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help! Im in a panic..need birthday ideas!!!

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LIF Infant

Member since 8/05

180 total posts


help! Im in a panic..need birthday ideas!!!

We never had information on Paulos' birthday, we are pretty sure Biruks is Dec 2, because of his heart surgery in the past, but I asked Paulos when he wanted his birthday to be and he said "when snow come" we chose Nov. 20th, because thats when I first saw his face..but yesterday, I was able to communicate with his aunt in Ethiopia and she confirmed that Paulos's birthday was September 11th, 1996!!! Whats ironic, is that day is the Ethiopian New it falls on a holiday! Anyhow, I told him this last night, that hs is 9 now and that we will celebrate..I want to have a small party..cant afford alot, but need suggestions..where are some places that do fun parties reasonaly inexepenisively?

The exciting news is my parents and brother are coming for my nephews christening, so they will be able to celebrate his birthday! He is so excited, he is bouncing off of the walls!!! He has never blown out candle and cant wait to have his cake! He is telling everyone its his birthday and after scoring the winning goal today at soccer, he passed out cupcakes and the team sang to him..he gets so happy..anyhow..I need ideas!!!
I was thinking of just renting a sopt at a park, let the children play soccer and run wild, grill, etc and play a few games..but if anyone has any good ideas..please let me in apanic..I wasnt expecting this..but want to make it very special for him!!! Thanks

Posted 9/24/05 8:35 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: help! Im in a panic..need birthday ideas!!!

I think the park sounds like it would be a lot of fun for him. Or maybe a bowling party? My cousin had one for his 9th & 10th birthdays, and the kids had a lot of fun. I don't know how much that costs though.

Posted 9/24/05 8:45 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: help! Im in a panic..need birthday ideas!!!

I think a party in a park will be a great idea. Remember that anything you do will be so special to him!

I've taken my class on picnics and have done a couple things they like- I did a peanut hunt and a scavenger hunt. I bought a few bags of circus peanuts and painted a couple red, then scattered them about. The kids who found the red peanuts got little prizes. I made a list of things they'd find outside for the scavenget hunt and gave prizes again. The kids got a kick out of it and the prizes were just little dollar store things. Maybe they'd like something like that.

Posted 9/24/05 8:46 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/05

180 total posts


Re: help! Im in a panic..need birthday ideas!!!

what a wonderful idea!!! Thanks!!!!!! Very much!!!
there really wont be alot of children, probably just a few friends from the oprhanage of his that were adopted and are living in NY and two boys that I know..the rest will be adults!!!

Posted 9/24/05 8:50 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: help! Im in a panic..need birthday ideas!!!

what about a local pizza place allowing you to come make your own pizzas???

Posted 9/24/05 9:19 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/05

180 total posts


Re: help! Im in a panic..need birthday ideas!!!

Cool idea...Ive never even heard of that..but I love it!! Ill call around...thanks!!!!

Posted 9/24/05 10:23 PM

But I love the Snow!

Member since 5/05

15379 total posts


Re: help! Im in a panic..need birthday ideas!!!

Posted by btrflygrl

what about a local pizza place allowing you to come make your own pizzas???

when I was younger dominos let us do that

Posted 9/24/05 11:03 PM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

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Re: help! Im in a panic..need birthday ideas!!!

What time of year are you planning on having the party? November or around this time?

I love the park idea. I would just be concerned about the weather so look for some place that has some protection in case it rain. I love the "old" fashion parties where you play games like Pin the Tail on the Donkey and Musical Chairs. Kids today don't know what they are missing.

Posted 9/25/05 9:22 AM

Come on in

Member since 5/05

9674 total posts


Re: help! Im in a panic..need birthday ideas!!!

Way to go Paulos on scoring the winning goal.

The park idea sounds like a blast. It gives the kids a chance to be just that kids. Run around, chase each other, play soccer, baseball, and have a blast.

You can go with a whole outdoor theme. "bug juice," (fruit punch) hamburgers, hotdogs, scavenger hunt, etc...

If you are really good at baking you can do 2 cakes. One cake that looks like a soccer ball and a regular cake. Little touches like the musical candle I am sure he'll get a kick out of.

No matter what you do he will think it's the best and very special.

Posted 9/25/05 11:47 AM


Member since 5/05

15952 total posts


Re: help! Im in a panic..need birthday ideas!!!

Awwwww... what a wonderful story. I think it's so cute that he can't wait to see snow. He might not feel that way 15 years from now when he has to commute to workChat Icon

A soccer themed party would be great. Maybe they could run drills on the field and you can give out "little" prizes for the winners. Do you have a Dollar Store near you? I would go there for the prizes.

If you can't find cheap soccer plates, napkins etc. you can just buy black and white as that's usually the color of the soccer balls. Black plates and cups should be in plenty supply due to Halloween coming up.

It might wind up being cheaper to go to a bowling alley or some other place that does everything for you. Usually it's $15-20 a kid but will include a snack and all you have to do is bring the cake. I suggest Costco of BJ's... good cake and very cheap.

Yes, I second the old fashioned games. Musical chairs is so much fun. Ask people if they have any folding chairs you can borrow. All you need is that an a boom box.

Posted 9/25/05 11:49 AM

Come on in

Member since 5/05

9674 total posts


Re: help! Im in a panic..need birthday ideas!!!

I think the bowling party would be good too because they probably never gone bowling before so this will be something new to them. See if you can get the bumpers for them.

What a lucky little boy Paulos is. He's going to have a wonderful birthday party.

Posted 9/25/05 11:55 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/05

180 total posts


Re: help! Im in a panic..need birthday ideas!!!

You guys are all wonderful!!! Thank you for your ideas!!!!
Right now Im thinking of having a sleepover and take the boys either to a minor league basball game locally, they do birthday parties..or take them bowling..I need to see how many children will actually be able to sleep over..Paulos is so excited..its all he talks about!

Posted 9/25/05 7:45 PM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: help! Im in a panic..need birthday ideas!!!

wow!! All the ideas sound great. I have nothing else to add- but whatever you do, it will be such a special birthday! The love and care you give these kids is so special- and they know it ; ) That's why they are so happy!

Its so funny to think about the things we (as kids) and kids today take for granted- blowing out candles on a birthday cake! It must be so wonderful to be experiencing all this through your children's eyes.

Posted 9/26/05 10:36 AM

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