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Help!! 5 1/2 week old with colic and Reflux

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LIF Infant

Member since 7/05

65 total posts


Help!! 5 1/2 week old with colic and Reflux

does anyone have any suggestions, I don't know what to do anymore.

My son is 5 1/2 weeks old and was diagnosed with colic and reflux, and I'm dealing with PPD. He's on Axid and Nutremagin. His reflux sometimes is under control, but when he gets his episodes it's absoulutely torture. I hate having to feed him always waiting to see how he's going to react. Especially since he eats evey 2.5 hours. He either sleeps or cries, their's no middle. When he does sleep it's only in his bouncy( which isn't long) or in my arms. I am so sleep deprived, I don't eat and I am miserable.

I will take any advise or suggestions, please help.. I'm depserate.

Posted 12/14/06 10:22 AM
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Re: Help!! 5 1/2 week old with colic and Reflux

First of all Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon.

Both DDs have reflux, they were recently put on Zantac although they are still having episodes so I know what you mean. If we can't get them to burp we can't lay them down, so really I am at a loss as well. They just started the Zantac so I'm giving it a week, if by then it doesn't help I'm calling their pediatrician and I'll let you know what she says.

Posted 12/14/06 10:26 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Help!! 5 1/2 week old with colic and Reflux

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i have been there with the reflux and colic. for us, nutramigen did not help. once she was on elecare it got a little bit better. also, she was on axid but then maxed out on the dosage. she was put on zantac and has been doing better. i would have prefered for her to be on prevacid or zegarid, but thats a whole 'nother story. alot of docs wont prescribe a ppi.

some things that we did for the colic and reflux:

babywearing: i got a sling and wore her alot so she wouldnt cry. crying aggravates the reflux.

sleeping: she slept in her bouncer chair for 2 months before moving to the crib. then we put in a crib wedge and that seems to help.

uncontrolable crying: i would run water or the hair dryer to get her to stop.

gas: used mylicon in every bottle. also moved her legs and used a warm compress to her belly.

middle of the night feedings: my dh and i split the night. i too suffered from PPD. i had a breakdown when she was 1 month old from being so sleep deprived. this way i could get some sleep at night. i did the 10-3 shift and dh did the 3-7 shift.

help: i got alot of help from my mom. i dont know what i would have done without her. she came almost everyday and a few nights too.

i had alot of problems with breastfeeding that added to my PDD. once i weaned her off it helped alot.

i hope this helps! hang in there!

Posted 12/14/06 10:31 AM

Life is good!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Help!! 5 1/2 week old with colic and Reflux

I am so sorry for you- dd was the same way, also with colic and reflux.

I used to dread feeding her because it was so awful. She ended up on zantac and enfamil lactose free after many trials.

She also was either asleep strapped to my chest or screaming- she would scream for hours at a time, and most of the day and night.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Hang in there- it gets better I promise! I know how hard it is, you feel like you are going to lose it. And even though you feel like your baby is always miserable, one day dd started smiling. It will happen!

Fm me if you need anything, even just to vent.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/14/06 10:31 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

1977 total posts


Re: Help!! 5 1/2 week old with colic and Reflux

OH boy do I feel your pain. Ryan was the same. How long is your son on Nutramigen and Axid? It can take some time to see total improvement...and even after he feels better it still may take a few more weeks for him to settle down. I noticed a change around 9-10 wks. Not every day, but we got a good day here and there and then they became more consistent at like 11-12 weeks. He is now 3.5 months and is an angel - you will get there it is Soooooooo hard when they are little and you are probably still recovering and dealing w/PPD - that is an element I did not have to deal with and as it was I thought I was going to lose it on a daily basis. I KNOW It seems like things will never get better, but it DOES, it SO does. (I wanted to kill people when they told me this...)

