My DS just truned 3 a month ago. He has been peeing on the potty for months. It wasnt bad at all, really easy to get him to do it.

I cant get the kid to poop on there at all.

Overnight he wears a pull up to bed just in case. Every morning he gets up and pees. Is dry. I leave the pull up on and he poops. I change him to underwear and he goes about the day.
If during the day he has to poop again, he asks me for a pull up! He knows he has to go and just wont sit on any thing I have.

I tried a Spidey insert for the toilet. I put a bench under his feet so he wasnt dangling. I tried a lil Froggy toilet. No poop. Gets off and goes in the pull up

Next is bribery. I will get something he really wants and give it to him after he poops on the potty.

Any other ideas? Chat Icon