead of 11am. She was DEAD tired on the car ride home, so I put her right in the crib at 12 when we got home, she chatted a bit and then screamed until now!
So now she's been up since 5:50 am!!!!Chat Icon
And now it's no use even putting her down b/c she's probably getting hungry, usually eats around 1:30.Chat Icon
UGH.Chat Icon
I don't even know what I'm doing now.
I though I had this schedule thing in the bag.

Posted 2/27/07 12:53 PM

My munchkins

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Re: Having Sleeping/Napping Issues- Could Use Your Input..

andrea i dont think the time your putting her down is too late. i put olivia down between 9-930 she sleeps solid till about 730 8am. give her a bottle then give her breakfast an hour later. go to playgroup or play until about 1030-11am put her down at 1130-12 she usually sleeps 1-2 hours. give her lunch usually around 130-2pm i know kinda late. play somemore or go shopping. around 430-5 give her another bottle and then put her down for another nap usually get about 1 hour with her napping latest i get her down is 6pm . give her dinner at 730 either bath or play until 830 give her a bottle at 9 and then she runs around in her crib for 20 minutes and passes out.

the first nap i have no problem with her sleeping. the second nap she gives me a little bit of a fight about 5 minutes and the newest thing is she likes to crap twice before going to sleep so i have to keep checking to make sure shes not up becasue of poop.

hope that helps.

Posted 2/27/07 1:02 PM

April already?

Member since 3/06

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Re: Having Sleeping/Napping Issues- Could Use Your Input..

I don't even know what I'm doing now.
I though I had this schedule thing in the bag.

Everytime we think we know, they change!Chat Icon

Posted 2/27/07 2:47 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/06

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Re: Having Sleeping/Napping Issues- Could Use Your Input..

Spencer (14 mos) goes down for a nap anywhere between 12-1pm he only naps 1x per day
He goes to bed about 8:30-9pm (because Jim DH gets home late from work. So he can spend a little time w/Spencer before bedtime.
Spencer used to go straight to sleep with no peep. NOW he will cry it out for 10 minutes and then he's out.
He sometimes still wakes up 1-2x during the night for a bottle. Chat Icon Chat Icon i know should sleep straigh thru
Then he wakes up about 7am.
If he gets up earlier than that I let him stay in his crib. Unless he starts crying which he usually dosen't
Try putting a little(safe) toy at the bottom of the bed, so when she wakes up she will play with it.
I do this all the time, and I rotate different toy every night. So Spencer finds a little surprise every morning. I hear him playing in the morning and it's great!!

Posted 2/27/07 3:21 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Having Sleeping/Napping Issues- Could Use Your Input..

I finally got her down for a nap today at 2:45.

She woke up at 3:20.
That's all the sleep she's had all day.

This is NUTS!!!
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Posted 2/27/07 3:26 PM

Love my son!

Member since 6/05

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Re: Having Sleeping/Napping Issues- Could Use Your Input..

I personally don't think her bedtime is that late either... Michael has always gone to bed at that age around 8:30/9pm. Now it's more like 9/9:30, but he sleeps until 8/9 most mornings. And now he hasn't been napping.

I think what you're doing is fine. I wouldn't concentrate so much on the napping. I never did and then eventually Michael napped ONE nap for 1-2 hours per day.

I agree with a "safe" toy at the foot of her crib. Michael has an Ernie doll and a soft book that usually occupies him while he waits for us.

If I were you, I'd keep everything as is and work on that 5am waking!

Good luck!

Posted 2/27/07 3:56 PM

it's me

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Re: Having Sleeping/Napping Issues- Could Use Your Input..

Roman used to go to sleep around 8-8:30 and sleep until about 6:30-7. Lately he has been passing out around 7:30 and is waking at 5-5:30 then going back to sleep until 7. I've tried to stall bed until 8 but he's not having it. I don't really think it's a big deal though but then again I'm a morning person. As far as naps sometimes he'll go an hour, two or just 30 minutes. I go with the flow.

I think their schedues change as they get older, unfortunately I think we just have to deal with it. It could be A LOT worse. Chat Icon

Posted 2/27/07 8:16 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Having Sleeping/Napping Issues- Could Use Your Input..

Oh Dear Lord Andrea.. you poor woman! Chat Icon She's a tough little cookie. I honestly dont know what to tell you.. i know big help i am right?Chat Icon

But this is Jacob's deal. He also goes to bed around 8/8:30, sleeps thru the night.. THANK GOD... until 7/8am ish. Some days 9. If he ever wakes before 7 I do not even give him a second thought. I lower the sound on the video monitor and close my bedroom door ( i know sounds mean) and i crawl back in bed and doze until the clock says 7/7:30. Sometimes he falls back asleep sometimes he fusses. Whatever.. this mommy doesnt do any earlier than 7am.