When he is screaming lay his head in the crook of your elbow w/him facing the floor (head slightly turned). His belly is then supported by your forearm and your hand is holding him between the legs. Bounce and pat his back w/your other hand. The ped showed me this and it worked for us sometimes. (The pressure on their belly helps w/gas)

I also found that taking him into a dark room (his bathroom worked well because I could put the bath fan on, he liked the noise) and shhhshing him while he was swaddled and I bounced him worked well. He would scream so much that he did not sleep, and became overtired. It was a nightmare....please FM if you need to talk many of us have been there Chat Icon but it will not last forever!!

Posted 12/14/06 10:32 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/06

583 total posts


Re: Help!! 5 1/2 week old with colic and Reflux

I know how you feel , sister, I've been there ! Chat Icon

The Nutramigen worked almost instantly for Madeline, but that was just us. Some people it takes a few days. The Zantac took a good week and a half- 2 weeks. Ugh.
The PP suggestion of babywearing is great, that really helped me. I had a Baby Bjorn that she would be content in for a pretty good amt of time.
I never did this b/c it was 14 degrees when she was little, but a friend of mine suggested to bring the baby outside. The cooler air sometimes settles them down, its good for you , and the screaming either stops or just doesn't seem as loud against the sounds of the rest of the world.
Another thing that worked for Madeline, and I'll never know why, was running down our long hallway, holding her close to me and saying "wheeeeeeeeeeeee". I spent way more time than I care to admit doing this. My neighbors probably think I am crazy.

When I reached my limit, I took her in the car. This worked 90% of the time.

It may get worse before it gets better, but it does get better. Chat Icon

Posted 12/14/06 10:38 AM

Life is good!

Member since 5/05

8369 total posts


Re: Help!! 5 1/2 week old with colic and Reflux

Also wanted to add for baby wearing, which was a LIFESAVER- I got this. It was better for her then the bjorn that I used when she got bigger. It is softer and holds the baby to you more snugly, she liked it a lot better.
I bought it at bru.
External Image


Message edited 12/14/2006 10:43:40 AM.

Posted 12/14/06 10:43 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/05

65 total posts


Re: Help!! 5 1/2 week old with colic and Reflux

Thanks everyone- I'm at my witts end.

In the hospital he was on the Enfamil lipill, then we switched to Good start, but he started projectiling and really spitting up so he was put on the on Nutremagin. I didn't really want him to switch so many times, but something had to be done. He's on the Axid since the day after Thanksgiving (he's currently on a high dosage due to his size- at 1 month he was up to 10 pound- born 8 pounds- so I don't thin they'll increase the amount since he's taking it 3x a day) and the Nutremagin he's on since Thanksgiving weekend.
The doctor said since he doesn't have bllod in his stool, she would'nt put him on elecare or the other one neo??? the only other thing would be to thicken his formula with cereal which she really doesn't want to do. But if it continues, he'll probably have to go for a GI series which I'm dreading.

He doesn't burp either, so that makes it that much worse- so before you turn around it's feeding time again. when he does get his episodes I then have to give him pedialtye with his formula.

It's torture-Sorry for the vent- my husband only deals with it for one feeding and I'm dealing with it all day and night.

Posted 12/14/06 10:46 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

917 total posts


Re: Help!! 5 1/2 week old with colic and Reflux

Have you tried the Miracle Blanket? It helps you swaddle the baby so they cannot get out of it (but not to the point that they are tied down!) which helps with colic. If you would like mine, I bought it when DS was born, but by the time we got it we realized he really just didn't like his arms being down at his sides, and once we let him sleep with his arms over his head he was fine. I think they're about $45.00. I have one that we don't use anymore, we used it about 3x total, and I will ship it to you for half that if you'd like? I was going to sell it on ebay otherwise.

Also you may want to consider getting a sling. Or if you have the baby bjorn but I think a sling would be more comfortable for both of you. I think the website for slings is
The Baby Wearer That may also help w/ the colic.

Holding the baby like a football also helps, with your palm under his/her tummy.

