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Hi - Newbie 80 (yes 80!) and provera...

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Girl & boy

Member since 6/09

2357 total posts


Hi - Newbie 80 (yes 80!) and provera...

Hi girls…newbie here I posted a lot on LIW and have lurked on here for some time now. Just hoping to share a brief history on myself and get some or your thoughts/advice…(tried doing this on the bump . com and they are mean and awful to newbies over there)…
Was on BCP for 15 yrs – went on it as a teenager to help regulate my very irregular cycles.
Just went off BCP in November ’08. First 2 cycles were long but seemed normal for me, they were 42 days long. 3rd cycle was more like 50 days and now I’m at 80 days with no AF. Had a regular check up last night and dr. prescribed me provera. I was on this as a teen before ever going on BCP and I remember it worked and brought on AF. Don’t remember having any bad side effects from it.

Would like to say DH and I started TTC between last cycle and now but with no AF I don’t think I ever ovulated so don’t even know if these past 2 months of BD every other day even counts as officially TTC.

These past few days I actually thought I may be either ovulating or getting AF…have had some cramping but nothing. Took OPK and nothing there and still no AF.

My doctor said I can start the provera whenever I want. Was thinking I’d start it right away but we have a family wedding in 2 weeks (I'll be in photos) and honestly don’t want to gain weight or be bloated or be major PMS-ing around the wedding.

My concern here is….do we stop having sex if I’ll be starting provera in 2 weeks? I know you are not supposed to take that while pregnant what if by chance I do ovulate in the next 2 weeks and I don’t realize it…do BD and then start Provera…would be a nervous wreck if I got pregnant and didn’t know and took the Provera.

Just confused…not sure if I should just start the Provera now or wait the 2 weeks.
Sorry I am rambling…just looking for some advice/thoughts.
ALSO…my last question is let’s say I start the provera and get AF a few days later. When do I know to use a OPK? Since my cycles were long before…will they be long after provera? Just so unsure how to figure when I’ll be ovulating without taking an OPK every day – we all know they’re a fortune!

THANKS in advance girls….I know I’m safe here and won’t get beat up the way I did on the bump . com!

Posted 6/19/09 5:05 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Hi - Newbie 80 (yes 80!) and provera...

What to expect says provera is not such a big deal and that a lot of women end up taking it even when pregnant and that the rates of issues is the same as in women who didn't take provera, but if I were you, I'd ask your doctor, and then I might not do it anyway because I'm a worrier by nature.

I had long cycles too though I never went past 60 days - I would buy the OPKs that come 20 to a pack and test for weeks, starting only a little late as I didn't want to miss it. They rarely worked for me - only once actually - though my doctor confirmed I was ovulating so just be aware of that.

Posted 6/19/09 8:30 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/08

1440 total posts


Re: Hi - Newbie 80 (yes 80!) and provera...


Do you have any diagnosis as to why your cycles are long now and have always been irregular? Are you seeing a RE? If not, I would definitely suggest going to one. Has your doctor tested all of your hormones or done a sonogram? All things to consider...

As for provera, I have taken it 3 times and have not had any side effects at all from it. The first time, I got AF after 3 days of stopping the pill, the second time, 7 days, the third time 4 days. I never felt bloated or gained any weight. I have a high prolactin level which causes my estrogen to stay low.

When I first started provera, I was also afraid of getting pregnant and then starting it. I ended up taking it anyway and BDing as normal. I would check with your doctor and do what you feel comfortable with. GL!

Posted 6/20/09 11:11 AM

life is good

Member since 10/06

9258 total posts


Re: Hi - Newbie 80 (yes 80!) and provera...

My doctor told me that 100% you should not be pregnant while taking Provera.

Posted 6/20/09 2:37 PM

Girl & boy

Member since 6/09

2357 total posts


Re: Hi - Newbie 80 (yes 80!) and provera...

Thanks girls for the replies...appreciate it.

Not seeing RE yet - just very recently went off BP and started TTC. Expected my cycles to be crazy at first so I'll wait it out a little before seeing RE. Dr. has not done any sonogram or tests yet - said to give it another month before we get into that.

Thanks again!

Posted 6/23/09 11:18 AM


Member since 1/08

12702 total posts


Re: Hi - Newbie 80 (yes 80!) and provera...

Considering your cycles were so irregular before BCP, it sounds like you may have PCOS. Taking Provera will bring on AF this month, but so nothing for next month and so on. It will not regulate you. Your best bet is to have testing done by your OB or an RE (which I personally think would be better). You should have CD3 and CD21 blood tests done to check your hormone levels and have a sono done to check for usual PCOS symptoms.

FM with any questions.

Posted 6/23/09 12:53 PM

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