So then I give him a bottle at say 7 ish and breakfast at 9/9:30. Then its naptime at noon. Some days he does an hour, or an hour and a half, or like yesterday 3 HOURS...Chat Icon Which of course I was at work for so couldnt enjoy it, but thats besides the point..Chat Icon

But there are days he only naps for 30-45 min. And thats it. Yeah he's cranky, and it sux but those days I put him to bed at 7/7:30pm.

Normally he eats lunch at 2ish and dinner at 6 ish. Every day is different with him but he allows me to do that. Alex may NEED structure. If you change anything, stick to it for a few days, dont change off from day to day. Jacob has never been a 'GREAT" napper either. I"m telling you its this same bday thing with these two.. Chat Icon

Some days I get a treat, and some days I lose my mind. I'm sorry she isnt cooperating after all this time. She's had plenty of time to get with the program!!! haha..Chat Icon

Hang in there sweetie.. Lets meet up soon. When the weather warms up. Many hugs to you. And much Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/27/07 10:45 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Having Sleeping/Napping Issues- Could Use Your Input..

Noreen...I am SO SO SO happy to hear that Jacob is sleeping so well!!!!!!!!!!!!Chat Icon
This news makes me incredibly happy, I know you had such difficulty for so long.Chat Icon
I tried to let Alex cry this am (woke at 5:45), but unfortunately, I wound up with a migraine (I get them pretty damn bad) at 6:30am, even had to have DH come hom to help me w/ her. Happy to say I'm feeling better 7 hours later, but I wasn't able to try my CIO thing today.Chat Icon
Another thing, our house is kinda small & you can hear pretty much everything, so I surely can let her cry till 7, but I certainly won't be able to doze again, even w/ the monitor off!Chat Icon
And ANOTHER thing (oh yes), DH gets up for work when she's been waking lately, so with him getting ready & all the hustle & bustle of him running around, she will never go back down... I just can't win!!!!Chat Icon
There just is no answer.
Vent over.
Thanks so much everybody.Chat Icon

Message edited 2/28/2007 1:38:12 PM.

Posted 2/28/07 1:37 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Having Sleeping/Napping Issues- Could Use Your Input..

All I wanted to add is if you saw my posts for the first year, you'll know I had serious issues with Alex and sleeping. I'm telling you, the only real solution for us was a routine. Everyone's routine is different, and you;ll have to find what works for her, but pick one and stick with it for a few days. I've found that with Alex, the first 2 days are HORRID. Trying to adapt her to a new schedule or routine goes horribly, as expected for the first few days, so you should expect HELL. But after 2-3 days, they usually "get" the routine and fall into it...

So, either way, I think you need to pick a bedtime and wake up time that works within her parameters, and most importantly, pick a naptime and stick to it for a few days. For us, our routine is lunchtime at 12pm, naptime at 12:30pm (I think having lunch first helps - digestion makes them sleepy). We do this everyday, without fail. Some days she naps for an hour, other, rare days, she naps for three hours...

Even if she only naps for a half hour the first few days, get her used to the routine and see what happens.

Good luck! Chat Icon

Posted 2/28/07 2:56 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Having Sleeping/Napping Issues- Could Use Your Input..

I didn't read through all the responses, but I just wanted to say that my kids were always on the later end of naps and bed time, and it was just what the dictated to me and its worked. They go to bed around 9 (which is not late to me being I am a night owl, but compated to some kids who are in bed at 7, well it is!). They wake around 8:30-9 a.m. Naps are usually in the later afternoon, like now Chat Icon They nap from like 3-5. Eat dinner at 6:30-7 and in bed by 9. I would just let her dictate her sleep and see how it goes.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/28/07 3:03 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/06

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Re: Having Sleeping/Napping Issues- Could Use Your Input..

Maddy was a terrible napper. I just gave up... and then all of a sudden she started being predictable. I have no advice as it was nothign I did- and I tried everything you can think of...
Our place is really small and you can hear eveything. We play a white noise CD over and over so we can go about our business without having to tiptoe. Maybe Alex would do well with that? Maddy is a light sleeper. The white noise drives my mother and MIL insane( "how long are you going to keep doing that?" " Is that good for her?"), but it works. Now I even need it to go to sleep.

PS- are you a massage therapist? LMT?

Posted 2/28/07 3:57 PM

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