Good luck and let me know if you want the Miracle Blanket

Posted 12/14/06 10:50 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/05

65 total posts


Re: Help!! 5 1/2 week old with colic and Reflux

i have the miracle blanket, and he doesn't like to be swadddled anymore. I thought of the baby slings, but he doesn't like to be held with his feet dangling, he likes more of a cradled position.

I play lullabye and classical music, and i found aCD that plays all the white noise (vacuum, hairdryer) this only works temporarily. As for drives, it's a mission to get out of the house, especially being so sleep deprived and his eating schedule. I do try and go for walks with him, but that only works a little.

Posted 12/14/06 11:05 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

1977 total posts


Re: Help!! 5 1/2 week old with colic and Reflux

Unfortunately anything you try will probably just work temporarily at this point - but at least it's some relief. You are at the peak of fussiness right now (6 wks) - so in like 2 weeks time things should SLOWLY start to improve. Can DH give you a night off here and there. You need more help then just taking over 1 feeding!

Posted 12/14/06 11:10 AM

Mrs. Patticakes

Member since 9/06

17330 total posts


Re: Help!! 5 1/2 week old with colic and Reflux

My twin nephews went through this, one more than the other. One is still having a slight problem but I have heard rave reviews about Zantac over Axid. Also, are you using Dr. Brown's bottles? They made a big difference. Good luck!!

Posted 12/14/06 11:12 AM


Member since 5/05

2423 total posts


Re: Help!! 5 1/2 week old with colic and Reflux

AXID and ZANTAC are weight sensitive. you have to increase the doseage as they gain weight. what dose is he on and how much does he weigh?

Posted 12/14/06 11:13 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/05

65 total posts


Re: Help!! 5 1/2 week old with colic and Reflux

he's was 10 pounds at his 1 month check-up. he's on 1ml in the morning, .8 in the afternoon and 1.2ml at night.

And i'm using Dr. Brown's, i thought their was no difference between axid and zantac except for the taste.

Posted 12/14/06 11:19 AM


Member since 5/05

2423 total posts


Re: Help!! 5 1/2 week old with colic and Reflux

there are slight differences between axid and zantac.

when hannah was 10 lbs she was on 1.5 of zantac 3x a day. she is 12 lbs now and is on 1.7 3x a day. just keep an eye out on his symptoms and dosage. if hes really spitting up alot, you may need to adjust the meds. speak to your doctor of course.

Posted 12/14/06 11:28 AM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

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Re: Help!! 5 1/2 week old with colic and Reflux

My son has both reflux and colic. It has gotten MUCH better now that he is getting older, but last night he had a rough night.
I usually hold him close to my tummy and his and bounce him up and down walking..and that calms him. A pacifier helps as well.
Have you tried a swing?? That ha been OUR LIFESAVER!!!!
My son is also on Nutramigen.
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Posted 12/14/06 11:41 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/05

65 total posts


Re: Help!! 5 1/2 week old with colic and Reflux

Thanks everyone for the advice. I really appreciate it.

I'll try anything!!

Posted 12/17/06 12:03 PM

I love my sister!!!!!!

Member since 3/06

2100 total posts


Re: Help!! 5 1/2 week old with colic and Reflux

We went through SIX formulas before we saw a difference in DS! We finally ended up on Neocate. It was a lifesaver. He took that with zantac 2x a day!

Posted 12/17/06 2:08 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/06

583 total posts


Re: Help!! 5 1/2 week old with colic and Reflux

Why doesn't your pedi want to add the rice to the bottle? We did that with Madeline ( with the Nutramigen) and that seemed to help.
I started off doing everything my pedi told me. After a while I found my maternal instincts were the best 'doctor'.
If you think the rice cereal will help, try it. We've been giving it to Maddy since she was about your sons age.
Hope things are gettnig better- I so know what you are going through...

Message edited 12/17/2006 3:50:02 PM.

Posted 12/17/06 3:49 PM

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