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LIF Infant

Member since 1/12 57 total posts
Help me decipher cruise line's pregnancy policy...
Ok, my husband and I really want to go on a babymoon. Our ideal vacay would be a cruise.
I cannot go anywhere until June 28th (I'm a teacher). There's a cruise leaving July 1st out of NYC which is awesome because we live in NYC (yay for no flights!).
I start my 24th week of pregnancy on June 28th. My 24th week would end on July 4th.
Will they let me go? I don't think so...? See the policy below...
PREGNANCY POLICY Pregnant women are only allowed to sail if pregnant for 24 completed weeks or less at time of cruise disembarkation. All pregnant women are required to produce a physician’s letter stating that mother and baby are in good health, fit to travel and the pregnancy is not high-risk. The letter must also include the estimated date of delivery (EDD).
Posted 5/20/12 8:11 AM |
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Member since 12/09 1143 total posts
Name: Dianne
Re: Help me decipher cruise line's pregnancy policy...
How long is the cruise? Sounds like they would only allow it if the cruise ended on or before July 4th. Which would be the completion of your 24th week.
Posted 5/20/12 9:07 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/10 1904 total posts
Re: Help me decipher cruise line's pregnancy policy...
Maybe show this to your dr and see what they can do for you?
Posted 5/20/12 9:16 AM |
LIF Infant

Member since 1/12 57 total posts
Re: Help me decipher cruise line's pregnancy policy...
Posted by popabubble
How long is the cruise? Sounds like they would only allow it if the cruise ended on or before July 4th. Which would be the completion of your 24th week.
8 days...
That's what I was thinking too...
Posted 5/20/12 9:27 AM |
LIF Infant

Member since 1/12 57 total posts
Re: Help me decipher cruise line's pregnancy policy...
Posted by Sweetlax22
Maybe show this to your dr and see what they can do for you?
Would you cruise if you were in your 25th week?
I'm low-risk...
I'm going to talk to him at my next appt
Posted 5/20/12 9:29 AM |
s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07 42079 total posts
Name: LB
Re: Help me decipher cruise line's pregnancy policy...
From what I understand, disembarkation means returning from the cruise, so you would need to be 24 completed weeks or less (as in starting your 25th week) when returning home. However, due dates are so subjective, to change it by a day or two might not be an issue for the doctor's office. I'd ask them.
Posted 5/20/12 9:30 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/10 1904 total posts
Re: Help me decipher cruise line's pregnancy policy...
Posted by NotMe
Posted by Sweetlax22
Maybe show this to your dr and see what they can do for you?
Would you cruise if you were in your 25th week?
I'm low-risk...
I'm going to talk to him at my next appt
I'm a non prego crasher, so I don't know!
Posted 5/20/12 9:49 AM |
Bunny kisses are so cute!
Member since 5/05 19461 total posts
Name: L
Re: Help me decipher cruise line's pregnancy policy...
You have to be back in your home port (i.e. the end of the cruise) before the end of your 24th week. Just as an FYI most cruise lines will require a written letter from your OBGYN if you are visibly pregnant before you can get on board. Contact your OBGYN as I am sure they have written these types of letters before. Once you have the letter from your OBGYN, then you will need to contact the cruise line to see if they want you to fax it in before the cruise or just bring it to the dock.
Two years ago it was 26 weeks - I wonder why the change. It must be for insurance purposes.
ETA: Cruise insurance most likely does not help if you need to cancel a trip due to a pregnancy. I had to cancel because I had major pregnancy complications - we booked before I was PG. It took a lot of time to get the money back but we eventually did. It was only due to the complications itself, and not due to the fact that I was merely pregnant that we were able to get our money.
Message edited 5/20/2012 12:08:34 PM.
Posted 5/20/12 12:04 PM |
different, not less
Member since 7/09 13160 total posts
Re: Help me decipher cruise line's pregnancy policy...
when i cruise a few months ago, i had to sign something saying I would be less than 25 weeks pregnant at the time we disembarked... so basically you would have to make sure you did not hit 25 weeks by the time your cruise was over.
Posted 5/20/12 1:03 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/08 1005 total posts
Name: Chris
Re: Help me decipher cruise line's pregnancy policy...
I cruised last year while I was pregnant, Carnival will ask for a written consent from your OB, in fact i was flagged as special needs throughout the entire cruise, each time my card was swiped while getting on and off the ship an alarm sounded notifying whoever swiped my card. I was told by the staff that it is because the cruise lines don't have the facilities on board should you experience complications, and I guess they feel the farther along you are the more chance of that happening
Posted 5/20/12 1:25 PM |